
Wait the upgrade task of collector complete

Wait the upgrade task to complete and return the result of upgrade

An instance of SumoAPISession which contains API endpoint and credential

The id of upgrade task in long

The interval of refreshing status in milliseconds, default is 500

If set, the status of upgrade will not be printed on console

Wait-UpgradeTask -Id 78912
Blocking current session until the upgrade task 78912 complete and return the result

Start-UpgradeTask -CollectorId 12345 -Version 19.216-22 | Wait-UpgradeTask
Submit upgrade request on collector 12345 to version 19.216-22 and wait it complete

Get-UpgradeableCollector | Start-UpgradeTask | Wait-UpgradeTask
Submit upgrade requests on all available collectors to latest version and wait them complete

PSObject to present collector upgrade task(s)

PSObject to present collector upgrade task(s)

You can pre-load the API credential with New-SumoSession cmdlet in script or passing in with Session parameter



function Wait-UpgradeTask {
    [SumoAPISession]$Session = $sumoSession,
    [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)]
    [long]$RefreshMs = 500,
  begin {
    $ids = @()
  process {
    $ids += $UpgradeId
  end {
    if ($ids.Count -eq 1) {
      waitForSingleUpgrade -Session $Session -UpgradeId $ids[0] -RefreshMs $RefreshMs -$Quiet $Quiet
    } else {
      waitForMultipleUpgrades -Session $Session -UpgradeIds $ids -RefreshMs $RefreshMs -$Quiet $Quiet
    $ids | ForEach-Object {
      Get-UpgradeTask -Session $Session -UpgradeId $_