
    .VERSION 1.1
    .GUID 09adead3-5a12-4461-92b5-6b0adf8fc50e
    .TAGS GalSync ContactSync OneToManyHYBRID ExchangeOnline
    .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES ExchangeOnlineManagement / Onprem Exchange Shell
        FullSync, GroupSync & UpdateGuestUser included
        Script reads recipients from each OU and create contacts in the respective tenants.
    Each OU should uniquely identify a department & domain
        Address Lists should be precreated in the tenant
        # GUIDE #
        # SCRIPT PATH #
            Script should be copied to C:\POWERSHELL\Sync-GalToMultipleTenants folder. Path can be changed using $ScriptPath variable
        # FILES #
            Script Requires 2 CSV files (Tenants.csv & OUSyncMaps.csv) in the \Configs Subfolder
            Tenants.csv # Sample File
            OuSyncMaps.csv # Sample File
                DEPT1_CODE,OU=Sync,OU=First Department,OU=HOSTING,DC=techposs,DC=internal,
                DEPT2_CODE,OU=Sync,OU=Second Department,OU=HOSTING,DC=techposs,DC=internal,
    # MODULES #
            OnPremise Exchange Management Shell should be instlledin the server
            Latest ExchangeOnlineManagement Modules should be installed in the Server
    # CERTS #
            Certificate should be installed in the user store/
            -FullSync - Compares each contact in the tenant./ use -FullSync Switch
            -NoGroupSync - Do not create contact for each group object / use -NoGroupSync Switch
            -UpdateGuestUser - Update the mail users came from Azure AD guest user / use -UpdateGuestUser switch

    param (

function Get-Now ()
    $now = (Get-Date).DateTime
    Return ($now).ToString()
function Add-ExContact {
    param (
        $Unique = Get-Random -Minimum 10000 -Maximum 99999
        $Name = ""
        $Name = $Contact.DisplayName + "_" + $Unique
        if ($Name.Length -gt 62)
            $Name = $Name.Substring(0,62)
        New-MailContact -Name $Name -DisplayName $Contact.DisplayName -Alias ($Contact.PrimarySmtpAddress.local).tostring() -ExternalEmailAddress ($Contact.PrimarySmtpAddress).tostring() -ErrorAction Stop 
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 0.5
        if ( $Contact.Type -notlike "*Group")
            Get-Contact ($Contact.PrimarySmtpAddress).tostring() | Set-Contact -Title $Contact.Title -Company $Contact.Company -Department $Contact.Department -Office $Contact.Office -Phone $Contact.Phone 
        $X500 = $null
        $X500 = "X500:" + $Contact.LegacyExchangeDN
        Get-MailContact ($Contact.PrimarySmtpAddress).tostring() | Set-MailContact -CustomAttribute12 $Contact.OU -CustomAttribute13 $Contact.Type -CustomAttribute14 $TimeStamp -CustomAttribute15 $DeptCode -Emailaddresses @{Add=$X500}
        (Get-Now) + ": Created NEW Contact :: " + $Contact.PrimarySmtpAddress | Out-File $TenantLogFile -Append
        (Get-Now) + ": Failed to Create or Update Contact :: " + $Contact.PrimarySmtpAddress + "`r`n" + $Error[0] | Out-File $TenantLogFile -Append
function Update-ExContact {
    param (
        if ( $Contact.Type -notlike "*Group")
            Get-Contact ($Contact.PrimarySmtpAddress).tostring() | Set-Contact -Title $Contact.Title -Company $Contact.Company -Department $Contact.Department -Office $Contact.Office -Phone $Contact.Phone 
        #Start-Sleep -Seconds 0.5
        $X500 = $null
        $X500 = "X500:" + $Contact.LegacyExchangeDN
        Get-MailContact ($Contact.PrimarySmtpAddress).tostring() | Set-MailContact -DisplayName $Contact.DisplayName -CustomAttribute12 $Contact.OU -CustomAttribute13 $Contact.Type -CustomAttribute14 $TimeStamp -CustomAttribute15 $DeptCode -Emailaddresses @{Add=$X500} 
        (Get-Now) + ": Updated the Contact :: " + $Contact.PrimarySmtpAddress | Out-File $TenantLogFile -Append
        (Get-Now) + ": Failed to Update Contact :: " + $Contact.PrimarySmtpAddress + "`r`n" + $Error[0] | Out-File $TenantLogFile -Append
function Remove-ExContact {
    param (
        Remove-MailContact $Contact -Confirm:$false  -ErrorAction Stop
        (Get-Now) + ": Removed Contact :: " + $Contact | Out-File $TenantLogFile -Append
        (Get-Now) + ": Failed to Remove Contact :: " + $Contact + "`r`n" + $Error[0] | Out-File $TenantLogFile -Append

########################### SET THE SCRIPT PATH #####################################

$ScriptPath = "C:\SCHEDULER\Sync-GalToMultipleTenants"  
Set-Location $ScriptPath

########################### BEGIN CODE #####################################

#$Rand = Get-Random -min 1000000000
$TimeStamp = Get-Now

########################### READ THE TENANTS INFO FILE #####################################

if ( $null -eq (Get-Item "$ScriptPath\Configs" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue))
    New-Item -Path $ScriptPath -Name "Configs" -ItemType "Directory" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    New-Item -Path "$ScriptPath\Configs\" -Name "CONFIG.txt" -ItemType "file" -Value "Tenants.CSV and OUSyncMaps.CSV Should be Placed in this Folder" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$Year =  ( Get-Date ).ToString('yyyy')
$Name = ( Get-Date ).ToString('MM') + " " + ( Get-Date ).ToString('MMMM')
$LogPath ="$ScriptPath" + "\Logs\" + $Year + "\" + $Name
if ( (Test-Path $LogPath) -eq $false )
    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $Logpath -ErrorAction Stop
$Name = ( Get-Date ).ToString('yyMMdd-HHmmss-fff-')
$LogFile = "$Logpath\" + $Name + "io.log"
$ConnectLogFile = "$LogPath\" + $Name + "connections.log"
$ReadOULogFile = "$LogPath\" + $Name + "ou_processing.log"
    $Tenants = $null
    $Tenants = Import-Csv "$ScriptPath\Configs\Tenants.csv" -ErrorAction Stop
     (Get-Now) + "`r`nError Reading TENANT INFORMATION File`r`n"  + $Error[0] + "`r`n" | Out-File $LogFile -Append

########################### READ THE TENANTS/OU SYNC MAP FILE #####################################
    $SyncMaps = $null
    $SyncMaps = Import-Csv "$ScriptPath\Configs\OUSyncMaps.csv" -ErrorAction Stop
    (Get-Now) + "`r`nError Reading SYNC MAP File`r`n" + $Error[0] + "`r`n" | Out-File $LogFile -Append 
########################### LOAD THE EXCHANGE PS MODULES #####################################
Disconnect-ExchangeOnline -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell* -ErrorAction Stop
    (Get-Now) + "`r`nError Loading Exchange OnPremise Management Shell. `r`n" + $Error[0] + "`r`n" | Out-File $ConnectLogFile -Append

########################### BEGIN FOREACH - READ THE MAILOXES OF EACH OU :: SyncMaps.csv ###################################

$Index = 0
foreach ( $SyncMapRow in $SyncMaps )
    ########################### SKIP OUs SET AS GLOBAL HIDE #####################################
        $Progress  = (($Index + 1) / $SyncMaps.Count) * 100
        Set-Variable "OuContacts$Index" -Value $null
        $Progress  = $Index + 1
    Write-Progress -Activity "Recipient Import from AD" -Status ("Processing " + ($Index+1) + " of " + ($SyncMaps.Count) + ": OU : " + $SyncMapRow.ADOU) -PercentComplete  $Progress
    if ( $SyncMapRow.GlobalHide -eq "TRUE" )
        (Get-Now) + ": Skipping the Department OU :: Department set to Global Hide : " + $SyncMapRow.ADOU + "`r`n" | Out-File $ReadOULogFile -Append 

    ########################### READ FROM OU FOR MAILBOXES #####################################
    (Get-Now) + ": BEGIN Reading Recipient information from the Department OU : " + $SyncMapRow.ADOU | Out-File $ReadOULogFile -Append  
        $OuMailboxes = $null
        $OuMailboxes = Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited -OrganizationalUnit $SyncMapRow.ADOU -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object {$_.HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled -eq $false} | Select-Object DisplayName,PrimarySmtpAddress,LegacyExchangeDN,UserPrincipalName,RecipientTypeDetails,OrganizationalUnit | Sort-Object PrimarySmtpAddress 
        #$OuMailboxes = Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited -OrganizationalUnit $SyncMapRow.ADOU -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object {$_.HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled -eq $false} | Select-Object DisplayName,UserPrincipalName,SamAccountName,PrimarySmtpAddress,CustomAttribute10,CustomAttribute11,CustomAttribute12,CustomAttribute13,CustomAttribute14,OrganizationalUnit,Database,LegacyExchangeDN | Sort-Object PrimarySmtpAddress
        $OuContacts = $null
        $OuContacts = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
        $OuMailboxes | Foreach-Object{
            [String]$Upn = ""
            [String]$Upn = $_.UserPrincipalName
            Write-Verbose "Extracting Recipient Information $Upn" 
            $MbxUsr = $null
            #$AdUsr = $null
            if ( $Upn -eq "" -or $null -eq $Upn)
                (Get-Now) + ": Error:: Invalid UserPrincipalName. Skipping the Mailbox : " + $_.DisplayName + " " + $_.PrimarySmtpAddress | Out-File $ReadOULogFile -Append
                $Mbxusr = Get-User $Upn | Select-Object FirstName,LastName,Title,Department,Company,Office,Phone,Manager
                #$AdUsr = Get-AdUser -Filter { UserprincipalName -eq $Upn } -Properties *
            $ContactEntry = $null
            if ( $null -eq $MbxUsr )
                $ContactEntry = [PSCustomObject]@{
                    DisplayName = $_.DisplayName
                    PrimarySmtpAddress = $_.PrimarySmtpAddress
                    LegacyExchangeDN = $_.LegacyExchangeDN
                    Type = $_.RecipientTypeDetails
                    OU = $_.OrganizationalUnit
                    FirstName = ""
                    LastName = ""
                    Title = ""
                    Department = ""
                    Company = ""
                    Office = ""
                    Phone = ""
                $ContactEntry = [PSCustomObject]@{
                    DisplayName = $_.DisplayName
                    PrimarySmtpAddress = $_.PrimarySmtpAddress
                    LegacyExchangeDN = $_.LegacyExchangeDN
                    Type = $_.RecipientTypeDetails
                    OU = $_.OrganizationalUnit
                    #Name = $_.DisplayName
                    #UserPrincipalName = $_.UserPrincipalName
                    #SamAccountName = $_.SamAccountName
                    #CustomAttribute10 = $_.CustomAttribute10
                    #CustomAttribute11 = $_.CustomAttribute11
                    #CustomAttribute12 = $_.CustomAttribute12
                    #CustomAttribute13 = $_.CustomAttribute13
                    #CustomAttribute14 = $_.CustomAttribute14
                    FirstName = $MbxUsr.FirstName
                    LastName = $MbxUsr.LastName
                    Title = $MbxUsr.Title
                    Department = $MbxUsr.Department
                    Company = $MbxUsr.Company
                    Office = $MbxUsr.Office
                    Phone = $MbxUsr.Phone
                    #Manager = $MbxUsr.Manager
                    #$Section = $AdUsr.Division
                    #OfficePhone = $AdUsr.OfficePhone
                    #IPPhone = $AdUsr.IPPhone
                    #OtherPhone = $AdUsr.otherTelephone
                    #EmpID = $AdUsr.EmployeeID
                    #EmpNo = $AdUsr.EmployeeNumber
                    #Description = $AdUsr.Description
                    #Manager = $AdUsr.Manager
            $OuContacts.Add($ContactEntry) | Out-Null
        if ( ($OuMailboxes -is [System.Array]) -or ($null -eq $OuMailboxes) )
            (Get-Now) + ": Total Number of Mailboxes from OU : " + $OuMailboxes.count | Out-File $ReadOULogFile -Append             
            (Get-Now) + ": Total Number of Mailboxes from OU : 1 " | Out-File $ReadOULogFile -Append
        $OuMailboxes = $null
        $OuMailboxes = Get-RemoteMailbox -ResultSize Unlimited -OnPremisesOrganizationalUnit $SyncMapRow.ADOU -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object {$_.HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled -eq $false} | Select-Object DisplayName,PrimarySmtpAddress,LegacyExchangeDN,UserPrincipalName,RecipientTypeDetails,OnPremisesOrganizationalUnit | Sort-Object PrimarySmtpAddress 
        $OuMailboxes | Foreach-Object{
            [String]$Upn = ""
            [String]$Upn = $_.UserPrincipalName
            Write-Verbose "Extracting Recipient Information $Upn" 
            $MbxUsr = $null
            #$AdUsr = $null
            if ( $Upn -eq "" -or $null -eq $Upn)
                (Get-Now) + " Error: Invalid UserPrincipalName. Skipping the Remote Mailbox : " + $_.DisplayName + " " + $_.PrimarySmtpAddress | Out-File $ReadOULogFile -Append
                $Mbxusr = Get-User $Upn | Select-Object FirstName,LastName,Title,Department,Company,Office,Phone,Manager
                #$AdUsr = Get-AdUser -Filter { UserprincipalName -eq $Upn } -Properties *
            $ContactEntry = $null
            if ( $null -eq $MbxUsr )
                $ContactEntry = [PSCustomObject]@{
                    DisplayName = $_.DisplayName
                    PrimarySmtpAddress = $_.PrimarySmtpAddress
                    LegacyExchangeDN = $_.LegacyExchangeDN
                    Type = $_.RecipientTypeDetails
                    OU = $_.OnPremisesOrganizationalUnit
                    FirstName = ""
                    LastName = ""
                    Title = ""
                    Department = ""
                    Company = ""
                    Office = ""
                    Phone = ""
                $ContactEntry = [PSCustomObject]@{
                    DisplayName = $_.DisplayName
                    PrimarySmtpAddress = $_.PrimarySmtpAddress
                    LegacyExchangeDN = $_.LegacyExchangeDN
                    Type = $_.RecipientTypeDetails
                    OU = $_.OnPremisesOrganizationalUnit
                    FirstName = $MbxUsr.FirstName
                    LastName = $MbxUsr.LastName
                    Title = $MbxUsr.Title
                    Department = $MbxUsr.Department
                    Company = $MbxUsr.Company
                    Office = $MbxUsr.Office
                    Phone = $MbxUsr.Phone
           $OuContacts.Add($ContactEntry) | Out-Null
        if ( ($OuMailboxes -is [System.Array]) -or ($null -eq $OuMailboxes) )
            (Get-Now) + ": Total Number of Remote Mailboxes from OU : " + $OuMailboxes.count | Out-File $ReadOULogFile -Append
            (Get-Now) + ": Total Number of Remote Mailboxes from OU : 1 " | Out-File $ReadOULogFile -Append
        if (!$NoGroupSync)
            $OuGroups = $null
            $OuGroups = Get-DistributionGroup -ResultSize Unlimited -OrganizationalUnit $SyncMapRow.ADOU -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object { ($_.RecipientTypeDetails -ne "RoomList") -and ($_.HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled -eq $false) } | Select-Object DisplayName,PrimarySmtpAddress,LegacyExchangeDN,RecipientTypeDetails,OrganizationalUnit | Sort-Object PrimarySmtpAddress 
            $OuGroups | Foreach-Object{
                Write-Verbose "Extracting Recipient Information $_.PrimarySMTPAddress" 
                $ContactEntry = $null
                $ContactEntry = [PSCustomObject]@{
                    DisplayName = $_.DisplayName
                    PrimarySmtpAddress = $_.PrimarySmtpAddress
                    LegacyExchangeDN = $_.LegacyExchangeDN
                    Type = $_.RecipientTypeDetails
                    OU = $_.OrganizationalUnit
                    FirstName = ""
                    LastName = ""
                    Title = ""
                    Department = ""
                    Company = ""
                    Office = ""
                    Phone = ""
               $OuContacts.Add($ContactEntry) | Out-Null
            if ( ($OuGroups -is [System.Array]) -or ($null -eq $OuGroups) )
                (Get-Now) + ": Total Number of Groups from OU : " + $OuGroups.count | Out-File $ReadOULogFile -Append
                (Get-Now) + ": Total Number of Groups from OU : 1 " | Out-File $ReadOULogFile -Append
        (Get-Now) + "`r`nError Reading Recipient Information from OU `r`n" + $Error[0] | Out-File $ReadOULogFile -Append
        if ($null -eq $OuContacts) 
            Set-Variable "OuContacts$Index" -Value $null
            (Get-Now) + ": Recipients from OU will be skipped: "| Out-File $ReadOULogFile -Append                      
            Set-Variable "OuContacts$Index" -Value $OuContacts   
            (Get-Now) + ": Total Number of Recipients from OU : " + $OuContacts.count | Out-File $ReadOULogFile -Append           
            #(Get-Now) + ": Number of Recipients from OU : " + $OuMailboxes.count | Out-File $ReadOULogFile -Append
    (Get-Now) + ": END Reading Recipient information from the Department OU `r`n" | Out-File $ReadOULogFile -Append  
    Remove-Variable OuMailboxes -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    Remove-Variable OuGroups -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    Remove-Variable OuContacts -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    #Start-Sleep -Seconds .25
Remove-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell* -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
########################### END FOREACH - READ THE MAILOXES OF EACH OU :: SyncMaps.csv ###################################
########################### LOAD THE EXCHANGE ONLINE PS MODULE #####################################
    Import-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement -ErrorAction Stop
    (Get-Now) + "`r`nError Loading Exchange PS Module V2 `r`n" + $Error[0] + "`r`n" | Out-File $ConnectLogFile -Append
########################### BEGIN FOREACH - READ EACH TENANT & APPID INFO :: Tenants.csv #####################################
$TenantIndex = 0
foreach ( $Tenant in $Tenants )
        $Progress  = (($TenantIndex + 1) / $Tenants.Count) * 100
        $Progress  = $TenantIndex + 1
    $ExclusionFileName = $null
    $ExclusionFileName = "$ScriptPath\Configs\" + $Tenant.Tenant + ".csv"
    $ExclusionFile = $null
    $ExclusionFile = Get-Item $ExclusionFileName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    $ExclusionList = $null

    $TenantLogFile = $null
    $TenantLogFile = "$LogPath\" + $Name + $Tenant.Tenant + ".log"

    Write-Progress -Activity ("GAL Sync to Tenant " + ($TenantIndex+1) + " of " + ($Tenants.Count) + " : " + $Tenant.Tenant) -Status ("Verifying OUs for Sync" ) -PercentComplete  $Progress
    "`r`n" + (Get-Now) + "`r`n[ BEGIN Processing Tenant :: " + $Tenant.Tenant + " ]" | Out-File $TenantLogFile -Append 
    if ($FullSync)
        "[ Full Sync ] is Set :: All Contacts will be compared for changes. Changes will be updated" | Out-File $TenantLogFile -Append
        "[ Delta Sync ] is Set :: Existing Contacts in the Tenant will be skipped" | Out-File $TenantLogFile -Append
    if ($NoGroupSync)
        "[ No Group Sync ] is Set :: All Existing Group Contacts will be removed from the Tenant !" | Out-File $TenantLogFile -Append
        "[ Group Sync ] is Set :: Contacts will be Created/Updated for Groups" | Out-File $TenantLogFile -Append
    if ($UpdateGuestUser)
        "[ Update Guest User ] is Set :: All Existing Guest Users proxy address will be cleared and New Contacts will be created !!`r`n" | Out-File $TenantLogFile -Append
        "[ Update Guest User ] is Not Set :: All Existing Guest Users will not be modified in the Tenant `r`n" | Out-File $TenantLogFile -Append

    if ( $null -ne $ExclusionFile )
        $ExclusionList = Import-Csv $ExclusionFile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    ########################### BEGIN FOREACH - SYNC CONTACTS TO EACH TENAT FROM OUs IN THE SYNC MAP FILE :: SyncMaps.csv #####################################
    $IsSessionActive = $false    
    $Index = 0
    foreach ( $SyncMapRow in $SyncMaps )
        ########################### SKIP OUs OF THE SAME TENANT #####################################
        if ( $SyncMapRow.ParentTenant -eq $Tenant.Tenant )
            (Get-Now) + ": Skipping the Department OU :: Department is the Target Tenant : " + $SyncMapRow.ADOU + "`r`n"| Out-File $TenantLogFile -Append 

        ########################### SKIP OUs SET AS GLOBAL HIDE #####################################
        if ( $SyncMapRow.GlobalHide -eq "TRUE" )
            (Get-Now) + ": Skipping the Department OU :: Department set to Global Hide : " + $SyncMapRow.ADOU + "`r`n"| Out-File $TenantLogFile -Append 

        ########################### SKIP OUs Defined IN TENANT EXCLUSION FILE #####################################
        $IsExcluded = $false
        if ( $null -ne $ExclusionList )
            ########################### BEGIN LOOP - EACH OU IN THE EXCLUSION FILE #####################################
            foreach ($Exclusion in $ExclusionList)
                if ( $SyncMapRow.ADOU -eq $Exclusion.ADOU )
                    $IsExcluded = $true
            ########################### BEGIN LOOP - EACH OU IN THE EXCLUSION FILE #####################################
        if ( $IsExcluded )
            (Get-Now) + ": Skipping the Department OU :: Department in Tenant Exclusion List : " + $SyncMapRow.ADOU + "`r`n"| Out-File $TenantLogFile -Append 

        ########################### PROCESS THE OU CONTACT SYNC TO TENANT #####################################
            $Progress  = (($Index + 1) / $SyncMaps.Count) * 100
            $Progress  = $Index + 1
        Write-Progress -Activity ("GAL Sync to Tenant " + ($TenantIndex+1) + " of " + ($Tenants.Count) + " : " + $Tenant.Tenant) -Status ("Syncing OU " + ($Index+1) + " of " + ($SyncMaps.Count) + ": OU : " + $SyncMapRow.ADOU) -PercentComplete  $Progress
        $DeptCode = $null
        $DeptCode = $SyncMapRow.DeptCode 
        if ( !$IsSessionActive )
            ############################ CONNECT TO THE CURRENT TENANT - ONLY ONCE PER TENANT #####################
                ########################### CERT with the Thumbprint SHOULD BE IN USER STORE ##########################
                if ( ($null -eq $Tenant.Tenant) -or ("" -eq $Tenant.Tenant) )
                    Throw "Missing Tenant Name : $Tenant"
                if ( ($null -eq $Tenant.CertThumbPrint) -or ("" -eq $Tenant.CertThumbPrint) )
                    Throw "Missing CertThumbprint for Tenant: $Tenant"
                if ( ($null -eq $Tenant.AppID) -or ("" -eq $Tenant.AppID) )
                    Throw "Missing AppID for Tenant: $Tenant"
                Connect-ExchangeOnline -CertificateThumbPrint $Tenant.CertThumbPrint -Organization $Tenant.Tenant -AppID $Tenant.AppID -ShowBanner:$false
                $IsSessionActive = $true
                (Get-Now) + "`r`nSuccessfully Connected to TENANT "+ $Tenant.Tenant + "`r`n" | Out-File $ConnectLogFile -Append
                (Get-Now) + "`r`nError Connecting to TENANT "+ $Tenant.Tenant + "`r`n" + $Error[0] + "`r`n"| Out-File $ConnectLogFile -Append
                (Get-Now) + ": ERROR Processing the TENANT - Terminate : `r`n" | Out-File $TenantLogFile -Append  
                $IsSessionActive = $false
            Write-Verbose "Session Status : $IsSessionActive"
            #Check if ignore Existing users are Set
            if ($UpdateGuestUser) 
                (Get-Now) + ": =BEGIN Reading Existing Guest Users from the Tenant : " + $DeptCode | Out-File $TenantLogFile -Append  
                    #Reading Existing Azure AD Guest User Information (ONCE Per Tenant) into Collecion than the default Fixed Size onject array
                    $TenantGuestUsers = $null
                    [System.Collections.ArrayList]$TenantGuestUsers = @( Get-MailUser -ResultSize Unlimited  -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object {$_.RecipientTypeDetails -eq "GuestMailUser" -and $_.PrimarySMTPAddress -ne ""} | Select-Object DisplayName, PrimarySmtpAddress | Sort-Object PrimarySmtpAddress )
                    #check If Guest Users are empty
                    if ($null -eq $TenantGuestUsers) 
                        (Get-Now) + ": No Guest Users in the Tenant with Proper Proxy Address : " | Out-File $TenantLogFile -Append
                        (Get-Now) + ": Number of Guest Users in the Tenant with Proper Proxy Address : " + $TenantGuestUsers.count | Out-File $TenantLogFile -Append           
                    (Get-Now) + ": Error Reading Existing Guest User Information from Tenant. Update Guest User is Set to False`r`n" + $Error[0] | Out-File $TenantLogFile -Append
                    $UpdateGuestUser = $false
                (Get-Now) + ": =END Reading Guest Users from the Tenant ::::::::: `r`n" | Out-File $TenantLogFile -Append  
        (Get-Now) + ": BEGIN Processing the Department OU with Dept Code $DeptCode : " + $SyncMapRow.ADOU + "`r`n"| Out-File $TenantLogFile -Append  
        if ($IsSessionActive)
            ############################ BEGIN READ THE CONTACTS OF THE DEPT FROM TENANT #####################
            (Get-Now) + ": -BEGIN Reading Existing Contacts from the Tenant With Dept Code : " + $DeptCode | Out-File $TenantLogFile -Append  
            #Read Dept Contacts from Tenant
            #Read Full Contact Information if Full Sync is Set
            if ($FullSync)
                    #Reading Existing Contacts into Collecion than the default Fixed Size onject array
                    $TenantBaseContacts = $null
                    $TenantBaseContacts = Get-MailContact -ResultSize Unlimited  -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object {$_.CustomAttribute15 -eq $DeptCode} | Select-Object DisplayName, PrimarySmtpAddress, CustomAttribute12, CustomAttribute13 | Sort-Object PrimarySmtpAddress
                    $TenantContacts = $null
                    $TenantContacts = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
                    $TenantBaseContacts | Foreach-Object{
                        [String]$ID = ""
                        [String]$ID = $_.PrimarySmtpAddress
                        Write-Verbose "Extracting Recipient Information $ID" 
                        $TContact = $null
                        if ( $ID -eq "" -or $null -eq $ID)
                            (Get-Now) + ": Error:: Invalid PrimarySmtpAddress. Skipping the Contact : " + $_.DisplayName + " " + $_.PrimarySmtpAddress | Out-File $TenantLogFile -Append
                            $TContact = Get-Contact $ID | Select-Object FirstName,LastName,Title,Department,Company,Office,Phone
                        $TenantContactEntry = $null
                        if ( $null -eq $TContact )
                            $TenantContactEntry = [PSCustomObject]@{
                                DisplayName = $_.DisplayName
                                PrimarySmtpAddress = $_.PrimarySmtpAddress
                                Type = $_.CustomAttribute13
                                OU = $_.CustomAttribute12
                                FirstName = ""
                                LastName = ""
                                Title = ""
                                Department = ""
                                Company = ""
                                Office = ""
                                Phone = ""
                            $TenantContactEntry = [PSCustomObject]@{
                                DisplayName = $_.DisplayName
                                PrimarySmtpAddress = $_.PrimarySmtpAddress
                                Type = $_.CustomAttribute13
                                OU = $_.CustomAttribute12
                                FirstName = $TContact.FirstName
                                LastName = $TContact.LastName
                                Title = $TContact.Title
                                Department = $TContact.Department
                                Company = $TContact.Company
                                Office = $TContact.Office
                                Phone = $TContact.Phone
                        $TenantContacts.Add($TenantContactEntry) | Out-Null
                    (Get-Now) + ": Error Reading Existing Contacts from the Tenant with Dept Code $DeptCode `r`n" + $Error[0] | Out-File $TenantLogFile -Append
            #Read Base Contact Information if Full Sync is Not Set
                    #Reading Existing Contacts into Collecion than the default Fixed Size onject array
                    $TenantContacts = $null
                    #Early Filter did not work with variable in the filter block
                    #[System.Collections.ArrayList]$TenantContacts = Get-MailContact -ResultSize Unlimited -Filter { CustomAttribute15 -eq $DeptCode} -ErrorAction Stop| Select-Object DisplayName, PrimarySmtpAddress | Sort-Object PrimarySmtpAddress
                    [System.Collections.ArrayList]$TenantContacts = @( Get-MailContact -ResultSize Unlimited  -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object {$_.CustomAttribute15 -eq $DeptCode} | Select-Object DisplayName, PrimarySmtpAddress | Sort-Object PrimarySmtpAddress ) 
                    (Get-Now) + ": Error Reading Existing Contacts from the Tenant with Dept Code $DeptCode `r`n" + $Error[0] | Out-File $TenantLogFile -Append
            #check If Contacts are empty
            if ($null -eq $TenantContacts) 
                (Get-Now) + ": No Contacts in the Tenant with DeptCode $DeptCode : " | Out-File $TenantLogFile -Append
                (Get-Now) + ": Number of Contacts in the Tenant with Dept Code $DeptCode : " + $TenantContacts.count | Out-File $TenantLogFile -Append           
            (Get-Now) + ": -END Reading Existing Contacts from the Tenant ::::::::: `r`n" | Out-File $TenantLogFile -Append  
            ############################ END READ THE CONTACTS OF THE DEPT FROM TENANT #####################
            ############################ BEGIN SYNCING OF THE DEPT CONTACTS TO TENANT #####################
            (Get-Now) + ": --BEGIN Syncing Contacts from the Department OU to Tenant With Dept Code : " + $DeptCode | Out-File $TenantLogFile -Append  
            $OuContacts = $null
            $OuContacts = (Get-Variable -Name OuContacts$Index -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).value 
            #If Recipients from OU are EMPTY :: No Sync
            if ($null -eq $OuContacts) 
                (Get-Now) + ": No Contacts from the Department OU. Check $ReadOuLogFile for more details. Contacts with DeptCode $DeptCode will be skipped: "| Out-File $TenantLogFile -Append    
            #If Recipients from OU are NOT EMPTY :: Check for existing Contacts in Tenant
                (Get-Now) + ": Number of Contacts from Department OU with Dept Code $DeptCode : " + $OuContacts.count | Out-File $TenantLogFile -Append
                (Get-Now) + ": Number of Contacts Existing in the Tenant with Dept Code $DeptCode : " + $TenantContacts.count | Out-File $TenantLogFile -Append   
                #If Recipients are read from OU and there are NO Contacts in Tenant :: Create All Contacts
                if ($null -eq $TenantContacts)
                    (Get-Now) + ": First Time Contacts Provisioning Triggered with $DeptCode : Update Guest User is Set to False"  | Out-File $TenantLogFile -Append   
                    foreach ($OuContact in $OuContacts )
                #If Recipients are read from OU and there are existing Contacts in Tenant :: Create/Update/Remove
                    foreach ($OuContact in $OuContacts)
                        $IsSynced = $false
                        $i = 0
                        foreach ($TenantContact in $TenantContacts)
                            Write-Verbose "Verifying the Sync Status of the Contact : $OuContact.PrimarySmtpAddress"
                            if ($TenantContact.PrimarySmtpAddress -eq ($OuContact.PrimarySmtpAddress).toString())
                                $IsSynced = $true
                                #If FullSync Specified :: Compare Each Existing Contact
                                if ($FullSync) 
                                    if ( ($TenantContact.DisplayName -ne $OuContact.DisplayName) -or 
                                    ($TenantContact.OU -ne $OuContact.OU) -or 
                                    ($TenantContact.Type -ne $OuContact.Type) -or
                                    ($TenantContact.Title -ne $OuContact.Title) -or 
                                    ($TenantContact.Department -ne $OuContact.Department) -or
                                    ($TenantContact.Company -ne $OuContact.Company) -or 
                                    ($TenantContact.Office -ne $OuContact.Office) -or
                                    ($TenantContact.Phone -ne $OuContact.Phone) )
                                        Write-Verbose "Updating Existing Contact $OuContact.PrimarySmtpAddress"
                                        Write-Verbose "Skipping Contact, No Changes : $TenantContact.PrimarySmtpAddress"
                                        (Get-Now) + ": Skipped the Contact, No Changes :: " + $OuContact.PrimarySmtpAddress | Out-File $TenantLogFile -Append                                       
                                #If FullSync Not Specified :: Skip the Existing Contact
                                    Write-Verbose "Skipping Existing Contact : $TenantContact.PrimarySmtpAddress"
                                    (Get-Now) + ": Skipped the Existing Contact :: " + $OuContact.PrimarySmtpAddress | Out-File $TenantLogFile -Append
                        # Contact Not in Tenant
                        if (!$IsSynced)
                            # Check If Update Guest User is Specified : Update the proxy address of the Existing Mail User
                            if ($UpdateGuestUser)
                                $i = 0
                                foreach ($TenantGuestUser in $TenantGuestUsers)
                                    Write-Verbose "Verifying the Contact $OuContact.PrimarySmtpAddress is a Guest Mail User"
                                    if ($TenantGuestUser.PrimarySmtpAddress -eq ($OuContact.PrimarySmtpAddress).toString())
                                            $x = $null
                                            $x = ($OuContact.PrimarySmtpAddress).tostring()
                                            Set-MailUser $x -EmailAddresses $null -ErrorAction Stop
                                            (Get-Now) + ": The Email Addresss " + $OuContact.PrimarySmtpAddress + " is a Guest User. Cleared the proxy address" | Out-File $TenantLogFile -Append
                                            Start-Sleep -Seconds 15
                                            (Get-Now) + ": Error Clearing Proxy Address of the mail user. " + $OuContact.PrimarySmtpAddress + "`r`n" + $Error[0] | Out-File $TenantLogFile -Append                                            
                            # Create New Contact
                #If Tenant Contact Collection is NOT Empty :: Remove the Contacts, Since the Recipient is Removed from EX OnPremise
                if ($TenantContacts.Count -ne 0)
                    foreach ($TenantContact in $TenantContacts)
                        Remove-ExContact ($TenantContact.PrimarySmtpAddress)
            (Get-Now) + ": --END Syncing Contacts to Tenant ::::::::: `r`n" | Out-File $TenantLogFile -Append  
            ############################ END SYNCING OF THE DEPT CONTACTS TO TENANT #####################
            Remove-Variable OuContacts -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            Remove-Variable TenantContacts -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            Remove-Variable TenantBaseContacts -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        Write-Verbose "OU $Index : $SyncMapRow.ADOU"
        (Get-Now) + ": END Processing the Department OU with Dept Code $DeptCode : `r`n" | Out-File $TenantLogFile -Append  
        #Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
    Remove-Variable TenantGuestUsers -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue 
    if ( $IsSessionActive )
        Disconnect-ExchangeOnline -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        (Get-Now) + "`r`nDisonnected from TENANT "+ $Tenant.Tenant + "`r`n" | Out-File $ConnectLogFile -Append
    Write-Verbose "$TenantIndex Completed OUs for Tenant $Tenant.Tenant"
    "`r`n" + (Get-Now) + "`r`n[ END Processing Tenant :: " + $Tenant.Tenant + " ]" | Out-File $TenantLogFile -Append 
    #Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
    ########################### END FOREACH - SYNC CONTACTS TO EACH TENAT FROM OUS IN THE SYNC MAP FILE :: SyncMaps.csv #####################################
########################### END FOREACH - READ EACH TENANT & APPID INFO :: Tenants.csv #####################################

for ( $i=0;$i -lt $SyncMaps.count; $i++)
    Remove-Variable OuContacts$i
Disconnect-ExchangeOnline -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$FullSync = $null
$NoGroupSync = $null
$UpdateGuestUser = $null
########################### END CODE #####################################