
    This will grab the serial number, monitor name, and year of manufacture of all monitors connected to a computer.
.PARAMETER ComputerName
    Use this paramter to specify the computer(s) you want to run the command aganist using its name or IPAddress.
    This functions grabs the serial number, monitor name, and year of manufacture of all monitors
    connected to a computer.
    PS C:\> Get-MonitorInfo
    ComputerName MonitorName SerialNumber YearOfManufacture
    ------------ ----------- ------------ -----------------
    DESKTOP-RFR3S01 Acer K272HUL T0SAA0014200 2014
    DESKTOP-RFR3S01 VX2457 UG01842A1649 2018
    This example grabs the monitors connected to the local computer.
    PS C:\> Get-ComputerMonitor Client01v,Client02v
    ComputerName MonitorName SerialNumber YearOfManufacture
    ------------ ----------- ------------ -----------------
    Client01v HP HC240 XXXXXXXXXX 2017
    Client01v HP HC240 XXXXXXXXXX 2017
    Client02v HP E243i XXXXXXXXXX 2018
    Client02v HP E243i XXXXXXXXXX 2018
    This example uses the ComputerName parameter, but it does so positionally which is why it
    is not written out. It grabs the info for all monitors connected to Client01v and Client02v.
    Does not grab built-in monitor info.

function Get-MonitorInfo{
        [string[]]$ComputerName = $Env:COMPUTERNAME,

        $Protocol = "Wsman"

        $options = New-CimSessionOption -Protocol $Protocol

        foreach ($computer in $ComputerName){
                Write-Information -MessageData "Creating new cim session for $computer with a $protocol connection" -Tags "Process"
                $Session = New-CimSession -ComputerName $computer -OperationTimeoutSec 1 -SessionOption $options -ErrorAction Stop
                Write-Information -MessageData "Calling WMIMonitorID Class to grab monitor info for computer $computer" -Tags "Process"
                $monitors = Get-CimInstance -ClassName WmiMonitorID -Namespace root\wmi -CimSession $Session | Where-Object UserFriendlyNameLength -NE 0
                foreach ($monitor in $monitors){
                    $SerialNumber = ($monitor.SerialNumberID -ne 0 | ForEach-Object{[char]$_}) -join ""
                    $MonitorName = ($monitor.UserFriendlyName -ne 0 | ForEach-Object{[char]$_}) -join ""

                    $Object = [PSCustomObject]@{
                        PSTypeName = "SysAdminTools.Monitor"
                        ComputerName = $computer.ToUpper()
                        MonitorName = $MonitorName
                        SerialNumber = $SerialNumber
                        YearOfManufacture = $monitor.YearOfManufacture
                    Write-Information -MessageData "Created object for monitor $($object.MonitorName)" -Tags "Process"
                } #foreach

                Write-Information -MessageData "Removing $computer cim session" -Tags "Process"
                Get-CimSession | where computername -eq $computer | Remove-CimSession
                Write-Warning "Unable to grab monitor info for $computer"
        } #foreach computer
    } #Process