
    This will grab all user profiles found on a local or remote computer (by default it ignores special profiles).
    This will grab all user profiles found on a local or remote computer (by default it ignores special profiles). It will resolve the SID to find the
    user account associated with the profile (whether local account or domain account). You can use StaleUsersOnly to only grab accounts that are no longer part of the domain.
    PS C:\> Get-UserProfile
    ComputerName ProfileName AccountName DomainName Special Loaded LastUseTime
    ------------ ----------- ----------- ---------- ------- ------ -----------
    DESKTOP-RFR3S01 Syrius Cleveland Syrius Cleveland DESKTOP-RFR3S01 False True 9/23/2021 10:18:40 PM
    This grabs all user profiles on the local computer and displays the most important information in a table.
    Get-UserProfile -ComputerName Test01v -StaleUsersOnly
    ComputerName ProfileName AccountName DomainName Special Loaded LastUseTime
    ------------ ----------- ----------- ---------- ------- ------ -----------
    Test01v testuser False False 8/20/2021 11:23:48 AM
    This grabs only the user profiles that have AccountName and DomainName that equal an empty string on the computer Test01v
    Get-UserProfile -ComputerName Test01v -StaleUsersOnly | Remove-UserProfile
    User profile [C:\Users\testuser] has been successfully removed from computer [Test01v]
    This grabs only the user profiles that have AccountName and DomainName that equal an empty string on the computer
    Test01v and pipes the results to Remove-UserProfile command which then deletes this user's profile (folder and hive registry).
    Requires Admin if ran aganist a remote computer

function Get-UserProfile {
        [string[]]$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME,

    Begin {
        $cimParamerters = @{
            ClassName = "Win32_UserProfile"
        if (-not$IncludeSpecialAccounts.IsPresent){
            $cimParamerters["Filter"] = "Special=false"

        foreach ($computer in $ComputerName){
                Write-Information "Creating Cim Session for computer [$computer]"
                $cimSession = New-CimConnection -ComputerName $computer -ErrorAction Stop
                $cimParamerters["CimSession"] = $cimSession
                $UserProfiles = Get-CimInstance @cimParamerters
                foreach ($profile in $UserProfiles){
                        $ResolvedSID = Resolve-SId -SID $profile.SID -ComputerName $computer -ErrorAction Stop
                        $ResolvedSID = $null
                        Write-Warning "Unable to resolve SID [$($profle.SID)] on computer [$computer]"
                    $userProfile = [PSCustomObject]@{
                        PSTypeName = "SysAdminTools.UserProfile"
                        ComputerName = $computer
                        LocalPath = $profile.LocalPath
                        ProfileName = ($profile.LocalPath -split '\\' | Select-Object -Last 1)
                        SID = $profile.SID
                        Loaded = $profile.loaded
                        Special = $profile.special
                        LastUseTime = $profile.LastUseTime
                        AccountName = $ResolvedSID.AccountName
                        DomainName = $ResolvedSID.ReferencedDomainName
                    if ($StaleUsersOnly){
                        if ($UserProfile.AccountName -eq "" -and $UserProfile.DomainName -eq ""){
                $cimSession | Remove-CimSession
            } #try/catch
        } #foreach
    } #process