
Creates a new configuration or update an existing one.
Creates a new configuration or update an existing one.
To view examples, please use the -Online parameter with Get-Help or navigate to: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/sysman.webapi/new-sysmandriftinformationconfiguration
To create the parameters described below, construct a hash table containing the appropriate properties. For information on hash tables, run Get-Help about_Hash_Tables.
MEMBERS <IAccessMember[]>: The members of this configuration. Use the mapping endpoint to handle the members that shoulduse this configuration instead of this property.
  [Id <String>]: The Id of the member
  [Name <String>]: The name of the member
  [Type <String>]: The type of the member. Possible values: { User, Group }.
REQUEST <IDriftInformationConfiguration>: The configuration possibilities for the application DriftInfo. DriftInfo is often installed as a service on the end users computer and display messages and information in a small and discrete window. How this information is displayed can be configured in this class.
  Name <String>: The name of the configuration. Used to make it easier to identify this specific configuration without id. This is helpful when mapping configurations to groups to avoid having to remember the actual id of the configuration.
  [ConfigurationRefreshRate <Double?>]: The rate (in ticks) in which the client should poll for new configuration changes
  [CreatedBy <String>]: The user that created the configuration
  [CreatedDate <DateTime?>]: When the configuration was created
  [Description <String>]: A short description of the configuration
  [FeedPartIsRotatingFeeds <Boolean?>]: If the feed list should be rotated in ComboBox.
  [FeedPartIsRssVisible <Boolean?>]: If the feed should be visible or not.
  [FeedPartKeepIncidentsOnTop <Boolean?>]: If the feeds categorized as Incidents should be kept on top in list.
  [FeedPartRotatingFeedInterval <Double?>]: The rotating interval (in ticks) for the rss feed
  [FeedPartRssRefreshRate <Double?>]: The refresh rate (in ticks) of the rss feed in minutes
  [FeedPartRssUrl <String>]: The url to the Rss feed
  [FeedPartUseRedColorForIncidents <Boolean?>]: If feeds categorized as Incidents should be shown in Red.
  [GeneralPartBackgroundColor <String>]: The background color of the application window
  [GeneralPartCanChangeBackgroundColor <Boolean?>]: If the use can change the background color in the application or not.
  [GeneralPartComputerLabel <String>]: The label that will be displayed next to the computer name.
  [GeneralPartLinkText <String>]: The link text to show.
  [GeneralPartLinkUrl <String>]: The url that should be opened when the user click on the LinkText.
  [GeneralPartLowerText <String>]: The text to display in the lower part.
  [GeneralPartTitle <String>]: The text that will be displayed as the title.
  [GeneralPartUpperText <String>]: The text to display in the upper part.
  [GeneralPartUserLabel <String>]: The label that will be displayed next to the user name.
  [IPIsVisible <Boolean?>]: If the property is visible
  [IPOrder <Int32?>]: The order of this property (controls where the property will be displayed relative others)
  [Id <String>]: The id this configuration target
  [IsSystem <Boolean?>]: If the configuration is a system configuration. A system configuration ships with SysMan and can be edited. However a system configuration cannot be deleted.
  [IsWebsocketEnabled <Boolean?>]: If the message will be delivered by pusing the message from the server using websockets
  [LastModifiedBy <String>]: The user that last modified the configuration
  [LastModifiedDate <DateTime?>]: When the configuration was last modified
  [MacIsVisible <Boolean?>]: If the property is visible
  [MacOrder <Int32?>]: The order of this property (controls where the property will be displayed relative others)
  [Members <IAccessMember[]>]: The members of this configuration. Use the mapping endpoint to handle the members that should use this configuration instead of this property.
    [Id <String>]: The Id of the member
    [Name <String>]: The name of the member
    [Type <String>]: The type of the member. Possible values: { User, Group }.
  [OperatingSystemIsVisible <Boolean?>]: If the property is visible
  [OperatingSystemOrder <Int32?>]: The order of this property (controls where the property will be displayed relative others)
  [PendingRebootIsVisible <Boolean?>]: If the property is visible
  [PendingRebootOrder <Int32?>]: The order of this property (controls where the property will be displayed relative others)
  [PositionLeft <Int32?>]: The left position of the application window (in percent). Default is 75.
  [PositionTop <Int32?>]: The top position of the application window (in percent). Default is 0.
  [SystemInformationPartIsAlwaysExpanded <Boolean?>]: Should this part always be expanded or require the user to manually expand the section.
  [SystemInformationPartIsExtendedInformationVisible <Boolean?>]: If the extended system information should be shown at all.
  [SystemInformationPartRegistryInformationParts <IRegistryInformationPartConfiguration[]>]: The registry values that should be visible along with the other system information
    [Hive <String>]: Where the registry value should be located. Possible values: { LocalMachine, CurrentUser }.
    [KeyName <String>]: The path to the registry property.
    [Title <String>]: The display name (label) of the actual registry value.
    [ValueName <String>]: The name of the value to use
  [UpTimeIsVisible <Boolean?>]: If the property is visible
  [UpTimeOrder <Int32?>]: The order of this property (controls where the property will be displayed relative others)
SYSTEMINFORMATIONPARTREGISTRYINFORMATIONPARTS <IRegistryInformationPartConfiguration[]>: The registry values that should be visible along with the other system information
  [Hive <String>]: Where the registry value should be located. Possible values: { LocalMachine, CurrentUser }.
  [KeyName <String>]: The path to the registry property.
  [Title <String>]: The display name (label) of the actual registry value.
  [ValueName <String>]: The name of the value to use

function New-SysManDriftInformationConfiguration {
[OutputType([SysMan.Powershell.Models.IDriftInformationConfiguration], [SysMan.Powershell.Models.IApiErrorMessage])]
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='CreateExpanded', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Create', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # The configuration possibilities for the application DriftInfo.
    # DriftInfo is often installed as a service on the end users computer
    # and display messages and information in a small and discrete window.
    # How this information is displayed can be configured in this class.
    # To construct, see NOTES section for REQUEST properties and create a hash table.

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='CreateExpanded', Mandatory)]
    # The name of the configuration.Used to make it easier to identify this specific configuration without id.
    # This is helpful when mapping configurations to groups to avoid having to remember the actual id of the configuration.

    # The rate (in ticks) in which the client should poll for new configuration changes

    # The user that created the configuration

    # When the configuration was created

    # A short description of the configuration

    # If the feed list should be rotated in ComboBox.

    # If the feed should be visible or not.

    # If the feeds categorized as Incidents should be kept on top in list.

    # The rotating interval (in ticks) for the rss feed

    # The refresh rate (in ticks) of the rss feed in minutes

    # The url to the Rss feed

    # If feeds categorized as Incidents should be shown in Red.

    # The background color of the application window

    # If the use can change the background color in the application or not.

    # The label that will be displayed next to the computer name.

    # The link text to show.

    # The url that should be opened when the user click on the LinkText.

    # The text to display in the lower part.

    # The text that will be displayed as the title.

    # The text to display in the upper part.

    # The label that will be displayed next to the user name.

    # If the property is visible

    # The order of this property (controls where the property will be displayed relative others)

    # The id this configuration target

    # If the configuration is a system configuration.
    # A system configuration ships with SysMan and can be edited.
    # However a system configuration cannot be deleted.

    # If the message will be delivered by pusing the message from the server using websockets

    # The user that last modified the configuration

    # When the configuration was last modified

    # If the property is visible

    # The order of this property (controls where the property will be displayed relative others)

    # The members of this configuration.
    # Use the mapping endpoint to handle the members that shoulduse this configuration instead of this property.
    # To construct, see NOTES section for MEMBERS properties and create a hash table.

    # If the property is visible

    # The order of this property (controls where the property will be displayed relative others)

    # If the property is visible

    # The order of this property (controls where the property will be displayed relative others)

    # The left position of the application window (in percent).
    # Default is 75.

    # The top position of the application window (in percent).
    # Default is 0.

    # Should this part always be expanded or require the user to manually expand the section.

    # If the extended system information should be shown at all.

    # The registry values that should be visible along with the other system information
    # To construct, see NOTES section for SYSTEMINFORMATIONPARTREGISTRYINFORMATIONPARTS properties and create a hash table.

    # If the property is visible

    # The order of this property (controls where the property will be displayed relative others)

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Create = 'SysMan.WebApi.private\New-SysManDriftInformationConfiguration_Create';
            CreateExpanded = 'SysMan.WebApi.private\New-SysManDriftInformationConfiguration_CreateExpanded';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

# SIG # Begin signature block
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