
Update the settings in SysMan.
The update will trigger a restart of the application.
Update the settings in SysMan.
The update will trigger a restart of the application.
To view examples, please use the -Online parameter with Get-Help or navigate to: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/sysman.webapi/update-sysmansetting
To create the parameters described below, construct a hash table containing the appropriate properties. For information on hash tables, run Get-Help about_Hash_Tables.
COMMAND <IBodyParameterSettingPatchRequestBody>: The required information to save sysman settings
  [ActivateComputerInActiveDirectoryCanEdit <Boolean?>]: If the user is allowed to edit the value
  [ActivateComputerInActiveDirectoryValue <Boolean?>]: The default value
  [AllowFilterSystemBasedOnOperatingSystem <Boolean?>]: When true an option will be available in the Install - System service to allow filtering existing system based on selected computers operating system
  [AllowRetireApplications <Boolean?>]: If it should be possible for the uses to retire applications that are about to be deleted
  [AlwaysDoWildcardFiltering <Boolean?>]: If SysMan should perform full wildcard search, %searchterm% (i.e contains), instead of searchterm% (starts with).
  [ApplicationInstallationConfigurationWakeOnLanCanEdit <Boolean?>]: If the user is allowed to edit the value
  [ApplicationInstallationConfigurationWakeOnLanValue <Boolean?>]: The default value
  [ApplicationUninstallationConfigurationWakeOnLanCanEdit <Boolean?>]: If the user is allowed to edit the value
  [ApplicationUninstallationConfigurationWakeOnLanValue <Boolean?>]: The default value
  [AzureAppId <String>]: The id of the azure app to be used when integrating with Azure api´s (except Intune)
  [AzureAppSecret <String>]: The secret of the azure app to be used when integrating with Azure api´s (except Intune)
  [AzureTenantId <String>]: The id of the azure tenant
  [AzureUserManagement <String>]: If user management supports integration with Azure. If enabled, reports and other services will use Azure integration to display data.
  [BitlockerConfiguration <IBodyParameterSettingPatchRequestBodyBitlockerConfiguration>]: The bitlocker configuration. Depending on the value of the BitlockerManagementType this attribut may look different
    [(Any) <String>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
  [BitlockerManagementType <String>]: The system that stores and manages the bitlocker keys
  [CanChangeLanguage <Boolean?>]: If the user can change the language in SysMan
  [CleanUpDependentResourceOnFirstTimeCanEdit <Boolean?>]: If the user is allowed to edit the value
  [CleanUpDependentResourceOnFirstTimeValue <Boolean?>]: The default value
  [CleanUpDependentResourceOnReInstallationCanEdit <Boolean?>]: If the user is allowed to edit the value
  [CleanUpDependentResourceOnReInstallationValue <Boolean?>]: The default value
  [ClientHealthDatabase <String>]: The name of the client health database
  [ClientHealthServer <String>]: The name of the Client health server
  [ComputerAllowModifyExistingIdentity <Boolean?>]: If it should be allowed to edit the MAC/UUID/Serial of an exisiting computer (that has these values set already).
  [ComputerDeploymentConfigurationCleanUpDependentResourcesCanEdit <Boolean?>]: If the user is allowed to edit the value
  [ComputerDeploymentConfigurationCleanUpDependentResourcesValue <Boolean?>]: The default value
  [ComputerDeploymentConfigurationWakeOnLanCanEdit <Boolean?>]: If the user is allowed to edit the value
  [ComputerDeploymentConfigurationWakeOnLanValue <Boolean?>]: The default value
  [ComputerDomainJoinAccount <String>]: Which account that is allowed to domain join a new computer
  [ComputerExchangeConfigurationCleanUpDependentResourcesCanEdit <Boolean?>]: If the user is allowed to edit the value
  [ComputerExchangeConfigurationCleanUpDependentResourcesValue <Boolean?>]: The default value
  [ComputerInactivateInSysManWhenInactivatedInActiveDirectory <Boolean?>]: When a computer is inactivated in Active Directory it should also be inactivated in SysMan. If false, the associated client in Sysman will not be inactivated when the corresponding active directory object is inactivated.
  [ComputerOuPlacement <String>]: The ou new computers will be placed in
  [ComputerOuRetirePlacement <String>]: The OU where a computer will be placed when it is removed through Sysman (but not marked as it should be deleted). if empty the computer will not be moved.
  [ComputerOuStoragePlacement <String>]: The OU where the computer will be placed when a storage is triggerd in Sysman
  [ComputerPossibleToUpgradeOnDeployment <Boolean?>]: If it should be possible trigger an in-place upgrade on computers through the UI of SysMan
  [ComputerRemoteControlType <String>]: Which type of remote contorl system that should be used for computers
  [ComputerRemovalConfigurationInactivateInSysManCanEdit <Boolean?>]: If the user is allowed to edit the value
  [ComputerRemovalConfigurationInactivateInSysManValue <Boolean?>]: The default value
  [ComputerRemovalConfigurationRemoveFromExternalCanEdit <Boolean?>]: If the user is allowed to edit the value
  [ComputerRemovalConfigurationRemoveFromExternalValue <Boolean?>]: The default value
  [ComputerRemovalConfigurationRemoveFromSysmanCanEdit <Boolean?>]: If the user is allowed to edit the value
  [ComputerRemovalConfigurationRemoveFromSysmanValue <Boolean?>]: The default value
  [CustomerInstrumentationKey <String>]: The application insight instrumentation key that is used by the customer
  [DeactivateComputerInActiveDirectoryCanEdit <Boolean?>]: If the user is allowed to edit the value
  [DeactivateComputerInActiveDirectoryValue <Boolean?>]: The default value
  [DefaultLanguage <String>]: The language code (example: sv-SE) of the default language in SysMan
  [DeviceManagementType <String>]: The system which will handle the devices
  [ImportComputerSearchOuPaths <ISearchOuPath[]>]: The ou paths where computers will be searched for during computer import
    [Path <String>]: The path to the OU. Should be on the form: OU=Test,DC=contoso,DC=com
    [Type <String>]: The search type that should be used. Possible values: { Base, OneLevel, Recursive }.
  [ImportUserSearchOuPaths <ISearchOuPath[]>]: The ou paths where computers will be searched for during computer import
  [InactivateInAdCanEdit <Boolean?>]: If the user is allowed to edit the value
  [InactivateInAdValue <Boolean?>]: The default value
  [InsightApiKey <String>]: The apikey to use when reporting data to the eKlient insight API
  [IntuneAppId <String>]: The id of the azure application that will be used to communicate with the intune api
  [IntunePassword <String>]: The password of the account that will be used to communicate with the intune api
  [IntuneUsername <String>]: The username of the account that will be used to communicate with the intune api
  [IsBetaMode <Boolean?>]: If SysMan should display services that is in BETA. Avoid turn this on in a production environment since no guarantes can be made on functionality and reliability in BETA services.
  [ManageComputerCollectionSearchPaths <ISearchCollectionPath[]>]: The collections that can be managed for computers
    [Path <String>]: The path to the OU. Should be on the form: OU=Test,DC=contoso,DC=com
    [Type <String>]: The search type that should be used. Possible values: { Base, OneLevel, Recursive }.
  [ManageComputerGroupSearchOuPaths <ISearchOuPath[]>]: The ou paths where groups will be searched when managing groups
  [ManageMobileDeviceCollectionSearchPaths <ISearchCollectionPath[]>]: The collections that can be managed for mobile devices
  [ManageUserCollectionSearchPaths <ISearchCollectionPath[]>]: The collections that can be managed for users
  [ManageUserGroupSearchOuPaths <ISearchOuPath[]>]: The ou paths where groups will be searched when managing groups
  [MaxOperatingSystemInstallationBatchSize <Int32?>]: The maximum number of clients allowed to participate in a batch
  [MdtAvailableCollectionId <String>]: The id of the collection a computer should be placed in when it is deployed and the user can choose when the installation should take place.
  [MdtDatabase <String>]: The name of the MDT database
  [MdtMonitoringServer <String>]: The name of the MDT monitoring server
  [MdtRequiredCollectionId <String>]: The collection to use when deploying standard clients
  [MdtServer <String>]: The name of MDT server
  [MessageOuPaths <ISearchOuPath[]>]: The ou thas where groups will be searched when sending messages
  [MobileDeviceRemovalConfigurationInactivateInSysManCanEdit <Boolean?>]: If the user is allowed to edit the value
  [MobileDeviceRemovalConfigurationInactivateInSysManValue <Boolean?>]: The default value
  [MobileDeviceRemovalConfigurationRemoveFromExternalCanEdit <Boolean?>]: If the user is allowed to edit the value
  [MobileDeviceRemovalConfigurationRemoveFromExternalValue <Boolean?>]: The default value
  [MobileDeviceRemovalConfigurationRemoveFromSysmanCanEdit <Boolean?>]: If the user is allowed to edit the value
  [MobileDeviceRemovalConfigurationRemoveFromSysmanValue <Boolean?>]: The default value
  [RecreateComputerInExternalCanEdit <Boolean?>]: If the user is allowed to edit the value
  [RecreateComputerInExternalValue <Boolean?>]: The default value
  [RemoveFromAdCanEdit <Boolean?>]: If the user is allowed to edit the value
  [RemoveFromAdValue <Boolean?>]: The default value
  [RemoveFromExternalDirectoryCanEdit <Boolean?>]: If the user is allowed to edit the value
  [RemoveFromExternalDirectoryValue <Boolean?>]: The default value
  [RemoveFromExternalSystemCanEdit <Boolean?>]: If the user is allowed to edit the value
  [RemoveFromExternalSystemValue <Boolean?>]: The default value
  [RetireSccmApplicationFolder <String>]: The folder in SCCM where a retired application is placed
  [SccmDatabase <String>]: The name of the SCCM database
  [SccmServer <String>]: The name of the SCCM server
  [SccmSiteCode <String>]: The site code to use when communicating with SCCM through WMI
  [SccmSiteServer <String>]: The name of the Sccm server to use when communicating with SCCM through WMI
  [SccmUserManagement <String>]: If user management supports integration with SCCM. If enabled, reports and other services will use SCCM integration to display data.
  [ShowDirectMembershipBatchSetting <Boolean?>]: If directMembership setting should be avalible when batching application installations
  [SysManDatabase <String>]: The name of the SysMan database
  [SysManServer <String>]: The server the SysMan database is hosted on
  [Title <String>]: The title
  [ToolShare <String>]: The share where the tools are available
  [TsLaunch <String>]: If the TSLaunch integration is turned on or off
  [TsLaunchCache <String>]: If caching of the TSLaunch information is turned on or off
  [UefiAvailableCollectionId <String>]: The id of the collection a (UEFI) computer should be placed in when it is deployed and the user can choose when the installation should take place.
  [UefiRequiredCollectionId <String>]: The collection to use when performing an UEFI deployment
  [UninstallOnClientCanEdit <Boolean?>]: If the user is allowed to edit the value
  [UninstallOnClientValue <Boolean?>]: The default value
  [UseDirectMembership <Boolean?>]: If direct membership should be used when deploying.
  [UseTelemetry <Boolean?>]: If anonymous telemetry information should be sent from server and client
  [UseWebSocketsForMessageDistribution <Boolean?>]: If websocket technology should be used to deliver messages to clients. WebSockets enables a push model instead of a pull model regarding message delivery.
IMPORTCOMPUTERSEARCHOUPATHS <ISearchOuPath[]>: The ou paths where computers will be searched for during computer import
  [Path <String>]: The path to the OU. Should be on the form: OU=Test,DC=contoso,DC=com
  [Type <String>]: The search type that should be used. Possible values: { Base, OneLevel, Recursive }.
IMPORTUSERSEARCHOUPATHS <ISearchOuPath[]>: The ou paths where computers will be searched for during computer import
  [Path <String>]: The path to the OU. Should be on the form: OU=Test,DC=contoso,DC=com
  [Type <String>]: The search type that should be used. Possible values: { Base, OneLevel, Recursive }.
MANAGECOMPUTERCOLLECTIONSEARCHPATHS <ISearchCollectionPath[]>: The collections that can be managed for computers
  [Path <String>]: The path to the OU. Should be on the form: OU=Test,DC=contoso,DC=com
  [Type <String>]: The search type that should be used. Possible values: { Base, OneLevel, Recursive }.
MANAGECOMPUTERGROUPSEARCHOUPATHS <ISearchOuPath[]>: The ou paths where groups will be searched when managing groups
  [Path <String>]: The path to the OU. Should be on the form: OU=Test,DC=contoso,DC=com
  [Type <String>]: The search type that should be used. Possible values: { Base, OneLevel, Recursive }.
MANAGEMOBILEDEVICECOLLECTIONSEARCHPATHS <ISearchCollectionPath[]>: The collections that can be managed for mobile devices
  [Path <String>]: The path to the OU. Should be on the form: OU=Test,DC=contoso,DC=com
  [Type <String>]: The search type that should be used. Possible values: { Base, OneLevel, Recursive }.
MANAGEUSERCOLLECTIONSEARCHPATHS <ISearchCollectionPath[]>: The collections that can be managed for users
  [Path <String>]: The path to the OU. Should be on the form: OU=Test,DC=contoso,DC=com
  [Type <String>]: The search type that should be used. Possible values: { Base, OneLevel, Recursive }.
MANAGEUSERGROUPSEARCHOUPATHS <ISearchOuPath[]>: The ou paths where groups will be searched when managing groups
  [Path <String>]: The path to the OU. Should be on the form: OU=Test,DC=contoso,DC=com
  [Type <String>]: The search type that should be used. Possible values: { Base, OneLevel, Recursive }.
MESSAGEOUPATHS <ISearchOuPath[]>: The ou thas where groups will be searched when sending messages
  [Path <String>]: The path to the OU. Should be on the form: OU=Test,DC=contoso,DC=com
  [Type <String>]: The search type that should be used. Possible values: { Base, OneLevel, Recursive }.

function Update-SysManSetting {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='PatchExpanded', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Patch', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # The required information to save sysman settings
    # To construct, see NOTES section for COMMAND properties and create a hash table.

    # If the user is allowed to edit the value

    # The default value

    # When true an option will be available in the Install - System service to allow filtering existing system based onselected computers operating system

    # If it should be possible for the uses to retire applications that are about to be deleted

    # If SysMan should perform full wildcard search, %searchterm% (i.e contains), instead of searchterm% (starts with).

    # If the user is allowed to edit the value

    # The default value

    # If the user is allowed to edit the value

    # The default value

    # The id of the azure app to be used when integrating with Azure api´s (except Intune)

    # The secret of the azure app to be used when integrating with Azure api´s (except Intune)

    # The id of the azure tenant

    # If user management supports integration with Azure.
    # If enabled, reports and other services will use Azure integration to display data.

    # The bitlocker configuration.
    # Depending on the value of the BitlockerManagementType this attribut may look different

    # The system that stores and manages the bitlocker keys

    # If the user can change the language in SysMan

    # If the user is allowed to edit the value

    # The default value

    # If the user is allowed to edit the value

    # The default value

    # The name of the client health database

    # The name of the Client health server

    # If it should be allowed to edit the MAC/UUID/Serial of an exisiting computer (that has these values set already).

    # If the user is allowed to edit the value

    # The default value

    # If the user is allowed to edit the value

    # The default value

    # Which account that is allowed to domain join a new computer

    # If the user is allowed to edit the value

    # The default value

    # When a computer is inactivated in Active Directory it should also be inactivated in SysMan.If false, the associated client in Sysman will not be inactivated when the corresponding active directory object is inactivated.

    # The ou new computers will be placed in

    # The OU where a computer will be placed when it is removed through Sysman (but not marked as it should be deleted).if empty the computer will not be moved.

    # The OU where the computer will be placed when a storage is triggerd in Sysman

    # If it should be possible trigger an in-place upgrade on computers through the UI of SysMan

    # Which type of remote contorl system that should be used for computers

    # If the user is allowed to edit the value

    # The default value

    # If the user is allowed to edit the value

    # The default value

    # If the user is allowed to edit the value

    # The default value

    # The application insight instrumentation key that is used by the customer

    # If the user is allowed to edit the value

    # The default value

    # The language code (example: sv-SE) of the default language in SysMan

    # The system which will handle the devices

    # The ou paths where computers will be searched for during computer import
    # To construct, see NOTES section for IMPORTCOMPUTERSEARCHOUPATHS properties and create a hash table.

    # The ou paths where computers will be searched for during computer import
    # To construct, see NOTES section for IMPORTUSERSEARCHOUPATHS properties and create a hash table.

    # If the user is allowed to edit the value

    # The default value

    # The apikey to use when reporting data to the eKlient insight API

    # The id of the azure application that will be used to communicate with the intune api

    # The password of the account that will be used to communicate with the intune api

    # The username of the account that will be used to communicate with the intune api

    # If SysMan should display services that is in BETA.
    # Avoid turn this on in a production environment since noguarantes can be made on functionality and reliability in BETA services.

    # The collections that can be managed for computers
    # To construct, see NOTES section for MANAGECOMPUTERCOLLECTIONSEARCHPATHS properties and create a hash table.

    # The ou paths where groups will be searched when managing groups
    # To construct, see NOTES section for MANAGECOMPUTERGROUPSEARCHOUPATHS properties and create a hash table.

    # The collections that can be managed for mobile devices
    # To construct, see NOTES section for MANAGEMOBILEDEVICECOLLECTIONSEARCHPATHS properties and create a hash table.

    # The collections that can be managed for users
    # To construct, see NOTES section for MANAGEUSERCOLLECTIONSEARCHPATHS properties and create a hash table.

    # The ou paths where groups will be searched when managing groups
    # To construct, see NOTES section for MANAGEUSERGROUPSEARCHOUPATHS properties and create a hash table.

    # The maximum number of clients allowed to participate in a batch

    # The id of the collection a computer should be placed in when it is deployed and the user can choose when the installation should take place.

    # The name of the MDT database

    # The name of the MDT monitoring server

    # The collection to use when deploying standard clients

    # The name of MDT server

    # The ou thas where groups will be searched when sending messages
    # To construct, see NOTES section for MESSAGEOUPATHS properties and create a hash table.

    # If the user is allowed to edit the value

    # The default value

    # If the user is allowed to edit the value

    # The default value

    # If the user is allowed to edit the value

    # The default value

    # If the user is allowed to edit the value

    # The default value

    # If the user is allowed to edit the value

    # The default value

    # If the user is allowed to edit the value

    # The default value

    # If the user is allowed to edit the value

    # The default value

    # The folder in SCCM where a retired application is placed

    # The name of the SCCM database

    # The name of the SCCM server

    # The site code to use when communicating with SCCM through WMI

    # The name of the Sccm server to use when communicating with SCCM through WMI

    # If user management supports integration with SCCM.
    # If enabled, reports and other services will use SCCM integration to display data.

    # If directMembership setting should be avalible when batching application installations

    # The name of the SysMan database

    # The server the SysMan database is hosted on

    # The title

    # The share where the tools are available

    # If the TSLaunch integration is turned on or off

    # If caching of the TSLaunch information is turned on or off

    # The id of the collection a (UEFI) computer should be placed in when it is deployed and the user can choose when the installation should take place.

    # The collection to use when performing an UEFI deployment

    # If the user is allowed to edit the value

    # The default value

    # If direct membership should be used when deploying.

    # If anonymous telemetry information should be sent from server and client

    # If websocket technology should be used to deliver messages to clients.
    # WebSockets enables a push model instead of a pull model regarding message delivery.

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # Returns true when the command succeeds

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Patch = 'SysMan.WebApi.private\Update-SysManSetting_Patch';
            PatchExpanded = 'SysMan.WebApi.private\Update-SysManSetting_PatchExpanded';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

# SIG # Begin signature block
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# SIG # End signature block