
function Remove-SyslogServer
        Stop and remove a syslog server.
        Stop and remove a syslog server.
    .PARAMETER Server
        The server object to remove.
        Provide a 'Syslog.Server' object returned by Get-SyslogServer.
    .PARAMETER EnableException
        This parameters disables user-friendly warnings and enables the throwing of exceptions.
        This is less user friendly, but allows catching exceptions in calling scripts.
    .PARAMETER Confirm
        If this switch is enabled, you will be prompted for confirmation before executing any operations that change state.
        If this switch is enabled, no actions are performed but informational messages will be displayed that explain what would happen if the command were to run.
        PS C:\> Get-SyslogServer | Remove-SyslogServer
        Stops and removes all currently existing syslog servers.

    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        foreach ($serverObject in $Server) {
            if ($serverObject.State -eq 'Running') {
                Invoke-PSFProtectedCommand -Action "Stopping Server from $($serverObject.ListenOn):$($serverObject.InPort) to $($serverObject.OutServer):$($serverObject.OutPort)" -ScriptBlock {
                } -Target $serverObject -EnableException $EnableException -PSCmdlet $PSCmdlet -Continue
            Invoke-PSFProtectedCommand -Action "Removing Server from $($serverObject.ListenOn):$($serverObject.InPort) to $($serverObject.OutServer):$($serverObject.OutPort)" -ScriptBlock {
            } -Target $serverObject -EnableException $EnableException -PSCmdlet $PSCmdlet -Continue