

The function allows you to quickly get the system information of a large number of computers on the network

Function allows you to use protocols DCOM or WSMAN

The function uses WMI to collect information related to the characteristics of the computer

The function uses multithreading.
Multithreading is implemented through powershell runspace and PsJob


The function allows you to quickly get the system information of a large number of computers on the network

Function allows you to use protocols DCOM or WSMAN

The function uses WMI to collect information related to the characteristics of the computer

The function uses multithreading.
Multithreading is implemented through powershell runspace and PsJob

After executing, two variables are created:

$Result-contains successful queries,

$ErrorResult-contains computers that have errors.
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Minimum PowerShell version


The owner has unlisted this package. This could mean that the module is deprecated or shouldn't be used anymore.

Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name Systeminfo -RequiredVersion 1.0.9

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name Systeminfo -Version 1.0.9

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



(c) 2017 Gavrilyuk S.A.

Package Details


  • Gavrilyuk S.A


Hardware Software Report Reporting Inventory




This module has no dependencies.

Release Notes

## 1.0.9
*  Added properties:OsProfileList,UserProxySettings,OsSRPSettings
*  Changed the script for information about network adapters(property NetworkAdapters)
*  Added parameter PSSessionOption(works only with protocol WSMAN)
## 1.0.8
*  Parameter ShowComputerName removed(because now it is not required)
## 1.0.7
*  Added properties:PsVersion
*  Changed the script for information about Administrators(property OsAdministrators)
*  Changed the script for information about Installed Software(property SoftwareList)
*  Added parameter ShowComputerName
## 1.0.6
*  Property OsUptime: changing the object type to TimeSpan
*  Added property NetworkAdaptersPowMan
*  Changed the script for information about network adapters(property NetworkAdapters)
*  Fixed formatting objects function  

## 1.0.5
*  Added properties: OsVolumeShadowCopy,HddPartitions,HddVolumes,OsLastUpdateDaysAgo,OsTenLatestHotfix,OsUpdateAgentVersion,OsTimeZone,OSRebootRequired
*  The algorithm for finding the installed patch EternalBlue is changed
*  Algorithm for determining HddSmartStatus is changed
*  MeltdownSpectreStatus added AntivUpKeyIsPresent property
*  Fixed the output of errors

## 1.0.4
*  Fixed not responding function. When using the Dcom protocol, in some cases it was possible to hang the function
*  Fixed bug with credentials in powershell 2
*  Added CheckVulnerabilities parameter (Meltdown&Spectre, EternalBlue)
*  Added AntivirusStatus property

## 1.0.3
*  Added parameter Protocol. Defines the connection protocol to remote machine (Dcom, Wsman)
*  The parameter MaxJob is replaced by the parameter ProcessFor.ProcessFor parameter Determines the maximum number of computers for which WMI operations can be executed simultaneously
*  Removed RegistryKey, RegistryValue, RegistryValueType, ShowStatistics parameter


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
1.3.9 752 4/16/2024
1.3.8 4,573 3/17/2024
1.3.7 2,275 3/3/2024
1.3.6 341 2/29/2024
1.3.5 1,917 2/19/2024
1.3.4 7,881 10/23/2023
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