
Function Import-T2TAttributes {
        The script will create on the target AD On-Prem the MEU objects getting all
        attribute values from the CSV generated by Export-T2TAttributes command.
        The script will create on the target AD On-Prem the MEU objects getting all
        attribute values from the CSV generated by Export-T2TAttributes command.
        Mandatory parameter used to inform which is the UPN domain for the MEU object e.g:
    .PARAMETER Password
        Optional parameter if you want to choose a password for all new MEU objects
    .PARAMETER ResetPassword
        Optional parameter if you want to require users to reset password in the first sign-in
        Optional parameter if you want to create MEU objects in a specific OU. Valid values are
        name, Canonical name, Distinguished name (DN) or GUID. If not defined, the user object will
        be created on Users container.
    .PARAMETER OUContacts
        Optional parameter if you want to create Mail Contacts objects in a specific OU. Valid values
        are name, Canonical name, Distinguished name (DN) or GUID. If not defined, the user object will
        be created on Users container.
    .PARAMETER UserListToImport
        Optional parameter used to inform which path will be used import the CSV. If no path
        is chosen, the script will search for UserListToImport.csv file on desktop path.
    .PARAMETER ContactListToImport
        Optional parameter used to inform which path will be used import the CSV. If no path
        is chosen, the script will search for ContactListToImport.csv file on desktop path.
    .PARAMETER LocalMachineIsNotExchange
        Optional parameter used to inform that you are running the script from a
        non-Exchange Server machine. This parameter will require the -ExchangeHostname.
    .PARAMETER ExchangeHostname
        Mandatory parameter if the switch -LocalMachineIsNotExchange was used.
        Used to inform the Exchange Server FQDN that the script will connect.
    .PARAMETER PreferredDC
        Preferred domain controller to connect with. Consider using this parameter
        to avoid replication issues in environments with too many domain controllers.
        PS C:\> Import-T2TAttributes -UPNSuffix "" -ResetPassword -FilePath "C:\temp\UserListToImport.csv"
        The function will import all users from the file "C:\temp\UserListToImport.csv", create the new MailUsers
        with the new UPNSuffix of "", and enable the check mark to "Reset the password on next logon".
        PS C:\> Import-T2TAttributes -UPNSuffix "" -ResetPassword -FilePath "C:\temp\UserListToImport.csv" -LocalMachineIsNotExchange -ExchangeHostname "ExServer2"
        The function will connect to the onprem Exchange Server "ExServer2" and import all users
        from the file "C:\temp\UserListToImport.csv", create the new MailUsers with the new UPNSuffix
        of "", and enable the check mark to "Reset the password on next logon".
        Title: Import-T2TAttributes.ps1
        Version: 2.0.2
        Date: 2021.01.03
        Author: Denis Vilaca Signorelli (
        Contributors: Agustin Gallegos (
        1.To make things easier, run this script from Exchange On-Premises machine powershell,
        the script will automatically import the Exchange On-Prem module. If you don't want
        to run the script from an Exchange machine, use the switch -LocalMachineIsNotExchange
        and enter the Exchange Server hostname.
        2.The script encourage you to stop the Azure AD Sync cycle before the execution. The
        script can disable the sync for you as long as you provide the Azure AD Connect
        hostname. Otherwiser, you can disable by your self manually and then re-run the script.
    # This sample script is provided AS IS without warranty of any kind and #
    # not supported under any Microsoft standard support program or service #

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseSingularNouns", "")]
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingPlaintextForPassword", "")]
        HelpMessage="Enter UPN suffix of your domain E.g.")]
        HelpMessage="Enter the password for the new MEU objects. If no password
        is chosen, the script will define '?r4mdon-_p@ss0rd!' as password"
        HelpMessage=" SwitchParameter Require password change on first user access")]
        HelpMessage="Enter the organization unit that MEU objects will be created.
        The input is accepted as Name, Canonical name, Distinguished name (DN) or GUID"

        HelpMessage="Enter the organization unit that mail objects will be created.
        The input is accepted as Name, Canonical name, Distinguished name (DN) or GUID"
        HelpMessage="Enter a custom import path for the csv. if no value is defined
        the script will search on Desktop path for the UserListToImport.csv"

        HelpMessage="Enter a custom import path for the csv. if no value is defined
        the script will search on Desktop path for the ContactListToImport.csv"

        HelpMessage="SwitchParameter to indicate that the
        machine running the function is not an Exchange Server"
        HelpMessage="Enter the remote exchange hostname")]

        HelpMessage="Enter the preferred domain controller FQDN to connect with")]

    Set-PSFConfig -FullName PSFramework.Logging.FileSystem.ModernLog -Value $True
    Write-PSFMessage  -Level Output -Message "Starting script. All logs are being saved in: $((Get-PSFConfig PSFramework.Logging.FileSystem.LogPath).Value)"

    # region local variables
    if ( $Password ) { $pwstr = $Password }
    else { $pwstr = "?r4mdon-_p@ss0rd!" }
    if ( $ResetPassword.IsPresent ) { [bool]$resetpwrd = $True }
    else { [bool]$resetpwrd = $False }

    $UPNSuffix = "@$UPNSuffix"
    $pw = New-Object "System.Security.SecureString";

    # region global variables
    $Global:UserListToImport | Out-Null
    $Global:ContactListToImport | Out-Null
    $Global:ImportUserList  | Out-Null
    $Global:ImportContactList  | Out-Null
    $Global:OUContacts | Out-Null

    # region requirements check
    $UserListToImportCheck = Get-CSVStatus -User
    if ( $UserListToImportCheck -eq 0 ) { Break }
    $ContactListToImportCheck = Get-CSVStatus -Contact
    $AADCStopped = Get-Requirements -Requirements AADConnect
    if ( $AADCStopped -eq 0 ) { Break }

    #Region connections
    if ( $LocalMachineIsNotExchange ) {

        $Global:LocalMachineIsNotExchange = $LocalMachineIsNotExchange
        $ServicesToConnect = Assert-ServiceConnection -Services AD, ExchangeRemote
        # Connect to services if ServicesToConnect is not empty
        if ( $ServicesToConnect.Count ) { Connect-OnlineServices -Services $ServicesToConnect -ExchangeHostname $ExchangeHostname }
    } else {

        $ServicesToConnect = Assert-ServiceConnection -Services ExchangeLocal
        # Connect to services if ServicesToConnect is not empty
        if ( $ServicesToConnect.Count ) { Connect-OnlineServices -Services $ServicesToConnect }

    # view entire forest and set the preferred DC. If no preferred
    # DC was set, use the same that dclocator is already connected
    if ( $PreferredDC )
            Set-AdServerSettings -ViewEntireForest $true -PreferredServer $PreferredDC -ErrorAction Stop
            # if no valid DC is used break and clean up sessions
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Output -Message "Error: DC was not found. Please run the function again providing a valid Domain Controller FQDN. For example: ''"
            Get-PSSession | Remove-PSSession
            Remove-Variable * -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        $PreferredDC = $env:LogOnServer.Replace("\\","")

    for ( $i=0; $i -lt $pwstr.Length; $i++ )  { $pw.AppendChar($pwstr[$i]) }

    [int]$counter = 0
    $UsersCount = ( $ImportUserList | Measure-Object ).count
    foreach ( $user in $ImportUserList )
        Write-Progress -Activity "Creating MEU objects and importing attributes from CSV" -Status "Working on $($user.DisplayName)" -PercentComplete ($counter * 100 / $UsersCount )
        $tmpUser = $null
        $UPN = $user.Alias+$UPNSuffix
        # If OU was passed through param, honor it.
        # Otherwise create the MEU without OU specification
        if ( $OU )
            $tmpUser = New-MailUser -UserPrincipalName $upn -ExternalEmailAddress $user.ExternalEmailAddress  `
            -FirstName $user.FirstName -LastName $user.LastName -SamAccountName $user.SamAccountName -Alias `
            $user.alias -PrimarySmtpAddress $upn -Name $User.Name -DisplayName $user.DisplayName -Password `
            $pw -ResetPasswordOnNextLogon $resetpwrd -OrganizationalUnit $OU

        } else {

            $tmpUser = New-MailUser -UserPrincipalName $upn -ExternalEmailAddress $user.ExternalEmailAddress -FirstName `
            $user.FirstName -LastName $user.LastName -SamAccountName $user.SamAccountName -Alias $user.alias -PrimarySmtpAddress `
            $upn -Name $User.Name -DisplayName $user.DisplayName -Password $pw -ResetPasswordOnNextLogon $resetpwrd


        # Convert legacyDN to X500, replace back to ","
        $x500 = "x500:" + $user.legacyExchangeDN
        $proxy = $user.EmailAddresses.Replace(";",",")
        $ProxyArray = @()
        $ProxyArray = $Proxy -split ","
        $ProxyArray = $ProxyArray + $x500
        # Matching the variable's name to the parameter's name
        $CustomAttributeParam = @{ $User.CustomAttribute = $user.CustomAttributeValue }
        # Set ExchangeGuid, old LegacyDN as X500 and CustomAttribute
        $tmpUser | Set-MailUser -ExchangeGuid $user.ExchangeGuid @CustomAttributeParam -EmailAddresses @{ Add=$ProxyArray }

        # Set ELC value
        if ( $LocalMachineIsNotExchange.IsPresent -and $null -eq $LocalAD )
            Set-RemoteADUser -Identity $user.SamAccountName -Server $PreferredDC -Replace @{ msExchELCMailboxFlags = $user.ELCValue }
        } else {

            Set-ADUser -Identity $user.SamAccountName -Server $PreferredDC -Replace @{ msExchELCMailboxFlags = $user.ELCValue }


        # Set ArchiveGuid if user has source cloud archive. We don't really care if the
        # archive will be moved, it's up to the batch to decide, we just import the attribute
        if ( $null -ne $user.ArchiveGuid -and $user.ArchiveGuid -ne '' )
            $tmpUser | Set-MailUser -ArchiveGuid $user.ArchiveGuid

        # If the user has Junk hash, convert the HEX string to byte array
        if ( $null -ne $user.SafeSender -and $user.SafeSender -ne '' )
            $BytelistSafeSender = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Byte]
            $HexStringSafeSender = $user.SafeSender
                for ($i = 0; $i -lt $HexStringSafeSender.Length; $i += 2)
                    $HexByteSafeSender = [System.Convert]::ToByte($HexStringsafeSender.Substring($i, 2), 16)
            $BytelistSafeSenderArray = $BytelistSafeSender.ToArray()
                if ( $LocalMachineIsNotExchange.IsPresent -and $null -eq $LocalAD )
                    Set-RemoteADUser -Identity $user.SamAccountName -Server $PreferredDC -Replace @{ msExchSafeSendersHash = $BytelistSafeSenderArray }

                } else {

                    Set-ADUser -Identity $user.SamAccountName -Server $PreferredDC -Replace @{ msExchSafeSendersHash = $BytelistSafeSenderArray }


        if ( $null -ne $user.SafeRecipient -and $user.SafeRecipient -ne '' )
            $BytelistSafeRecipient = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Byte]
            $HexStringSafeRecipient = $user.SafeRecipient
                for ($i = 0; $i -lt $HexStringSafeRecipient.Length; $i += 2)
                    $HexByteSafeRecipient = [System.Convert]::ToByte($HexStringSafeRecipient.Substring($i, 2), 16)
            $BytelistSafeRecipientArray = $BytelistSafeRecipient.ToArray()
                if ( $LocalMachineIsNotExchange.IsPresent -and $null -eq $LocalAD )
                    Set-RemoteADUser -Identity $user.SamAccountName -Server $PreferredDC -Replace @{ msExchSafeRecipientsHash = $BytelistSafeRecipientArray }

                } else {

                    Set-ADUser -Identity $user.SamAccountName -Server $PreferredDC -Replace @{ msExchSafeRecipientsHash = $BytelistSafeRecipientArray }


        if ( $null -ne $user.BlockedSender -and $user.BlockedSender -ne '' )
            $BytelistBlockedSender = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Byte]
            $HexStringBlockedSender = $user.BlockedSender
                for ($i = 0; $i -lt $HexStringBlockedSender.Length; $i += 2)
                    $HexByteBlockedSender = [System.Convert]::ToByte($HexStringBlockedSender.Substring($i, 2), 16)
            $BytelistBlockedSenderArray = $BytelistBlockedSender.ToArray()
                if ( $LocalMachineIsNotExchange.IsPresent -and $null -eq $LocalAD )
                    Set-RemoteADUser -Identity $user.SamAccountName -Server $PreferredDC -Replace @{ msExchBlockedSendersHash = $BytelistBlockedSenderArray }

                } else {

                    Set-ADUser -Identity $user.SamAccountName -Server $PreferredDC -Replace @{ msExchBlockedSendersHash = $BytelistBlockedSenderArray }


        Write-PSFMessage -Level InternalComment -Message "$($user.alias) MailUser successfully created."

    # Import Mail Contacts
    if ( $ContactListToImportCheck -eq 1 ) { Move-Contacts -Sync Import }

    # Import Manager value if the CSV contains the manager header
    $IncludeManager = $ImportUserList[0].psobject.Properties | Where { $_.Name -eq "Manager" }
    if ( $IncludeManager ) { Import-Manager -ObjType MEU }

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Output -Message "The import is completed. Please confirm that all users are correctly created before enable the Azure AD Sync Cycle."
    Write-PSFMessage -Level Output -Message "You can re-enable Azure AD Connect using the following cmdlet: 'Set-ADSyncScheduler -SyncCycleEnabled 1'"
    # region clean up variables and sessions
    Get-PSSession | Remove-PSSession
    Remove-Variable * -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
