
Function Import-Manager {
        Import Manager Attribute
        Function called by Import-T2TAttributes if we found the Manager property on the UserListToImport.csv and/or ContactsListToImport.csv
    .PARAMETER ObjType
        Type of object that the function will work, valid values are MEU or Contact
        PS C:\> Import-Manager -ObjType MEU, Contacts
        Import the manager attribute valies from from the UserListToImport.csv and ContactsListToImport.csv

    param (

    Switch ($ObjType)
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Output -Message  "Starting Manager attribute import"
            [int]$counter = 0
            $ManagerCount = ($ImportUserList | Measure-Object).count
            ForEach ($i in $ImportUserList)
                Write-Progress -Activity "Importing Manager Attribute" -Status "Working on $($i.DisplayName)" -PercentComplete ($counter * 100 / $ManagerCount)

                if ($i.Manager)
                        Set-User -Identity $i.SamAccountName -Manager $i.Manager -ErrorAction Stop
                        Write-PSFMessage -Level Output -Message "Failed to add the user's $($i.DisplayName) manager attribute"

        # Contacts case is used only by Import-ToCloud because
        # Import-ToOnPrem relies on Import-ADPersonalAttribute
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Output -Message  "MailContacts - Starting manager attribute import"

            [int]$counter = 0
            $ManagerCount = ($ImportContactList | Measure-Object).count
            ForEach ($i in $ImportContactList)
                Write-Progress -Activity "MailContacts - Importing Manager Attribute" -Status "Working on $($i.DisplayName)" -PercentComplete ($counter * 100 / $ManagerCount)

                    Set-Contact -Identity $i.Alias -Manager $i.Manager -ErrorAction Stop
                    Write-PSFMessage -Level Output -Message "MailContacts - Failed to add the user's $($i.DisplayName) manager attribute"