
Enum DnsQueryType {
    A_AAAA = 0
    A = 1
    NS = 2
    MD = 3
    MF = 4
    CNAME = 5
    SOA = 6
    MB = 7
    MG = 8
    MR = 9
    NULL = 10
    WKS = 11
    PTR = 12
    HINFO = 13
    MINFO = 14
    MX = 15
    TXT = 16
    RP = 17
    AFSDB = 18
    X25 = 19
    ISDN = 20
    RT = 21
    NSAP = 22
    NSAPPTR = 23
    SIG = 24
    KEY = 25
    PX = 26
    GPOS = 27
    AAAA = 28
    LOC = 29
    NXT = 30
    EID = 31
    NIMLOC = 32
    SRV = 33
    ATMA = 34
    NAPTR = 35
    KX = 36
    CERT = 37
    A6 = 38
    DNAME = 39
    SINK = 40
    OPT = 41
    APL = 42
    DS = 43
    SSHFP = 44
    IPSECKEY = 45
    RRSIG = 46
    NSEC = 47
    DNSKEY = 48
    DHCID = 49
    NSEC3 = 50
    NSEC3PARAM = 51
    TLSA = 52
    SMIMEA = 53
    Unassigned = 54
    HIP = 55
    NINFO = 56
    RKEY = 57
    TALINK = 58
    CDS = 59
    CDNSKEY = 60
    CSYNC = 62
    SPF = 99
    UINFO = 100
    UID = 101
    GID = 102
    UNSPEC = 103
    NID = 104
    L32 = 105
    L64 = 106
    LP = 107
    EUI48 = 108
    EUI64 = 109
    TKEY = 249
    TSIG = 250
    IXFR = 251
    AXFR = 252
    MAILB = 253
    MAILA = 254
    All = 255
    URI = 256
    CAA = 257
    AVC = 258
    DOA = 259
    TA = 32768
    DLV = 32769
class TakDns {
class DnsResponse : TakDns {
class DnsQuestion : TakDns {
class DnsResponseA : DnsResponse {
    DnsResponseA ($obj,$Q) {
        $this.IPAddress = $obj.data
        $this.Question = $q[0]
        $this.TTL = $obj.ttl
        $this.Type = $obj.Type
        $this.Name = $obj.Name
class DnsResponseCName : DnsResponse {
    DnsResponseCName ($obj,$Q) {
        $this.NameHost = $obj.data
        $this.Question = $q[0]
        $this.TTL = $obj.ttl
        $this.Type = $obj.Type
        $this.Name = $obj.Name
class DnsResponseMX : DnsResponse {
    DnsResponseMX ($obj,$Q) {
        $DataSplit = $obj.data -split " "
        $this.NameExchange = $DataSplit[1]
        $this.Priority = $DataSplit[0]
        $this.Question = $q[0]
        $this.TTL = $obj.ttl
        $this.Type = $obj.Type
        $this.Name = $obj.Name
class DnsResponseSRV : DnsResponse {
    DnsResponseSRV ($obj,$Q) {
        $DataSplit = $obj.data -split " "
        $this.NameTarget = $DataSplit[3]
        $this.Weight = $DataSplit[1]
        $this.Priority = $DataSplit[0]
        $this.Port = $DataSplit[2]
        $this.Question = $q[0]
        $this.TTL = $obj.ttl
        $this.Type = $obj.Type
        $this.Name = $obj.Name
class DnsResponseTXT : DnsResponse {
    DnsResponseTXT ($obj,$Q) {
        $this.Strings = $obj.data.replace('"','')
        $this.Question = $q[0]
        $this.TTL = $obj.ttl
        $this.Type = $obj.Type
        $this.Name = $obj.Name

function Resolve-TakDns {
        Resolves DNS queries over https.
        This function uses Invoke-RestMethod to resolve DNS queries over https. It uses the Cloudflare service.
        PS C:\> Resolve-HttpsDns -Name ntsystems.it -Type mx
        The above example queries for the `MX` record of the `ntsystems.it` domain.
        This function accepts objects with a name property as input.
        This function writes custom objects to the pipeline.
        Author: @torggler
        Module: TAK

        # Specify the hostname to query.
        # Specify the query type.
        $Type = "A_AAAA",
        # Specify which server to connect to.
        $Server = ""
    begin {
        # Mimic Resolve-DnsName behaviour which queries for A and AAAA if no type is specified.
        if($Type -contains "A_AAAA") {
            $Type = "A","AAAA"
    process {
        foreach($n in $name) {
            foreach($t in $type) {
                # Build uri for request
                $uri = -join("https://",$Server,"/dns-query")
                # Invoke Web Request
                $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Body @{
                    ct = "application/dns-json"
                    name = $n
                    type = $t
                } -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                    foreach ($answer in $response.Answer) {
                        switch($answer.Type) {
                            1  { [DnsResponseA]::new($answer, $response.Question) }
                            2  { [DnsResponseCName]::new($answer, $response.Question) }
                            5  { [DnsResponseCName]::new($answer, $response.Question) }
                            28 { [DnsResponseA]::new($answer, $response.Question) }
                            15 { [DnsResponseMX]::new($answer, $response.Question) }
                            33 { [DnsResponseSRV]::new($answer, $response.Question) }
                            16 { [DnsResponseTXT]::new($answer, $response.Question) }