
function Connect-SfB {
        Connect to Skype for Business Server or Online.
        This function uses New-PSSession or New-CsOnlineSession to connect to Skype for Business (or Lync) Servers
        or Skype for Business Online. The resulting PS Session is then imported and makes cmdlets available in the current session.
        The Timeout and ProxyType parameters are used to configure the PSSessionOption with respective values.
        PS C:\> Connect-SfB -Online -AdminDomain uclab
        This example connects to Skype for Business Online setting the OverrideAdminDomain to uclab.onmicrosoft.com
        Author: @torggler

        # Specifies the ServerName that the session will be connected to
                   ParameterSetName = "Server",

        # Specify the Online switch to connect to SfB Online using the SkypeOnlineConnector module

        # Specify the admin doamin to connect to (OverrideAdminDomain parameter)

        # Credential used for connection; if not specified, the currently logged on user will be used

        # Session idle timeout in seconds
        $Timeout = 3600,

        # ProxyAccessType to use for the PsSession
        $ProxyType = "None"
    if ($MyInvocation.InvocationName -ne $MyInvocation.MyCommand) {
        Write-Host "Please use $($MyInvocation.MyCommand), this alias will be deprecated in a future version." -ForegroundColor Yellow
    if ((Get-PSSession).Name -ne "LyncMgmt" -and $Credential) {
        $params = @{
            Name = "LyncMgmt";
            Authentication = "Negotiate";
            Credential = $Credential;
            ConnectionUri = "https://$Server/ocsPowerShell/"
    } elseif ((Get-PSSession).Name -ne "LyncMgmt" -and (-not $Credential)) {
        $params = @{
            Name = "LyncMgmt";
            Authentication = "Negotiate";
            ConnectionUri = "https://$Server/ocsPowerShell/"
    } else {
        Write-Warning "Already connected to Lync"
    $LyncOption = New-PSSessionOption -IdleTimeout (New-TimeSpan -Seconds $Timeout).TotalMilliseconds -ProxyAccessType $ProxyType
    try {
        if($Online -and (Get-Command -Name New-CsOnlineSession -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
            if($AdminDomain -notmatch ".onmicrosoft.com") {
                $AdminDomain = -join($AdminDomain,".onmicrosoft.com")
            Write-Verbose "Using New-CsOnlineSession with Idle timeout: $($LyncOption.IdleTimeout) and ProxyType: $($LyncOption.ProxyAccessType)"
            $sLync = New-CsOnlineSession -OverrideAdminDomain $AdminDomain -SessionOption $LyncOption -ErrorAction Stop -ErrorVariable LyncSessionError   
        } else {
            Write-Verbose "Trying to connect to $($params.ConnectionUri) with Idle timeout: $($LyncOption.IdleTimeout) and ProxyType: $($LyncOption.ProxyAccessType)"
            $sLync = New-PSSession @params -SessionOption $LyncOption -ErrorAction Stop -ErrorVariable LyncSessionError
        Import-Module (Import-PSSession $sLync -AllowClobber) -Global -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
    catch {
        Write-Warning "Could not connect to Skype for Business $($LyncSessionError.ErrorRecord)"