
 #region Legacy Handler
    # $EventHandler_CollectAndReportJobDetails = [scriptblock] {
    # try {
    # ## Disable Error Stops so we can receive the data back and continue running
    # $ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue'
    # ## Get the Runspaces in the Remote Session
    # $RunspaceJobs = Get-RSJob
    # Write-Host 'Runspace Count: '$RunspaceJobs.Count

    # # # ## Connect to each Runspace and create a report of it's status
    # # # $RunspaceReports = [System.Collections.ArrayList] @()
    # # # foreach ($RunspaceJob in $RunspaceJobs) {
    # # # ## Create the TaskIdString used to report status to TMD
    # # # $TaskId = $RunspaceJob.Name.split('_') | Select-Object -First 1

    # # # ## Disable Error Throws so we can receive the data back and handle it conditionally
    # # # $ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue'
    # # # ## Check for Errors and get the Error String
    # # # # Write-Host 'ERROR ERROR ERROR: ErrorItem has Exception'
    # # # # if ($RunspaceJob.HasErrors) {
    # # # # ## Create an array of strings to return
    # # # # $ErrorStrings = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
    # # # # ## Iterate over each Error in the Runspace Error list
    # # # # foreach ($ErrorItem in $RunspaceJob.Error) {
    # # # # ## Not all Errors have an Exception node, it may just be a text Error
    # # # # if ($ErrorItem.Exception) {
    # # # # ## Exceptions might be an exception, or an error record.
    # # # # if ($ErrorItem.Exception.Message) {
    # # # # # Write-Host 'ERROR ERROR ERROR: ErrorItem has Exception.Message'$ErrorItem.Exception.Message
    # # # # $ErrorStrings.Add($ErrorItem.Exception.Message) | Out-Null
    # # # # }
    # # # # elseif ($ErrorItem.Exception.ErrorRecord) {
    # # # # # Write-Host 'ERROR ERROR ERROR: ErrorItem has Exception.Message'$ErrorItem.Exception.ErrorRecord
    # # # # $ErrorStrings.Add($ErrorItem.Exception.ErrorRecord) | Out-Null
    # # # # }
    # # # # else {
    # # # # # Write-Host 'ERROR ERROR ERROR: ErrorItem is not a known exception type'$ErrorItem.Exception.toString()
    # # # # $ErrorStrings.Add($ErrorItem.Exception.ToString()) | Out-Null
    # # # # }
    # # # # }
    # # # # else {
    # # # # # Write-Host 'ERROR ERROR ERROR: ErrorItem does NOT have an Exception'
    # # # # $ErrorStrings.Add('Unhandled Error. No error message returned from the process.') | Out-Null
    # # # # }
    # # # # ## With an Exception Thrown, Mark the job for removal immediately
    # # # # if ($ErrorStrings.Count -gt 0) {
    # # # # ## Add a removal timestamp of now so the job is removed on this pass
    # # # # $Global:RemoteSessionCache.RemoveJobAfter | Add-Member -NotePropertyName $TaskIdString -NotePropertyValue (Get-Date) -Force
    # # # # }
    # # # # }
    # # # # }
    # # # ## Return a formatted object back for SessionManager to interpret and process without using the session
    # # # ## Parts of this Object are piped into a ConvertTo-JSON so they are snapped and no live items are returned.
    # # # # $RunspaceReport = @{
    # # # # Type = 'RunspaceReport'
    # # # # TaskIdString = $TaskIdString;
    # # # # Runspace = @{
    # # # # Guid = $RunspaceJob.InstanceId
    # # # # <#
    # # # # RunspaceJob States
    # # # #
    # # # # ENUMS
    # # # # ==================

    # # # # Completed 4 PowerShell has completed executing a command.
    # # # # Disconnected 6 PowerShell is in disconnected state.
    # # # # Failed 5 PowerShell completed abnormally due to an error.
    # # # # NotStarted 0 PowerShell has not been started
    # # # # Running 1 PowerShell is executing
    # # # # Stopped 3 PowerShell is completed due to a stop request.
    # # # # Stopping 2 PowerShell is stoping execution.
    # # # # #>
    # # # # State = $RunspaceJob.State
    # # # # HasErrors = $RunspaceJob.HasErrors
    # # # # Output = $RunspaceJob.Output
    # # # # Errors = $ErrorStrings
    # # # # ## Stream objects have too much information lost when they are passed from the session back to the Session Manager.
    # # # # ## Convert them to JSON and return them as structured text.
    # # # # Streams = @{
    # # # # Information = $RunspaceJob.InnerJob.Streams.Information | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue'
    # # # # Progress = $RunspaceJob.InnerJob.Streams.Progress | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue'
    # # # # Verbose = $RunspaceJob.Verbose #| ConvertTo-Json -Compress -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue')
    # # # # Debug = $RunspaceJob.Debug #| ConvertTo-Json -Compress -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue')
    # # # # Warning = $RunspaceJob.Warning #| ConvertTo-Json -Compress -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue')
    # # # # }
    # # # # }
    # # # # } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
    # # # # ## Add the JSON Runspace Report to the Runspace Queue
    # # # # $RunspaceReports.Add($RunspaceReport) | Out-Null
    # # # # ## Clear the Output Queue and Streams
    # # # # if ($RunspaceJob.HasMoreData) {
    # # # # ## Clear the Output Queue
    # # # # $RunspaceJob | Receive-RSJob | Out-Null
    # # # # }

    # # # # ## Clear the Output Streams
    # # # # $RunspaceJob.InnerJob.Streams.ClearStreams()

    # # # # ## Add a debug token
    # # # # # $RunspaceReports.Add((@{
    # # # # # Type = 'DebugReport'
    # # # # # Message = ('Checking Status of Runspace ' + $TaskIdString + ', Runspace.State ' + $RunspaceJob.State)
    # # # # # } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress)) | Out-Null
    # # # # ## Mark the Job for removal. This allows for the data to be collected before the job is removed at the end of this loop
    # # # # ## Failed = 5, Completed = 4
    # # # # if (($RunspaceJob.State -in $FinishedJobStatuses) -and (-Not $RunspaceJob.HasMoreData)) {
    # # # # ## Check the RemoteSessionCache list for this existing JobId
    # # # # if ($Global:RemoteSessionCache.RemoveJobAfter.PSObject.Properties.Name -notcontains $TaskIdString) {
    # # # # ## Create a RemoveAfter timestamp
    # # # # $RemoveAfter = (Get-Date).AddSeconds(-1)
    # # # # $Global:RemoteSessionCache.RemoveJobAfter | Add-Member -NotePropertyName $TaskIdString -NotePropertyValue $RemoveAfter
    # # # # # ## Add a debug token
    # # # # # $RunspaceReports.Add(([PSCustomObject]@{
    # # # # # Type = 'DebugReport'
    # # # # # Message = ('Marking Task ID ' + $TaskIdString + ' for removal at ' + $RemoveAfter)
    # # # # # } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress)) | Out-Null
    # # # # }
    # # # # }

    # # # # ## Check the RemoteSessionCache list for this existing JobId
    # # # # if ($Global:RemoteSessionCache.RemoveJobAfter.PSObject.Properties.Name -contains $TaskIdString) {
    # # # # ## Get the timestamp details of when the Job can be removed
    # # # # $PermittedRemovalTimestamp = $Global:RemoteSessionCache.RemoveJobAfter.$TaskIdString
    # # # # $TimeUntilRemoval = New-TimeSpan -Start (Get-Date) -End $PermittedRemovalTimestamp
    # # # # # ## Add a debug token
    # # # # # $RunspaceReports.Add(([PSCustomObject]@{
    # # # # # Type = 'DebugReport'
    # # # # # Message = ('Checking Task ID ' + $TaskIdString + ' if the removal time at ' + $RemoveAfter + ' is after ' + (Get-Date))
    # # # # # } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress)) | Out-Null

    # # # # ## Check the RemoveAfter timestamp
    # # # # if ($TimeUntilRemoval.TotalSeconds -lt 0) {
    # # # # ## Remove the Runspace from the Session List
    # # # # $Global:RemoteSessionCache.RemoveJobAfter.PSObject.Properties.Remove($TaskIdString)

    # # # # if ($OutputVerbose) { Write-Host 'Removing Runspace Job: '$RunspaceJob.Id }

    # # # # ## Remove the Runspace Job itself
    # # # # Remove-RSJob $RunspaceJob | Out-Null

    # # # # ## Create a Task End report
    # # # # $TaskEndReport = @{
    # # # # Type = 'TaskEndReport';
    # # # # TaskIdString = $TaskIdString;
    # # # # State = $RunspaceJob.State
    # # # # } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
    # # # # $RunspaceReports.Add($TaskEndReport) | Out-Null
    # # # # }
    # # # # }
    # # # # ## Return any Runspace reports provided
    # # # # $RunspaceReports
    # # # }
    # }
    # catch {
    # Write-Host 'VERBOSE: ' $_
    # }
    # }