
    This SessionManager Script handles creating and receiving output from a Session-Based Runspace Environment
    Output received from actions that are being run in this script are sent to TMConsole via WebSocket a websocket
    Messages sent to the WebSocket must be:
        - An JSON string
        - The Json Object must have the following properties:
            - TMTaskId: <int> This is the task.taskNumber (not the taskId)
            - Type:
                One of [
                    'Started' - Expressly creates a 'TaskCache' object which stores the output of a given Task's Action
                        ** Note - The receiving handler does not expressly require a 'Started' token, if any other types are received first
                                  And one doesn't already exist, one is created to store the other Type-d data.
                    'Info' - A 'Write-Host' message from the 'info' stream
                    'Progress' - An 'Activity Progress' message from the 'Progress' stream
                    'Failed' - An Error bearing token with a 'Message' property which is displayed in the console
                    'Completed' - A token with a simply indicating that the task is complete and all progress should reflect this
    Among others. There is "Info", "Started", "Failed", "Progress" and "Completed"
    Each of the JSON representations are of the associated PowerShell Primative Classes that are emitted by the the script using:
    - Started:
        Psuedo message, not actually created by PowerShell, it's written to the StdOut as early as possible (when this script gets the ID for the first time
    - Info: Write-Host or any pipeline output (Get-Date, for example)
    - Progress: Write-Progress
        ActivityID (Id)
        RecordType (1 = running, 0=Completed)
    - Errors Writtn as "Failed"
        - Errors Thrown from Infrastructure problems (Session issues, network, etc)
        - TM Action Scripts are run by the user are in a try catch and reported this way
    - Completed:
        Occurs when the Action Script provided by TM is completed, with no errors
    --- TODO
    - Verbose
        Write-Verbose output should be displayed in TMD as well (with a UI switch)

Function Start-TMCSessionManager {
        Executes a new TMConsole PowerShell Server instance to handle
        Name: Start-TMCSessionManager
        Author: TransitionManager
        Version: 1.1
        DateCreated: 2021-08-21
        1.1: 2022-02-09
        Start-TMCSessionManager -Hostname <hostname> -Port 8620

        [Parameter(mandatory = $false)]
        [bool]$OutputVerbose = $false, ## PROD SETTING
        # [bool]$OutputVerbose = $true, ## DEV SETTING

        [Parameter()]$HostPID = -1,

        [Parameter()][Bool]$AllowInsecureSSL = $False,
        [Parameter()][Bool]$AllowDirectExecution = $False,


        [Int32]$WebSocketPort = 8620,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Version]$TMCVersion = '0.0.0'


    Begin {

        ## Enable Verbose Output if OutputVerbose was true
        if ($OutputVerbose) {
            $Global:VerbosePreference = 'Continue'
            $VerbosePreference = 'Continue'
            Write-Verbose -Message "Starting TMConsole Server Session {$($PowershellServerSettings.Hostname):$($PowershellServerSettings.Port)}"
            Write-Verbose -Message ($MyInvocation.BoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json)

        ## Create the powershell WebSocketServer connection settings
        $PowerShellServerSettings = @{
            Hostname = $WebSocketServer.ToLower()
            Port     = $WebSocketPort

        ## Begin Running the Session Manager

        ## Allow the TMD Watcher script to continue and move past any transient errors
        $ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue' ## PRODUCTION = 'Continue'. Setting this to 'Stop' is useful in debugging this script

        ## Enable Verbose (using bool, not switch)
        if ($OutputVerbose) {

            $VerbosePreference = 'Continue'

            ## If Host PID is present, notify that SessionManager is bound to that pid
            if ($HostPID -ne -1) {
                Write-Host "VERBOSE: Bound to TMD PID: $HostPID"
        } else {
            $VerbosePreference = 'SilentlyContinue'

    Process {

        ## Error Action
        $ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue'

        ## Define the settings for the web socket client
        $StartWebSocketClientSplat = @{
            WebSocketServer  = $($WebSocketServer.ToLower())
            WebSocketPort    = $WebSocketPort
            Verbose          = $Verbose
            OutputVerbose    = $OutputVerbose
            AllowInsecureSSL = $AllowInsecureSSL
            TMCVersion       = $TMCVersion

        ## Start the WebSocketClient directly
        Start-TMConsoleWebSocketClient @StartWebSocketClientSplat

    End {
        Write-Verbose 'TMConsole.SessionManager has ended'