
class SNSession {
    ## A Name parameter to identify the session in other -SNSessions functions

    # SN Server hostname

    # SNVersion drives the selection of compatible APIs to use

    # Logged in SN User's Context (indicates loggedin-ness)

    # SNRestSession Variable. Maintained by the Invoke-RestMethod function's capability

    ## Tracks non-changing items to reduce HTTP lookups, and increase speed of scripts.
    ## DataCache is expected to be a k/v pair, where the V could be another k/v pair,
    ## However, it's implementation will be more of the nature to hold the list of object calls from the API
    ## like 'credentials' = @(@{...},@{...}); 'actions' = @(@{...},@{...})
    ## Get-SN* functions will cache unless a -NoCache switch is provided

    ## Should PowerShell ignore the SSL Cert on the SN Server?

    SNSession() {
        $this.Name = 'Default'
        $this.AllowInsecureSSL = $false
        $this.DataCache = @{}
        $this.UserContext = $null

    SNSession([String]$_name = 'Default') {
        $this.Name = $_name
        $this.AllowInsecureSSL = $false
        $this.DataCache = @{}
        $this.UserContext = $null

    SNSession([String]$_name = 'Default', [String]$_server, [Bool]$_allowInsecureSSL = $false) {
        $this.Name = $_name
        $this.AllowInsecureSSL = $_allowInsecureSSL
        $this.SNServer = $_server
        $this.DataCache = @{}
        $this.UserContext = $null