
function Get-RunningTask
        Gets the tasks currently running on the system
        A Detailed Description of what the command does

    #The name of the task. By default, all running tasks are shown
    $Name = "*",

    # If this is set, hidden tasks will also be shown.
    # By default, only tasks that are not marked by Task Scheduler as hidden are shown.
    # The name of the computer to connect to.
    # The credential used to connect
    process {
        $scheduler = Connect-ToTaskScheduler -ComputerName $ComputerName -Credential $Credential        
        if ($scheduler -and $scheduler.Connected) {
            $scheduler.GetRunningTasks($Hidden -as [bool]) | Where-Object { 
                $_.Path -like $Name -or 
                (Split-Path $_.Path -Leaf) -like $name