
        Takes the output of Get-ComplianceSearchAction and pulls the result URL and SAS token out
        From the property 'Results' the Cmdlet Get-ComplianceSearchAction produces this command pulls out from the sting the URL and SAS token so it can be utilized easily.
    .PARAMETER Results
        The returned object of Get-ComplianceSearchAction
        PS C:\> Get-AMTComplianceExportURL -Results $Results

function Get-NTComplianceExportURL
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
                   ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
                if ([System.String]::isNullorEmpty($_.Results) -eq $true)
                    Throw "Make sure the input contains a none null results parameter."
        $URL = ($Results.results | Select-String -Pattern "(Container url: (.*?);)").Matches.Groups[2].Value
        $SASToken = ($Results.results | Select-String -Pattern "(SAS token: (.*?);)").Matches.Groups[2].Value
        $Props = [ordered]@{
            URL         = $URL
            SASToken = $SASToken
            FullURL  = "$($URL)/$($SASToken)"
        New-Object PSObject -Property $Props