
    PowerShell TwinCAT XAE Management Console (
    Cmdlets for managing and accessing ADS Routes, Reading/Writing Values and
    managing Remote targets.
    The Powershell TwinCAT Management Console is a PowerShell module that
    provides a number of useful cmdlets for TwinCAT System Management and for
    communicating with ADS devices over the ADS protocol.
    This includes the following tasks/features: - Establishing/Removing Route
    Connections (
    ) - Browsing Routes locally and within the network (
    Broadcast Search
    ) - Getting remote device states and information (
    ) - Establishing and Closing Remote communication sessions (
    ) - Browsing Symbol Information (
    ) - Reading/Writing raw and symbolic values (
    ) - Uploading/Downloading files to/from remote devices (
    ) - Browsing License information (
    This Module is usable under all Powershell Version >= 5.1 including 'Windows
    Powershell' and 'Powershell Core' Versions.
    As Prerequisite the
    Module needs a local TwinCAT installation larger equals than TwinCAT
    4024.10. There are no limitations to access other/older TwinCAT Versions
    >= TwinCAT 3.1.4024.10 (XAR Runtime or Full) (local installation)
    >= Windows Powershell 5.1
>= Powershell (Core) 6.0
    To see what cmdlets are provided by the TcXaeMgmt Module, execute the
    PS> Get-Command -Module TcXaeMgmt -CommandType Cmdlet
    The actual TcXaeMgmt cmdlets are listed below:
    Add-AdsRoute: Cmdlet for adding TwinCAT Routes.
    Add-MqttRoute: Adds an MQTT route to the destination system.
    Close-TcSession: Closes the specified session object.
    Copy-AdsFile: Uploads / Downloads files from/to TwinCAT target.
    Get-AdsRoute: List routes on a TwinCAT System / Broadcast search.
    Get-AdsState: Gets the Ads State of a TwinCAT Target.
    Get-TcDataType: Get the DataTypes from a TwinCAT target system / Device.
    Get-TcLicense: Get TwinCAT License information.
    Get-TcRouterInfo: Gets the router status information of the specified target system.
    Get-TcSession: List the currently established Sessions.
    Get-TcSymbol: Get the symbols from a TwinCAT target system / Device.
    Get-TcTargetInfo: Get TwinCAT Device Target information.
    Get-TcVersion: Get the TwinCAT Version of a target system. New-TcSession:
    Create a new session to a TwinCAT Target.
    Read-TcValue: Reads values from TwinCAT devices.
    Register-AdsHandle: Registers and returns a symbol handle.
    Remove-AdsRoute: Remove an ADS Route.
    Remove-MqttRoute: Remove a MQQT Route.
    Send-TcReadWrite: Sends a Read/Write access to ADS Server / TwinCAT Devices.
    Set-AdsState: Set the ADS State of a TwinCAT Target.
    Test-AdsRoute: Test the specified route connection.
    Unregister-AdsHandle: Unregisters a symbol handle.
    Write-TcValue: Write values to TwinCAT devices.
Getting Route
    PS> $route = get-adsroute TC3TEST*
    PS> $route
    Name NetId Address Sub Version RTSystem
    ---- ----- ------- --- ------- --------
    TC3TESTA1-CP67X 0.0 Unknown
Create Session
    PS> $session = New-TcSession -Route $route -Port 851
    PS> $session
    ID Address IsConnected EstablishedAt
    -- ------- ----------- -------------
    1 True 12/12/2016 12:22:02 PM
Read Ads Value (Struct)
    PS> $v1 = Read-TcValue -SessionId 1 -Path "GVL.vgStruct"
    PS> $v1
    vBool : True
    vByte : 123
    vWord : 12345
    vDWord : 12345678
    vSInt : -121
    vUSInt : 212
    vInt : -12121
    vUInt : 21212
    vDInt : -1212121
    vUDInt : 2121212
    vReal : 123,456
    vLReal : 1234567890,12346
    vTime : 01:02:03.0040000
    vTod : 23:45:06.7890000
    vDate : 17.11.2005 00:00:00
    vDT : 17.11.2005 12:34:56
    vAlias : 8
    vEnum : 8
    vRange : 7
    PSValue : ...
Read Ads Value (Boolean)
    PS> $v2 = Read-TcValue -SessionId 1 -Path "Main.bChange"
    PS> $v2
Read Ads Value (Array of Strings)
    PS> $v3 = Read-TcValue -SessionId 1 -path "GVL.vgaString"
    Dimensions Elements PSValue
    ---------- -------- -------
    PS> $v4 = Read-TcValue -SessionId 1 -path "GVL.vgastruct"
    Dimensions Elements
    ---------- --------
    {TwinCAT.TypeSystem.Dimension} {@{vBool=True; vByte=123; vWord=12345; vDWord=12345678; vSInt=-121; vUSInt=212; vInt=-12121; vUInt=21212; vDInt=-1212121; vUD...
Dump Array Elements
    PS> $v4.Dimensions.ElementCount
    PS> $v4.Elements
    vBool : True
    vByte : 123
    vWord : 12345
    vDWord : 12345678
    vSInt : -121
    vUSInt : 212
    vInt : -12121
    vUInt : 21212
    vDInt : -1212121
    vUDInt : 2121212
    vReal : 123,456
    vLReal : 1234567890,12346
    vTime : 01:02:03.0040000
    vTod : 23:45:06.7890000
    vDate : 17.11.2005 00:00:00
    vDT : 17.11.2005 12:34:56
    vAlias : 8
    vEnum : 8
    vRange : 7
    PSValue : ...
    vBool : False
    vByte : 234
    vWord : 23456
    vDWord : 23456789
    vSInt : 121
    vUSInt : 131
    vInt : 12121
    vUInt : 13131
    vDInt : 1212121
    vUDInt : 1313131
    vReal : 456,321
    vLReal : 987654321,123457
    vTime : 11:22:33.0440000
    vTod : 11:22:33.4440000
    vDate : 22.01.1999 00:00:00
    vDT : 22.01.1999 11:22:33
    vAlias : 9
    vEnum : 9
    vRange : -5
    PSValue : ...
    ## Browse Data Types (Query by Category)
    PS> $session | Get-TcDataType | where Category -eq "Array" }
    Name Size Category Comment ElementType Dimensions Members
    ---- ---- -------- ------- ----------- ---------- -------
    ARRAY [-1..1] OF INT 6 Array INT {TwinCAT.Type...
    ARRAY [-10..-8] OF BOOL 3 Array BOOL {TwinCAT.Type...
    ARRAY [0..1] OF A_Alias 4 Array A_Alias {TwinCAT.Type...
Browse DataTypes by name
    PS> $session | Get-TcDataType -name "Array*"
Browse all Symbols recursively
    PS> $session | Get-TcSymbol -recurse
    ... returns all symbols
Browse Symbols recursivly by Symbol Path (Here specific array index 'TaskInfo[1]'(
    PS> $session | Get-TcSymbol -recurse -path "*TaskInfo``[1``]*","*.ProjectName"
    InstanceName DataType Size InstancePath Comment
    ------------ -------- ---- ------------ -------
    ProjectName STRING(63) 64 TwinCAT_SystemInfoVarList._AppInfo.ProjectName
    _TaskInfo[1] PLC.PlcTaskSystemInfo 128 TwinCAT_SystemInfoVarList._TaskInfo[1]
    ObjId OTCID 4 TwinCAT_SystemInfoVarList._TaskInfo[1].ObjId
    CycleTime UDINT 4 TwinCAT_SystemInfoVarList._TaskInfo[1].CycleTime
    Priority UINT 2 TwinCAT_SystemInfoVarList._TaskInfo[1].Priority
    AdsPort UINT 2 TwinCAT_SystemInfoVarList._TaskInfo[1].AdsPort
    CycleCount UDINT 4 TwinCAT_SystemInfoVarList._TaskInfo[1].CycleCount
    DcTaskTime LINT 8 TwinCAT_SystemInfoVarList._TaskInfo[1].DcTaskTime
    LastExecTime UDINT 4 TwinCAT_SystemInfoVarList._TaskInfo[1].LastExecTime
    FirstCycle BOOL 1 TwinCAT_SystemInfoVarList._TaskInfo[1].FirstCycle
    CycleTimeExceeded BOOL 1 TwinCAT_SystemInfoVarList._TaskInfo[1].CycleTimeExceeded
    InCallAfterOutputUpdate BOOL 1 TwinCAT_SystemInfoVarList._TaskInfo[1].InCallAfterOutputUpdate
    RTViolation BOOL 1 TwinCAT_SystemInfoVarList._TaskInfo[1].RTViolation
    TaskName STRING(63) 64 TwinCAT_SystemInfoVarList._TaskInfo[1].TaskName
Browse only Symbols ending with path *.ProjectName
    PS>$project = Get-TcSymbol -Session $session -recurse -path "*.ProjectName"
    InstanceName DataType Size InstancePath Comment
    ------------ -------- ---- ------------ -------
    ProjectName STRING(63) 64 TwinCAT_SystemInfoVarList._AppInfo.ProjectName
Ads Read ProjectName
    PS>$project | Read-TcValue -Session $session
Ads Write ProjectName
    PS>$project | Write-TcValue -Session $session -Value "NewProjectName"
    PS>$project | Read-TcValue -Session $session
ReadWrite by Symbol Path
    PS>Read-TcValue -SessionId 1 -Path "Main.bChange"
    PS>Write-TcValue -SessionId 1 -Symbol "Main.bChange" -Value True
    PS>Read-TcValue -SessionId 1 -Path "GVL.vgBool"
    PS>Write-TcValue -SessionId 1 -Path "GVL.vgBool" -value $true
ReadWrite by Piping
    PS> $projectNameSymbol = $session | Get-TcSymbol -Recurse -path "*ProjectName"
    PS> $projectNameSymbol | Read-TcValue -SessionId 1
    PS> $projectNameSymbol | Write-TcValue -SessionId 1 -Value "NewProjectName"
    PS> $projectNameSymbol | Read-TcValue -SessionId 1
Get Target Information
    PS> get-adsroute | Get-TcTargetInfo
    Target Version Level OS Image Device CPUArch
    ------ ------- ----- -- ----- ------ -------
    TC3TESTA1-CP67X 3.1.4021.131 CP Win7 IntelX86
    PS> get-adsroute | Get-TcVersion
    Major Minor Build Revision
    ----- ----- ----- --------
    3 1 4021 131
    The TcXaeMgmt module includes the AdsSymbolProvider and the AdsFileProvider
    Binds the target device symbolic information to a PSDrive. To register a
    symbol server as PSDrive type (here the Target Route 'CX_01234' with
    AmsPort: 851)
    PS> New-PSDrive -Name CX_01234_Symbols -PSProvider AdsSymbolProvider -Address CX_01234 -Port 851 -Root ''
    PS> cd CX_01234_Symbols:
    PS CX_01234_Symbols:> dir
    PS> New-PSDrive -name CX_01234 -PSProvider AdsFileProvider -Address CX_01234 -Root ''
    PS> cd CX_01234:
    PS> dir
    PS CX_01234:\> (dir).FullName
    PS CX_01234:\> cd BootDir
    PS CX_01234:\BootDir>
    PS CX_01234:\BootDir> (dir).FullName
    PS> get-help about_providers
    Please submit any feedback, including defects and enhancement requests, to
    We are also interested in suggestions you may have for cmdlets. Over time,
    we hope to be able to add some more features.
    To see what functions are provided by TcXaeMgmt, execute the command:
    PS> Get-Command -Module TcXaeMgmt -CommandType Function
    For more information, most of the cmdlets have help associated with them
    PS> Get-Help Add-AdsRoute -full
    The definitive information on a cmdlet's parameters can be obtained by
    PS> Get-Command Add-AdsRoute -syntax
    or more tersely:
    PS> gcm Add-AdsRoute -syn
    Documentation TcXaeMgmt Module
    About the TcXaeMgmt Module
    Beckhoff Homepage
    PS> get-help about_providers
    - ADS
- TwinCAT
- ManagementConsole
- Routes