
# TeamsAddMembersFromCSVFile.psm1
# version: 03/10/2020
# author: Walter van Heuven
# PowerShell module with useful functions
# Requires MicrosoftTeams
# to install enter:
# Install-Module -Name MicrosoftTeams -RequiredVersion 1.1.3-preview -AllowPrerelease -force -AllowClobber
# then enter Connect-MicrosoftTeams in the PowerShell and follow the instructions.
#Requires -Modules @{ ModuleName="MicrosoftTeams"; RequiredVersion="1.1.3" }
Import-Module -Name MicrosoftTeams -RequiredVersion "1.1.3"

# Add-ToTeamFromCSVFile
# Add people to a team or channel within a team
# run script example: Add-ToTeamFromCSVFile students.csv
# Input file requires 2 columns, separated by commas to adds students to a Team.
# First line of CSV file should be a header indicating the column names: email, team
# Input file requires 3 columns, separated by commas to adds students to a Team Channel.
# First line of CSV file should be a header indicating the column names: email, team, channel
# Column role is optional, default role is Member

function Add-ToTeamFromCSVFile {
param (
    [String] $fileToProcess
    $startTime = Get-Date -DisplayHint Date

    # Check if input file is provided
    if ($fileToProcess -eq "") {
        Write-Error "Input CSV file missing!"

    # Check if file exists and has required columns
    if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $fileToProcess -PathType Leaf) {
        Write-Output "Processing CSV file: $fileToProcess"

        $inputCsvFile = Import-Csv -Path $fileToProcess

        # check CSV file
        $colCount = ($inputCsvFile | get-member -type NoteProperty).Count
        if ($colCount -lt 2) {
            Write-Error "Error in file: '$fileToProcess', 2 columns needed, found: $colCount."
            Write-Error "Required columns in the input file: email, team"
            Write-Error "Additional column needed when adding students to channel: channel"
            Write-Error "Optional column: role, if missing, role is Member."
        } else {
            # CSV file has at least 2 columns, now check if these have the required names

            if ($null -eq $ -or $null -eq $ {
                Write-Error "Error in file: '$fileToProcess'."
                Write-Error "Typo in column name or column name missing."
                Write-Error "Required columns in the input file: email, team"

        $n = 1
        $addedTeamMembers = 0
        $addedChannelMembers = 0
        $currentTeam = ""
        $currentTeamMembers = @()
        $currentChannel = ""
        $currentChannelMembers = @()
        $changedTeam = 0

        $theEmail = ""
        $theTeam = ""
        $theChannel = ""
        $theRole = ""

        foreach ($line in $inputCsvFile) {
            $theEmail = $
            $theTeam = $

            # check if Role column is available, if not set Role to Member
            if ($null -eq $line.role) {
                $theRole = "Member"
            } else {
                if ($line.role -eq "") {
                    $theRole = "Member"
                } else {
                    $theRole = $line.role

            if ($null -eq $ {
                $theChannel = ""
            } else {
                $theChannel = $

            # Team
            if ($currentTeam -ne $theTeam) {
                try {
                    $grpid = (Get-Team -DisplayName $theTeam).GroupId
                    $currentTeamMembers = (Get-TeamUser -GroupId $grpid).User
                catch {
                    Write-Error "Unable to connect to MicrosoftTeams (AzureCloud)."
                    Write-Error "Run first these cmdlets in the PowerShell:"
                    Write-Error "Import-Module -Name MicrosoftTeams -RequiredVersion '1.1.3'"
                    Write-Error "Connect-MicrosoftTeams"
                $currentTeam = $theTeam
                $changedTeam = 1
            } else {
                $changedTeam = 0

            if ($currentTeamMembers -Contains $theEmail) {
                # do not warn when adding people to a channel within a team
                if ($theChannel -eq "") {
                    Write-Warning "Line $n, $theEmail already member of Team: $theTeam"
            } else {
                try {
                    Add-TeamUser -GroupId $grpid -User $theEmail -Role $theRole
                    Write-Output "Line $n, added: $theEmail, role: $theRole to team: $theTeam"
                catch {
                    Write-Error "Unable to connect to MicrosoftTeams (AzureCloud)."
                $addedTeamMembers += 1
                $currentTeamMembers += $theEmail

            # Channel
            if ($theChannel -ne "") {
                if (($currentChannel -ne $theChannel) -or ($changedTeam -eq 1)) {
                    try {
                        $currentChannelMembers = (Get-TeamChannelUser -GroupId $grpid -DisplayName $theChannel).User
                    catch {
                        Write-Error "Unable to connect to MicrosoftTeams (AzureCloud)."
                    $currentChannel = $theChannel

                if ($currentChannelMembers -Contains $theEmail) {
                    Write-Warning "Line $n, $theEmail already member of channel: $theChannel"
                } else {
                    try {
                        Add-TeamChannelUser -GroupId $grpid -DisplayName $theChannel -User $theEmail -Role $theRole
                        Write-Output "Line $n, added: $theEmail, role: $theRole to channel: $theChannel in team: $theTeam"
                    catch {
                        Write-Error "Unable to connect to MicrosoftTeams (AzureCloud)."
                    $addedChannelMembers += 1
                    $currentChannelMembers += $theEmail
            $n += 1
        $endTime = Get-Date -DisplayHint Date

        Write-Output "Finished processing file: '$fileToProcess'"
        Write-Output ""
        Write-Output "Start time: $startTime"
        Write-Output "End time: $endTime"
        Write-Output "Total number of people added to Teams: $addedTeamMembers"
        Write-Output "Total number of people added to Channels: $addedChannelMembers"
    } else {
        Write-Error "Input CSV file: '$fileToProcess' does not exist."
Export-ModuleMember -Function Add-ToTeamFromCSVFile