
# Module: TeamsFunctions
# Function: Test
# Author: David Eberhardt
# Updated: 11-OCT-2020

BeforeAll {
  $Module = @{
    Name     = 'TeamsFunctions'
    Path     = $PSScriptRoot
    Manifest = "$PSScriptRoot\TeamsFunctions.psd1"
    FileName = "$PSScriptRoot\TeamsFunctions.psm1"
  Write-Host "Testing '$($Module.Name)' in path '$($module.path)'"

Describe -Tags ('Unit', 'Acceptance') -Name "TeamsFunctions Module Tests" {
  BeforeAll {


  #region Module Test
  Context 'Module' {
    It "has the root module '$PSScriptRoot\$($Module.Name).psm1'" {
      "$PSScriptRoot\$($Module.Name).psm1" | Should -Exist
    } -TestCases { Module = $module }

    It "has the a manifest file of '$PSScriptRoot\$($Module.Name).psd1'" {
      "$PSScriptRoot\$($Module.Name).psd1" | Should -Exist
      "$PSScriptRoot\$($Module.Name).psd1" | Should -FileContentMatch "$($Module.Name).psm1"
    } -TestCases { Module = $module }

    It "$module folder has functions" {
      "$PSScriptRoot\Public\Functions" | Should -Exist
      "$PSScriptRoot\Private\Functions" | Should -Exist

    It "$module is valid PowerShell code" {
      $psFile = Get-Content -Path "$PSScriptRoot\$($Module.Name).psm1" -ErrorAction Stop
      $errors = $null
      $null = [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($psFile, [ref]$errors)
      $errors.Count | Should -Be 0

  } # Context 'Module Setup'

  #region Function Testing
  $Allfunctions = Get-ChildItem "$PSScriptRoot\Public", "$PSScriptRoot\Private" -Include "*.ps1" -Exclude "*.Tests.ps1" -Recurse #| Select-Object -First 1
  $PublicFunctions = Get-ChildItem "$PSScriptRoot\Public" -Include "*.ps1" -Exclude "*.Tests.ps1" -Recurse #| Select-Object -First 1
  $PrivateFunctions = Get-ChildItem "$PSScriptRoot\Private" -Include "*.ps1" -Exclude "*.Tests.ps1" -Recurse #| Select-Object -First 1

  Context "Testing Module ALL Functions" -Foreach $AllFunctions {

    It "'$($_.BaseName)' should exist" {
      "$($_.FullName)" | Should -Exist

    It "'$_' should have a valid header" {
      "$($_.FullName)" | Should -FileContentMatch 'Module:'
      "$($_.FullName)" | Should -FileContentMatch 'Function:'
      "$($_.FullName)" | Should -FileContentMatch 'Author:'
      "$($_.FullName)" | Should -FileContentMatch 'Updated:'
      "$($_.FullName)" | Should -FileContentMatch 'Status:'

    It "'$($_.BaseName)' should have a function" {
      "$($_.FullName)" | Should -FileContentMatch 'function'

    It "'$($_.BaseName)' is valid PowerShell code" {
      $psFile = Get-Content -Path $_.FullName -ErrorAction Stop
      $errors = $null
      $null = [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($psFile, [ref]$errors)
      $errors.Count | Should -Be 0

  } # Context "Testing Module ALL Functions"

  Context "Testing Module PUBLIC Functions" -ForEach $PublicFunctions {

    It "'$($_.BaseName)' should have a SYNOPSIS section in the help block" {
      "$($_.FullName)" | Should -FileContentMatch '.SYNOPSIS'

    It "'$($_.BaseName)' should have a DESCRIPTION section in the help block" {
      "$($_.FullName)" | Should -FileContentMatch '.DESCRIPTION'

    It "'$_' should have a EXAMPLE section in the help block" {
      "$($_.FullName)" | Should -FileContentMatch '.EXAMPLE'

    # not all will have the full begin, process, end model
    It "'$($_.BaseName)' should have a BEGIN, PROCESS and END block" {
      "$($_.FullName)" | Should -FileContentMatch 'begin {'
      "$($_.FullName)" | Should -FileContentMatch 'process {'
      "$($_.FullName)" | Should -FileContentMatch 'end {'

    # not all will have advanced functions
    It "'$($_.BaseName)' should be an advanced function" {
      "$($_.FullName)" | Should -FileContentMatch 'cmdletbinding'
      "$($_.FullName)" | Should -FileContentMatch 'param'

    It "'$($_.BaseName)' should have an OUTPUTTYPE set" {
      "$($_.FullName)" | Should -FileContentMatch "[OutputType([*)]"

    It "'$($_.BaseName)' should contain Write-Verbose blocks" {
      "$($_.FullName)" | Should -FileContentMatch "Write-Verbose"

  } # Context "Testing Module PUBLIC Functions"

  Context "Testing Module PRIVATE Functions" -Foreach $PrivateFunctions {

    # currently no special tests for private functions

  } # Context "Testing Module PRIVATE Functions"

  <# Commenting out as there aren't any tests files for individual files yet.
  Context "Testing FUNCTION has tests" -ForEach $AllFunctions {
    #$functionTests = Get-ChildItem "$($_.BaseName).Tests.ps1" -Recurse
    It "'$($_.BaseName).Tests.ps1' should exist" {
      "$($_.BaseName).Tests.ps1" | Should -Exist


# Code from F-X Cat
#region Discovery
$ModuleName = 'TeamsFunctions'
#endregion Discovery
BeforeAll {
  $ModuleName = 'TeamsFunctions'
  #Import-Module $ModuleName
  swop 1
  #Add-Type -Name Microsoft.Rtc.Management.Hosted.Online.Models.AudioFile # Doesn't work...
Describe "$ModuleName Sanity Tests - Help Content" -Tags 'Module' {
  #region Discovery
  # The module will need to be imported during Discovery since we're using it to generate test cases / Context blocks
  #Import-Module $ModuleName
  swop 1
  $ShouldProcessParameters = 'WhatIf', 'Confirm'
  # Generate command list for generating Context / TestCases
  $Module = Get-Module $ModuleName
  $CommandList = @(
  #endregion Discovery
  foreach ($Command in $CommandList) {
    Context "$Command - Help Content" {
      #region Discovery
      $Help = @{ Help = Get-Help -Name $Command -Full | Select-Object -Property * }
      $Parameters = Get-Help -Name $Command -Parameter * -ErrorAction Ignore |
      Where-Object { $_.Name -and $_.Name -notin $ShouldProcessParameters } |
      ForEach-Object {
          Name = $
          Description = $_.Description.Text
      $Ast = @{
        # Ast will be $null if the command is a compiled cmdlet
        Ast = (Get-Content -Path "function:/$Command" -ErrorAction Ignore).Ast
        Parameters = $Parameters
      $Examples = $Help.Help.Examples.Example | ForEach-Object { @{ Example = $_ } }
      #endregion Discovery
      It "has help content for $Command" -TestCases $Help {
        $Help | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
      It "contains a synopsis for $Command" -TestCases $Help {
        $Help.Synopsis | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
      It "contains a description for $Command" -TestCases $Help {
        $Help.Description | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
      It "lists the function author in the Notes section for $Command" -TestCases $Help {
        $Notes = $Help.AlertSet.Alert.Text -split '\n'
        $Notes[0].Trim() | Should -BeLike "Author: *"
      # This will be skipped for compiled commands ($Ast.Ast will be $null)
      It "has a help entry for all parameters of $Command" -TestCases $Ast -Skip:(-not ($Parameters -and $Ast.Ast)) {
        @($Parameters).Count | Should -Be $Ast.Body.ParamBlock.Parameters.Count -Because 'the number of parameters in the help should match the number in the function script'
      It "has a description for $Command parameter -<Name>" -TestCases $Parameters -Skip:(-not $Parameters) {
        $Description | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty -Because "parameter $Name should have a description"
      It "has at least one usage example for $Command" -TestCases $Help {
        $Help.Examples.Example.Code.Count | Should -BeGreaterOrEqual 1
      It "lists a description for $Command example: <Title>" -TestCases $Examples {
        $Example.Remarks | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty -Because "example $($Example.Title) should have a description!"

# SIG # Begin signature block
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# m6z32wDOJ/ZnUYR5tJaujtCN2MVrOYs/ZwSVJvralxDUKHSLAGdmKmO1H5hH4Nmv
# NBe1/L95AVDugTaoH9UK/snN9pcYJ7E7UqLH4ySqJuqE10VmpD2sRi3I2RDL1/eh
# RB2rFyPfjLWjfAeKPfXmcfsMAPIoevTrKj3VAzzoF32wZRvdHk7jLssrhT0nmF7L
# 20n7K7RxJ3lccZ0MEdIHsmiklqbV+f9moVtXmgwwJzYkWekjIfrDUSdJeu0BYzR0
# YmVyaGFyZHQgLSBDb2RlU2lnbgIQa3i9Sh/NdbhOjG+ewKFPfjAJBgUrDgMCGgUA
# YqZo46YgoUQ+COuFjouZtvxwhMmv/QWPuXFmsYgynwNzc/zokxE7wm9GdkW6bLNm
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# GDF71uu8cYJYiLAaFd8BuqE3tv2Nmb67BgOJlQ==
# SIG # End signature block