
# Module: TeamsFunctions
# Function: ResourceAccount
# Author: David Eberhardt
# Updated: 01-DEC-2020
# Status: PreLive

function New-TeamsResourceAccount {
        Creates a new Resource Account
        Teams Call Queues and Auto Attendants require a resource account.
        It can carry a license and optionally also a phone number.
        This Function was designed to create the ApplicationInstance in AD,
        apply a UsageLocation to the corresponding AzureAD User,
        license the User and subsequently apply a phone number, all with one Command.
    .PARAMETER UserPrincipalName
        Required. The UPN for the new ResourceAccount. Invalid characters are stripped from the provided string
    .PARAMETER DisplayName
        Optional. The Name it will show up as in Teams. Invalid characters are stripped from the provided string
    .PARAMETER ApplicationType
        Required. CallQueue or AutoAttendant. Determines the association the account can have:
        A resource Account of the type "CallQueue" can only be associated with to a Call Queue
        A resource Account of the type "AutoAttendant" can only be associated with an Auto Attendant
        NOTE: The type can be switched later, though this is not recommended.
    .PARAMETER UsageLocation
        Required. Two Digit Country Code of the Location of the entity. Should correspond to the Phone Number.
        Before a License can be assigned, the account needs a Usage Location populated.
    .PARAMETER License
        Optional. Specifies the License to be assigned: PhoneSystem or PhoneSystem_VirtualUser
        If not provided, will default to PhoneSystem_VirtualUser
        Unlicensed Objects can exist, but cannot be assigned a phone number
        NOTE: PhoneSystem is an add-on license and cannot be assigned on its own. it has therefore been deactivated for now.
    .PARAMETER PhoneNumber
        Optional. Adds a Microsoft or Direct Routing Number to the Resource Account.
        Requires the Resource Account to be licensed (License Switch)
        Required format is E.164, starting with a '+' and 10-15 digits long.
        New-TeamsResourceAccount -UserPrincipalName "Resource" -ApplicationType CallQueue -UsageLocation US
        Will create a ResourceAccount of the type CallQueue with a Usage Location for 'US'
        User Principal Name will be normalised to:
        DisplayName will be taken from the User PrincipalName and normalised to "ResourceAccount"
        New-TeamsResourceAccount -UserPrincipalName "Resource" -Displayname "My {ResourceAccount}" -ApplicationType CallQueue -UsageLocation US
        Will create a ResourceAccount of the type CallQueue with a Usage Location for 'US'
        User Principal Name will be normalised to:
        DisplayName will be normalised to "My ResourceAccount"
        New-TeamsResourceAccount -UserPrincipalName -Displayname "Mainline" -ApplicationType AutoAttendant -UsageLocation US -License PhoneSystem -PhoneNumber +1555123456
        Creates a Resource Account for Auto Attendants with a Usage Location for 'US'
        Applies the specified PhoneSystem License (if available in the Tenant)
        Assigns the Telephone Number if object could be licensed correctly.
        Execution requires User Admin Role in Azure AD
        Creates a resource Account in AzureAD for use in Teams

  [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'Medium')]
  param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, HelpMessage = "UPN of the Object to create.")]
    [ValidateScript( {
        If ($_ -match '@') {
        else {
          Write-Host "Must be a valid UPN" -ForegroundColor Red

    [Parameter(HelpMessage = "Display Name for this Object")]

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "CallQueue or AutoAttendant")]
    [ValidateSet("CallQueue", "AutoAttendant", "CQ", "AA")]

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Usage Location to assign")]

    [Parameter(HelpMessage = "License to be assigned")]
    [ValidateScript( {
        $LicenseParams = (Get-TeamsLicense).ParameterName.Split('', [System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)
        if ($_ -in $LicenseParams) {
          return $true
        else {
          Write-Host "Parameter 'License' - Invalid license string. Supported Parameternames can be found with Get-TeamsLicense" -ForegroundColor Red
          return $false

    [Parameter(HelpMessage = "Telephone Number to assign")]
    [ValidateScript( {
        If ($_ -match "^(tel:)?\+?(([0-9]( |-)?)?(\(?[0-9]{3}\)?)( |-)?([0-9]{3}( |-)?[0-9]{4})|([0-9]{7,15}))?((;( |-)?ext=[0-9]{3,8}))?$") {
        else {
          Write-Host "Not a valid phone number. Must start with a + and 8 to 15 digits long" -ForegroundColor Red
    [Alias("Tel", "Number", "TelephoneNumber")]
  ) #param

  begin {
    Show-FunctionStatus -Level PreLive
    Write-Verbose -Message "[BEGIN ] $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"

    # Asserting AzureAD Connection
    if (-not (Assert-AzureADConnection)) { break }

    # Asserting SkypeOnline Connection
    if (-not (Assert-SkypeOnlineConnection)) { break }

    # Setting Preference Variables according to Upstream settings
    if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Verbose')) { $VerbosePreference = $PSCmdlet.SessionState.PSVariable.GetValue('VerbosePreference') }
    if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Confirm')) { $ConfirmPreference = $PSCmdlet.SessionState.PSVariable.GetValue('ConfirmPreference') }
    if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('WhatIf')) { $WhatIfPreference = $PSCmdlet.SessionState.PSVariable.GetValue('WhatIfPreference') }
    if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Debug')) { $WhatIfPreference = $PSCmdlet.SessionState.PSVariable.GetValue('DebugPreference') } else { $DebugPreference = 'Continue' }

    # Initialising counters for Progress bars
    [int]$step = 0
    [int]$sMax = 10
    if ( $License ) { $sMax = $sMax + 2 }
    if ( $License -and $PhoneNumber ) { $sMax++ }
    if ( $PhoneNumber ) { $sMax = $sMax + 2 }

  } #begin

  process {
    Write-Verbose -Message "[PROCESS] $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
    #region PREPARATION
    $Status = "Verifying input"
    #region Normalising $UserPrincipalname
    $Operation = "Normalising UserPrincipalName"
    Write-Progress -Id 0 -Status $Status -CurrentOperation $Operation -Activity $MyInvocation.MyCommand -PercentComplete ($step / $sMax * 100)
    Write-Verbose -Message "$Status - $Operation"
    $UPN = Format-StringForUse -InputString $UserPrincipalName -As UserPrincipalName
    Write-Verbose -Message "UserPrincipalName normalised to: '$UPN'"

    #region Normalising $DisplayName
    $Operation = "Normalising DisplayName"
    Write-Progress -Id 0 -Status $Status -CurrentOperation $Operation -Activity $MyInvocation.MyCommand -PercentComplete ($step / $sMax * 100)
    Write-Verbose -Message "$Status - $Operation"
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("DisplayName")) {
      $Name = Format-StringForUse -InputString $DisplayName -As DisplayName
    else {
      $Name = Format-StringForUse -InputString $($UserPrincipalName.Split('@')[0]) -As DisplayName
    Write-Verbose -Message "DisplayName normalised to: '$Name'"

    #region ApplicationType
    $Operation = "Parsing ApplicationType"
    Write-Progress -Id 0 -Status $Status -CurrentOperation $Operation -Activity $MyInvocation.MyCommand -PercentComplete ($step / $sMax * 100)
    Write-Verbose -Message "$Status - $Operation"
    # Translating $ApplicationType (Name) to ID used by Commands.
    $AppId = GetAppIdFromApplicationType $ApplicationType
    Write-Verbose -Message "'$Name' ApplicationType parsed"

    #region PhoneNumbers
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("PhoneNumber")) {
      $Operation = "Parsing PhoneNumbers from the Tenant"
      Write-Progress -Id 0 -Status $Status -CurrentOperation $Operation -Activity $MyInvocation.MyCommand -PercentComplete ($step / $sMax * 100)
      Write-Verbose -Message "$Status - $Operation"
      # Loading all Microsoft Telephone Numbers
      if (-not $global:TeamsFunctionsMSTelephoneNumbers) {
        $global:TeamsFunctionsMSTelephoneNumbers = Get-CsOnlineTelephoneNumber -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
      $MSNumber = ((Format-StringForUse -InputString "$PhoneNumber" -SpecialChars "tel:+") -split ';')[0]
      $PhoneNumberIsMSNumber = ($MSNumber -in $global:TeamsFunctionsMSTelephoneNumbers.Id)
      Write-Verbose -Message "'$Name' PhoneNumber parsed"

    #region UsageLocation
    $Operation = "Parsing UsageLocation"
    Write-Progress -Id 0 -Status $Status -CurrentOperation $Operation -Activity $MyInvocation.MyCommand -PercentComplete ($step / $sMax * 100)
    Write-Verbose -Message "$Status - $Operation"
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('UsageLocation')) {
      Write-Verbose -Message "'$Name' UsageLocation parsed: Using '$UsageLocation'"
    else {
      # Querying Tenant Country as basis for Usage Location
      # This is never triggered as UsageLocation is mandatory! Remaining here regardless
      $Tenant = Get-CsTenant -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
      if ($null -ne $Tenant.CountryAbbreviation) {
        $UsageLocation = $Tenant.CountryAbbreviation
        Write-Warning -Message "'$Name' UsageLocation not provided. Defaulting to: $UsageLocation. - Please verify and change if needed!"
      else {
        Write-Error -Message "'$Name' Usage Location not provided and Country not found in the Tenant!" -Category ObjectNotFound -RecommendedAction "Please run command again and specify -UsageLocation" -ErrorAction Stop

    #region ACTION
    $Status = "Creating Object"
    #region Creating Account
    $Operation = "Creating Resource Account"
    Write-Progress -Id 0 -Status $Status -CurrentOperation $Operation -Activity $MyInvocation.MyCommand -PercentComplete ($step / $sMax * 100)
    Write-Verbose -Message "$Status - $Operation"
    try {
      #Trying to create the Resource Account
      Write-Verbose -Message "'$Name' Creating Resource Account with New-CsOnlineApplicationInstance..."
      if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$UPN", "New-CsOnlineApplicationInstance")) {
        $null = (New-CsOnlineApplicationInstance -UserPrincipalName $UPN -ApplicationId $AppId -DisplayName $Name -ErrorAction STOP)
        $i = 0
        $iMax = 20
        Write-Verbose -Message "Resource Account '$Name' ($ApplicationType) created; Please be patient while we wait ($iMax s) to be able to parse the Object." -Verbose
        $Status = "Querying User"
        $Operation = "Waiting for Get-AzureAdUser to return a Result"
        Write-Verbose -Message "$Status - $Operation"
        while ( -not (Test-AzureADUser $UPN)) {
          if ($i -gt $iMax) {
            Write-Error -Message "Could not find Object in AzureAD in the last $iMax Seconds" -Category ObjectNotFound -RecommendedAction "Please verify Object has been created (UserPrincipalName); Continue with Set-TeamsResourceAccount"
          Write-Progress -Id 1 -Activity "Azure Active Directory is applying License. Please wait" `
            -Status $Status -SecondsRemaining $($iMax - $i) -CurrentOperation $Operation -PercentComplete (($i * 100) / $iMax)

          Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 1000
        Write-Progress -Id 1 -Activity "Azure Active Directory is applying License. Please wait" -Status $Status -Completed

        $ResourceAccountCreated = Get-AzureADUser -ObjectId "$UPN" -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Debug')) {
          "Function: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)", ($ResourceAccountCreated | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String).Trim() | Write-Debug
      else {
    catch {
      # Catching anything
      Write-Host "ERROR: Creation failed: $($_.Exception.Message)" -ForegroundColor Red

    $Status = "Applying Settings"
    #region UsageLocation
    $Operation = "Setting Usage Location"
    Write-Progress -Id 0 -Status $Status -CurrentOperation $Operation -Activity $MyInvocation.MyCommand -PercentComplete ($step / $sMax * 100)
    Write-Verbose -Message "$Status - $Operation"
    try {
      if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$UPN", "Set-AzureADUser -UsageLocation $UsageLocation")) {
        Set-AzureADUser -ObjectId $UPN -UsageLocation $UsageLocation -ErrorAction STOP
        Write-Verbose -Message "'$Name' SUCCESS - Usage Location set to: $UsageLocation"
    catch {
      if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("License")) {
        Write-Error -Message "'$Name' Usage Location could not be set. Please apply manually before applying license" -Category NotSpecified -RecommendedAction "Apply manually, then run Set-TeamsResourceAccount to apply license and phone number"
      else {
        Write-Warning -Message "'$Name' Usage Location cannot be set. If a license is needed, please assign UsageLocation manually beforehand"

    #region Licensing
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("License")) {
      # Determining available Licenses from Tenant
      $Operation = "Querying Tenant Licenses"
      Write-Progress -Id 0 -Status $Status -CurrentOperation $Operation -Activity $MyInvocation.MyCommand -PercentComplete ($step / $sMax * 100)
      Write-Verbose -Message "$Status - $Operation"
      $TenantLicenses = Get-TeamsTenantLicense

      # Verifying License is available
      $Operation = "Verifying License is available"
      Write-Progress -Id 0 -Status $Status -CurrentOperation $Operation -Activity $MyInvocation.MyCommand -PercentComplete ($step / $sMax * 100)
      Write-Verbose -Message "$Status - $Operation"
      if ($License -eq "PhoneSystemVirtualUser") {
        $RemainingPSVULicenses = ($TenantLicenses | Where-Object { $_.SkuPartNumber -eq "PHONESYSTEM_VIRTUALUSER" }).Remaining
        Write-Verbose -Message "INFO: $RemainingPSVULicenses Phone System Virtual User Licenses still available"
        if ($RemainingPSVULicenses -lt 1) {
          Write-Error -Message "ERROR: No free PhoneSystem Virtual User License remaining in the Tenant." -ErrorAction Stop
        else {
          try {
            if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$UPN", "Set-TeamsUserLicense -Add PhoneSystemVirtualUser")) {
              $null = (Set-TeamsUserLicense -Identity $UPN -Add $License -ErrorAction STOP)
              Write-Verbose -Message "'$Name' SUCCESS - License Assigned: '$License'"
              $IsLicensed = $true
          catch {
            Write-Error -Message "'$Name' License assignment failed for '$License'"
      else {
        try {
          if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$UPN", "Set-TeamsUserLicense -Add $License")) {
            $null = (Set-TeamsUserLicense -Identity $UPN -Add $License -ErrorAction STOP)
            Write-Verbose -Message "'$Name' SUCCESS - License Assigned: '$License'" -Verbose
            $IsLicensed = $true
        catch {
          Write-Error -Message "'$Name' License assignment failed for '$License'"

    #region Waiting for License Application
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("License") -and $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("PhoneNumber")) {
      $Operation = "Waiting for AzureAd to write Object"
      Write-Progress -Id 0 -Status $Status -CurrentOperation $Operation -Activity $MyInvocation.MyCommand -PercentComplete ($step / $sMax * 100)
      Write-Verbose -Message "$Status - $Operation"
      if ($License -eq "PhoneSystemVirtualUser") {
        $ServicePlanName = "MCOEV_VIRTUALUSER"
      else {
        $ServicePlanName = "MCOEV"
      $i = 0
      $iMax = 600
      Write-Warning -Message "Applying a License may take longer than provisioned for ($($iMax/60) mins) in this Script - If so, please apply PhoneNumber manually with Set-TeamsResourceAccount"

      $Status = "Applying License"
      $Operation = "Waiting for Get-AzureAdUserLicenseDetail to return a Result"
      Write-Verbose -Message "$Status - $Operation"
      while (-not (Test-TeamsUserLicense -Identity $UserPrincipalName -ServicePlan $ServicePlanName)) {
        if ($i -gt $iMax) {
          Write-Error -Message "Could not find Successful Provisioning Status of the License '$ServicePlanName' in AzureAD in the last $iMax Seconds" -Category LimitsExceeded -RecommendedAction "Please verify License has been applied correctly (Get-TeamsResourceAccount); Continue with Set-TeamsResourceAccount" -ErrorAction Stop
        Write-Progress -Id 1 -Activity "Azure Active Directory is applying License. Please wait" `
          -Status $Status -SecondsRemaining $($iMax - $i) -CurrentOperation $Operation -PercentComplete (($i * 100) / $iMax)

        Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 1000

    #region PhoneNumber
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("PhoneNumber")) {
      $Operation = "Applying Phone Number"
      Write-Progress -Id 0 -Status $Status -CurrentOperation $Operation -Activity $MyInvocation.MyCommand -PercentComplete ($step / $sMax * 100)
      Write-Verbose -Message "$Status - $Operation"

      # Assigning Telephone Number
      Write-Verbose -Message "'$Name' Processing Phone Number"
      Write-Verbose -Message "NOTE: Assigning a phone number might fail if the Object is not yet replicated" -Verbose
      if (-not $IsLicensed) {
        Write-Host "ERROR: A Phone Number can only be assigned to licensed objects." -ForegroundColor Red
        Write-Host "Please apply a license before assigning the number. Set-TeamsResourceAccount can be used to do both"
      else {
        # Processing paths for Telephone Numbers depending on Type
        $E164Number = Format-StringForUse $PhoneNumber -As E164

        if ($PhoneNumberIsMSNumber) {
          # Set in VoiceApplicationInstance
          Write-Verbose -Message "'$Name' Number '$PhoneNumber' found in Tenant, assuming provisioning for: Microsoft Calling Plans"
          try {
            if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($ResourceAccountCreated.UserPrincipalName)", "Set-CsOnlineVoiceApplicationInstance -Telephonenumber $PhoneNumber")) {
              $null = (Set-CsOnlineVoiceApplicationInstance -Identity $ResourceAccountCreated.UserPrincipalName -Telephonenumber $E164Number -ErrorAction STOP)
          catch {
            Write-Warning -Message "Phone number could not be assigned! Please run Set-TeamsResourceAccount manually"
        else {
          # Set in ApplicationInstance
          Write-Verbose -Message "'$Name' Number '$PhoneNumber' not found in Tenant, assuming provisioning for: Direct Routing"
          try {
            if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($ResourceAccountCreated.UserPrincipalName)", "Set-CsOnlineApplicationInstance -OnPremPhoneNumber $PhoneNumber")) {
              $null = (Set-CsOnlineApplicationInstance -Identity $ResourceAccountCreated.UserPrincipalName -OnPremPhoneNumber $E164Number -ErrorAction STOP)
          catch {
            Write-Warning -Message "'$Name' Number '$PhoneNumber' not assigned! Please run Set-TeamsResourceAccount manually"
    # Wating for AAD to write the PhoneNumber so that it may be queried correctly
    $Operation = "Waiting for AzureAd to write Object (2s)"
    Write-Progress -Id 0 -Status $Status -CurrentOperation $Operation -Activity $MyInvocation.MyCommand -PercentComplete ($step / $sMax * 100)
    Write-Verbose -Message "$Status - $Operation"
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 2

    #region OUTPUT
    #Creating new PS Object
    try {
      # Data
      $Status = "Validation"
      $Operation = "Querying Object"
      Write-Progress -Id 0 -Status $Status -CurrentOperation $Operation -Activity $MyInvocation.MyCommand -PercentComplete ($step / $sMax * 100)
      Write-Verbose -Message "$Status - $Operation"
      $ResourceAccount = Get-CsOnlineApplicationInstance -Identity $UPN -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorAction STOP

      $Operation = "Querying Object License"
      Write-Progress -Id 0 -Status $Status -CurrentOperation $Operation -Activity $MyInvocation.MyCommand -PercentComplete ($step / $sMax * 100)
      Write-Verbose -Message "$Status - $Operation"
      $ResourceAccountLicense = Get-TeamsUserLicense -Identity $UPN

      # readable Application type
      $ResourceAccountApplicationType = GetApplicationTypeFromAppId $ResourceAccount.ApplicationId

      # Resource Account License
      if ($IsLicensed) {
        if ($null -ne $ResourceAccount.PhoneNumber) {
          # Phone Number Type
          if ($PhoneNumberIsMSNumber) {
            $ResourceAccountPhoneNumberType = "Microsoft Number"
          else {
            $ResourceAccountPhoneNumberType = "Direct Routing Number"
        else {
          $ResourceAccountPhoneNumberType = $null

        # Phone Number is taken from Original Object and should be populated correctly

      else {
        $ResourceAccountPhoneNumberType = $null
        # Phone Number is taken from Original Object and should be empty at this point

      # creating new PS Object (synchronous with Get and Set)
      $ResourceAccountObject = [PSCustomObject][ordered]@{
        UserPrincipalName = $ResourceAccount.UserPrincipalName
        DisplayName       = $ResourceAccount.DisplayName
        ApplicationType   = $ResourceAccountApplicationType
        UsageLocation     = $UsageLocation
        License           = $ResourceAccountLicense.LicensesFriendlyNames
        PhoneNumberType   = $ResourceAccountPhoneNumberType
        PhoneNumber       = $ResourceAccount.PhoneNumber

      Write-Verbose -Message "Resource Account Created:" -Verbose
      if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("PhoneNumber") -and $IsLicensed -and $ResourceAccount.PhoneNumber -eq "") {
        Write-Warning -Message "Object replication pending, Phone Number does not show yet. Run Get-TeamsResourceAccount to verify"

      Write-Progress -Id 0 -Status "Complete" -Activity $MyInvocation.MyCommand -Completed
      Write-Output $ResourceAccountObject

    catch {
      Write-Warning -Message "Object Output could not be verified. Please verify manually with Get-CsOnlineApplicationInstance"

  } #process

  end {
    Write-Verbose -Message "[END ] $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"

  } #end
} #New-TeamsResourceAccount