
# Module: TeamsFunctions
# Function: Session
# Author: David Eberhardt
# Updated: 01-JAN-2021
# Status: Live

function Connect-SkypeOnline {
        Creates a remote PowerShell session to Teams (SkypeOnline)
    The Connect-SkypeOnline cmdlet connects an authenticated account to use for Microsoft Teams (SkypeOnline) cmdlet requests.
    Establishing a remote PowerShell session to Microsoft Teams (SkypeOnline)
    A SkypeOnline Session requires the SkypeForBusiness Legacy Admin role to connect
    To execute commands against Teams, one of the Teams Admin roles is required.
    .PARAMETER AccountId
        Optional String. The Username or sign-in address to use when making the remote PowerShell session connection.
    .PARAMETER OverrideAdminDomain
        Optional. Only used if managing multiple Tenants or SkypeOnPrem Hybrid configuration uses DNS records.
    .PARAMETER IdleTimeout
        Optional. Defines the IdleTimeout of the session in full hours between 1 and 8. Default is 4 hrs.
        Note, by default, creating a session with New-CsOnlineSession results in a Timeout of 15mins!
    Prompt for the Username and password of an administrator with permissions to connect to Microsoft Teams (SkypeOnline).
    Additional prompts for Multi Factor Authentication are displayed as required
        Connect-SkypeOnline -AccountId
    If supported, will pre-fill the authentication prompt with and only ask for the password for the account
    to connect out to Microsoft Teams (SkypeOnline). Additional prompts for Multi Factor Authentication are displayed as required.
    Requires that the Module Microoft Teams (v1.1.6) or Skype Online Connector PowerShell module (v7.0.0.0 or higher) to be installed.
    If the SkypeOnlineConnector is used, the Username can be passed to along and the Session can be reconnected (Enable-CsOnlineSessionForReconnection is run).
    The following Tasks are preformed by this cmdlet:
        - Verifying Module MicrosoftTeams or SkypeOnlineConnector are installed and imported
    - Prompting for Username and password to establish the session
    - Prompting for MFA if required
    - Prompting for OverrideAdminDomain if connection fails to establish and retries connection attempt
        - Extending the session time-out limit beyond 60mins (SkypeOnlineConnector only!)
        Download v7 here:
        The SkypeOnline Session allows you to administer SkypeOnline and Teams respectively.
    Note: A separate connection to MicrosoftTeams must be established when using SkypeOnlineConnector.
    To manage Teams, Channels, etc. within Microsoft Teams, use Connect-MicrosoftTeams
        Connect-MicrosoftTeams requires a Teams Admin role and is part of the PowerShell Module MicrosoftTeams
    Please note, that the session timeout is broken and does currently not work as intended
    To help reconnect sessions, Assert-SkypeOnlineConnection can be used (Alias: pol) which runs Get-CsTenant to trigger the reconnect
    This will require re-authentication and its success is dependent on the Tenant settings.
    To reconnect fully, please re-run Connect-SkypeOnline to recreate the session cleanly.
    Please note that hanging sessions can cause lockout (session exhaustion)

    [Parameter(Helpmessage = "Sign-in address of a 'Skype for Business Legacy Administrator' (Lync Administrator)")]

    [Parameter(Helpmessage = "Required only if the Administrators domain is not set up to allow sign-in")]

    [Parameter(Helpmessage = "Idle Timeout of the session in hours between 1 and 8; Default is 4")]
    [ValidateRange(1, 8)]
    [int]$IdleTimeout = 4
  ) #param

  begin {
    Show-FunctionStatus -Level PreLive
    Write-Verbose -Message "[BEGIN ] $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"

    #Activate 01-FEB 2021
    #R#equires -Modules @{ ModuleName="MicrosoftTeams"; ModuleVersion="1.1.6" }

    # Required as Warnings on the OriginalRegistrarPool may halt Script execution
    $WarningPreference = "Continue"

    # Setting Preference Variables according to Upstream settings
    if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Verbose')) { $VerbosePreference = $PSCmdlet.SessionState.PSVariable.GetValue('VerbosePreference') }
    if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Confirm')) { $ConfirmPreference = $PSCmdlet.SessionState.PSVariable.GetValue('ConfirmPreference') }
    if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('WhatIf')) { $WhatIfPreference = $PSCmdlet.SessionState.PSVariable.GetValue('WhatIfPreference') }
    if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Debug')) { $WhatIfPreference = $PSCmdlet.SessionState.PSVariable.GetValue('DebugPreference') } else { $DebugPreference = 'Continue' }

    $Parameters = $null
    $Parameters += @{'ErrorAction' = 'STOP' }
    $Parameters += @{'WarningAction' = 'Continue' }

    #region Module Prerequisites
    # Loading modules and determining available options
    $TeamsModule, $SkypeModule = Get-NewestModule MicrosoftTeams, SkypeOnlineConnector

    if ( -not $TeamsModule -and -not $SkypeModule ) {
      Write-Verbose -Message "Module SkypeOnlineConnector not installed. Module is deprecated, but can be downloaded here:"
      Write-Verbose -Message "Module MicrosoftTeams not installed. Please install v1.1.6 or higher" -Verbose
      Write-Error -Message "Module missing. Please install MicrosoftTeams or SkypeOnlineConnector" -Category ObjectNotFound -ErrorAction Stop

    elseif ( $TeamsModule.Version -lt "1.1.6" -and -not $SkypeModule ) {
      try {
        Write-Verbose -Message "Module MicrosoftTeams is outdated, trying to update to v1.1.6" -Verbose
        Update-Module MicrosoftTeams -Force -ErrorAction Stop
        $TeamsModule = Get-NewestModule MicrosoftTeams
        Import-Module MicrosoftTeams -MinimumVersion 1.1.6 -Force -Global
      catch {
        Write-Verbose -Message "Module MicrosoftTeams could not be updated. Please install v1.1.6 or higher" -Verbose
        Write-Error -Message "Module outdated. Please update Module MicrosoftTeams or install SkypeOnlineConnector" -Category ObjectNotFound -ErrorAction Stop
    elseif ( $TeamsModule.Version -ge "1.1.6" -and -not $SkypeModule ) {
      Import-Module MicrosoftTeams -Force -Global
    elseif ( $SkypeModule ) {
      if ($SkypeModule.Version.Major -ne 7) {
        Write-Error -Message "Module SkypeOnlineConnector outdated. Version 7 is required. Please switch to Module MicrosoftTeams or update SkypeOnlineConnector to Version 7" -Category ObjectNotFound -ErrorAction Stop
      else {
        Import-Module SkypeOnlineConnector -Force -Global

    # Verifying Module is loaded correctly
    if ( $TeamsModule.Version -ge "1.1.6" -and -not (Get-Module MicrosoftTeams)) {
      Write-Verbose "Module 'MicrosoftTeams' - import failed. Trying to import again (forcefully)!" -Verbose
      Import-Module MicrosoftTeams -Force -Global

    #region CsOnlineSession, CsOnlineSessionForReconnection, SessionOptions
    # Determining capabilities of New-CsOnlineSession
    $Command = "New-CsOnlineSession"
    try {
      $CsOnlineSessionCommand = Get-Command -Name $Command -ErrorAction Stop
      $CsOnlineUsername = $CsOnlineSessionCommand.Parameters.Keys.Contains('Username')

    catch {
      Write-Error -Message "Command '$Command' not available. Please validate Modules MicrosoftTeams or SkypeOnlineConnector" -Category ObjectNotFound -ErrorAction Stop

    $Command = "Enable-CsOnlineSessionForReconnection"
    try {
      $ReconnectionPossible = Get-Command -Name $Command -ErrorAction Stop
    catch {
      Write-Verbose -Message "Command '$Command' not available. Session cannot reconnect. Please disconnect session cleanly before trying to reconnect!" -Verbose

    <# Generating Session Options (IdleTimeout, OperationTimeout and CancelTimeout; default is 4 hours)
    $IdleTimeoutMS = (New-TimeSpan -Hours $IdleTimeout).TotalMilliseconds
    $OperationTimeout = $IdleTimeoutMS - (New-TimeSpan -Minutes 15).TotalMilliseconds
    $CancelTimeout = (New-TimeSpan -Seconds 30).TotalMilliseconds
    $SessionOption = New-PSSessionOption -IdleTimeout $IdleTimeoutMS -CancelTimeout $CancelTimeout -OperationTimeout $OperationTimeout
    Write-Verbose -Message "Idle Timeout for session established: $IdleTimeout hours"
    $Parameters += @{ 'SessionOption' = $SessionOption }


    # Existing Session
    if (Test-SkypeOnlineConnection) {
      Write-Error -Message "A Skype Online PowerShell Sessions already exists. Please run Disconnect-SkypeOnline before attempting this command again." -ErrorAction Stop

    # Cleanup of global Variables set

  } #begin

  process {
    Write-Verbose -Message "[PROCESS] $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"

    #region preparing $Parameters
    # UserName
    if ($CsOnlineUsername) {
      if ( $AccountId) {
        Write-Verbose -Message "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) - Parameter 'Username' is available. Using '$AccountId'" -Verbose
      else {
        if (Test-AzureADConnection) {
          $AccountId = (Get-AzureADCurrentSessionInfo).Account
          Write-Verbose -Message "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) - Parameter 'Username' is available. Using '$AccountId' (connected to AzureAd)" -Verbose
        else {
          Write-Verbose -Message "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) - Parameter 'Username' is available. Please provide Username to use SSO" -Verbose
          $AccountId = Read-Host "Enter the sign-in address of a Skype for Business Admin"
      if ($AccountId) {
        $Parameters += @{ 'Username' = $AccountId }
      else {
        Write-Verbose -Message "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) - 'Username' not provided. Please select Account manually!" -Verbose
    else {
      if ($AccountId) {
        Write-Warning -Message "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) - Parameter 'Username' is not available. Please select Account manually!"
      else {
        Write-Verbose -Message "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) - Parameter 'Username' is not available. Please select Account manually!" -Verbose


    # OverrideAdminDomain
    if ( $OverrideAdminDomain) {
      Write-Verbose -Message "OverrideAdminDomain provided. Used: $OverrideAdminDomain"
      $Parameters += @{ 'OverrideAdminDomain' = $OverrideAdminDomain }

    elseif ( $AccountId ) {
      $OverrideAdminDomain = $AccountId.Split('@')[1]
      Write-Verbose -Message "OverrideAdminDomain taken from Username. Used: $OverrideAdminDomain"
      $Parameters += @{ 'OverrideAdminDomain' = $OverrideAdminDomain }
    else {
      Write-Verbose -Message "OverrideAdminDomain not used!"

    # Creating Session
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Debug")) {
      "Function: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name): Parameters:", ($Parameters | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String).Trim() | Write-Debug

    try {
      Write-Verbose -Message "Creating Session with New-CsOnlineSession and these parameters: $($Parameters.Keys)"
      $SkypeOnlineSession = New-CsOnlineSession @Parameters
    catch [System.Net.WebException] {
      try {
        Write-Warning -Message "Session could not be created. Maybe missing OverrideAdminDomain to connect?"
        $Domain = Read-Host "Please enter an OverrideAdminDomain for this Tenant"
        if ( $Parameters.OverrideAdminDomain ) {
          $Parameters.OverrideAdminDomain = $Domain
        else {
          $Parameters += @{'OverrideAdminDomain' = $Domain }

        # Creating Session (again)
        Write-Verbose -Message "Creating Session with New-CsOnlineSession and these parameters: $($Parameters.Keys)"
        $SkypeOnlineSession = New-CsOnlineSession @Parameters
      catch {
        #Write-Error -Message "Session creation failed: $($_.Exception.Message)" -Category NotEnabled -RecommendedAction "Please verify input, especially Password, OverrideAdminDomain and, if activated, Azure AD Privileged Identity Management Role activation"
        if ( $_.Exception.Message.Contains('not allowed to manage')) {
          throw [System.Management.Automation.SessionStateUnauthorizedAccessException]::New("Session creation failed: $($_.Exception.Message)")
        else {
          throw [System.Management.Automation.SessionStateException]::New("Session creation failed: $($_.Exception.Message)")
    catch {
      #Write-Error -Message "Session creation failed: $($_.Exception.Message)" -Category NotEnabled -RecommendedAction "Please verify input, especially Password, OverrideAdminDomain and, if activated, Azure AD Privileged Identity Management Role activation"
      if ( $_.Exception.Message.Contains('not allowed to manage')) {
        throw [System.Management.Automation.SessionStateUnauthorizedAccessException]::New("Session creation failed: $($_.Exception.Message)")
      else {
        throw [System.Management.Automation.SessionStateException]::New("Session creation failed: $($_.Exception.Message)")

    if ( $SkypeOnlineSession ) {
      try {
        Import-Module (Import-PSSession -Session $SkypeOnlineSession -AllowClobber -ErrorAction STOP) -Global
        if ( $ReconnectionPossible ) {
          $null = Enable-CsOnlineSessionForReconnection
          Write-Verbose -Message "Session is enabled for reconnection, allowing it to be re-used! (Use 'PoL' or Get-TeamsTenant to reconnect) - Note: This setting depends on the Tenants Security settings" -Verbose
        else {
          Write-Verbose -Message "Session cannot be enabled for reconnection. Please disconnect cleanly before connecting anew" -Verbose
      catch {
        Write-Verbose -Message "Session import failed - Error for troubleshooting: $($_.Exception.Message)" -Verbose

      $PSSkypeOnlineSession = Get-PSSession | Where-Object { ($_.ComputerName -like "*" -or $_.Computername -eq "") -and $_.State -eq "Opened" -and $_.Availability -eq "Available" } -WarningAction STOP -ErrorAction STOP
      $TenantInformation = Get-CsTenant -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorAction STOP
      $TenantDomain = $TenantInformation.Domains | Select-Object -Last 1
      $Timeout = New-TimeSpan -Hours $($PSSkypeOnlineSession.IdleTimeout / 3600000)
      $Environment = $PSSkypeOnlineSession.Name.split('_')[0]
      if (-not $Environment) {
        $Environment = 'SfBPowerShellSession'


    $PSSkypeOnlineSessionInfo = [PSCustomObject][ordered]@{
      Account                   = $AccountId
      Environment               = $Environment
      Tenant                    = $TenantInformation.DisplayName
      TenantId                  = $TenantInformation.TenantId
      TenantDomain              = $TenantDomain
      ComputerName              = $PSSkypeOnlineSession.ComputerName
      IdleTimeout               = $Timeout
      TeamsUpgradeEffectiveMode = $TenantInformation.TeamsUpgradeEffectiveMode

    return $PSSkypeOnlineSessionInfo

  } #process

  end {
    Write-Verbose -Message "[END ] $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
  } #end
} #Connect-SkypeOnline