
# Module: TeamsFunctions
# Function: Licensing
# Author: Philipp,
# Updated: 14-FEB-2021
# Status: Live

function Get-AzureAdLicense {
    License information for AzureAD Licenses related to Teams
    Returns an Object containing all Teams related Licenses
  .PARAMETER FilterRelevantForTeams
    Optional. By default, shows all 365 Licenses
    Using this switch, shows only Licenses relevant for Teams
    Returns 39 Azure AD Licenses that relate to Teams for use in other commands
    With very special thanks to Philip
    Teams Migration and Enablement. License Assignment
        Returns a list of Licenses

  ) #param

  begin {
    Show-FunctionStatus -Level Live
    Write-Verbose -Message "[BEGIN ] $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
    Write-Verbose -Message "Need help? Online: $global:TeamsFunctionsHelpURLBase$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)`.md"

    # Setting Preference Variables according to Upstream settings
    if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Verbose')) { $VerbosePreference = $PSCmdlet.SessionState.PSVariable.GetValue('VerbosePreference') }
    if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Debug')) { $DebugPreference = $PSCmdlet.SessionState.PSVariable.GetValue('DebugPreference') } else { $DebugPreference = 'Continue' }
    if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('InformationAction')) { $InformationPreference = $PSCmdlet.SessionState.PSVariable.GetValue('InformationAction') } else { $InformationPreference = 'Continue' }

    [System.Collections.ArrayList]$Products = @()

    $srcProductPlans = @{}
    $planServicePlanNames = @{}

    [System.Collections.ArrayList]$ProductsNotAdded = @()
    [System.Collections.ArrayList]$PlansNotAdded = @()

  } #begin

  process {
    #read the content of the Microsoft web page and extract the first table
    $url = ''
    [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
    $content = (Invoke-WebRequest $url -UseBasicParsing).Content
    $content = $content.SubString($content.IndexOf('<tbody>'))
    $content = $content.Substring(0, $content.IndexOf('</tbody>'))

    #eliminate line feeds so that we can use regular expression to get the table rows...
    $content = $content -replace "`r?`n", ''
    $rows = (Select-String -InputObject $content -Pattern '<tr>(.*?)</tr>' -AllMatches).Matches | ForEach-Object {

    #on each table row, get the column cell content
    # 1st cell contains the product display name
    # 2nd cell contains the Sku ID (called 'string ID' here)
    # 3rd cell contains the included service plans (with string IDs)
    # 3rd cell contains the included service plans (with display names)
    $rows | ForEach-Object {
      $cells = (Select-String -InputObject $_ -Pattern '<td>(.*?)</td>' -AllMatches).Matches | ForEach-Object {

      $srcProductName = $cells[0]
      $srcSkuPartNumber = $cells[1]
      $srcSkuId = $cells[2]
      $srcServicePlan = $cells[3]
      $srcServicePlanName = $cells[4]

      $srcProductPlans = $null
      [System.Collections.ArrayList]$srcProductPlans = @()

      #region Sub-Skus (Plans)
      # Preparing Plans
      if (($srcServicePlan.Trim() -ne '') -and ($srcServicePlanName.Trim() -ne '')) {

        #store the service plan string IDs for later match
        $srcServicePlan -split '<br.?>' | ForEach-Object {
          $planServicePlanName = ($_.SubString(0, $_.LastIndexOf('('))).Trim()
          $planServicePlanId = $_.SubString($_.LastIndexOf('(') + 1)
          if ($planServicePlanId.Contains(')')) {
            $planServicePlanId = $planServicePlanId.SubString(0, $planServicePlanId.IndexOf(')'))

          if (-not $planServicePlanNames.ContainsKey($planServicePlanId)) {
            $planServicePlanNames.Add($planServicePlanId, $planServicePlanName)

        #get te included service plans
        $srcServicePlanName -split '<br.?>' | ForEach-Object {
          $planProductName = ($_.SubString(0, $_.LastIndexOf('('))).Trim()
          $planServicePlanId = $_.SubString($_.LastIndexOF('(') + 1)
          if ($planServicePlanId.Contains(')')) {
            $planServicePlanId = $planServicePlanId.SubString(0, $planServicePlanId.IndexOf(')'))

          # Add RelevantForTeams
          if ( $planServicePlanNames[$planServicePlanId] ) {
            if ( $planServicePlanNames[$planServicePlanId].Contains('TEAMS') -or $planServicePlanNames[$planServicePlanId].Contains('MCO') ) {
              $Relevant = $true
            else {
              $Relevant = $false
          else {
            $Relevant = $false

          # reworking ProductName into TitleCase
          $VerbosePreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
          $TextInfo = (Get-Culture).TextInfo
          $planProductName = $TextInfo.ToTitleCase($planProductName.ToLower())
          $planProductName = Format-StringRemoveSpecialCharacter -String "$planProductName" -SpecialCharacterToKeep '()+ -'
          # Building Object
          if ($srcProductPlans.ServicePlanId -notcontains $planServicePlanId) {
            try {
              [void]$srcProductPlans.Add([TFTeamsServicePlan]::new("$planProductName", "$($planServicePlanNames[$planServicePlanId])", "$planServicePlanId", $Relevant))
            catch {
              Write-Debug "[TFTeamsServicePlan] Couldn't add entry for $planProductName"
              if ( $planProductName -ne 'Powerapps For Office 365 K1') {
                $PlansNotAdded += $planProductName

      #region Reworking Parameters
      # Adding ParameterName
      $ParameterName = switch ($srcSkuPartNumber) {
        # Main Licenses
        'M365EDU_A3_FACULTY' { 'Microsoft365A3faculty' }
        'M365EDU_A3_STUDENT' { 'Microsoft365A3students' }
        'M365EDU_A5_FACULTY' { 'Microsoft365A5faculty' }
        'M365EDU_A5_STUDENT' { 'Microsoft365A5students' }
        'SMB_BUSINESS_ESSENTIALS' { 'Microsoft365BusinessBasic' }
        'SMB_BUSINESS_PREMIUM' { 'Microsoft365BusinessStandard' }
        'SPB' { 'Microsoft365BusinessPremium' }
        'SPE_E3' { 'Microsoft365E3' }
        'SPE_E5' { 'Microsoft365E5' }
        'M365_F1' { 'Microsoft365F1' }
        'SPE_F1' { 'Microsoft365F3' }
        'ENTERPRISEPREMIUM_FACULTY' { 'Office365A5faculty' }
        'ENTERPRISEPREMIUM_STUDENT' { 'Office365A5students' }
        'STANDARDPACK' { 'Office365E1' }
        'STANDARDWOFFPACK' { 'Office365E2' }
        'ENTERPRISEPACK' { 'Office365E3' }
        'DEVELOPERPACK' { 'Office365E3Dev' }
        'ENTERPRISEWITHSCAL' { 'Office365E4' }
        'ENTERPRISEPREMIUM' { 'Office365E5' }
        'ENTERPRISEPREMIUM_NOPSTNCONF' { 'Office365E5NoAudioConferencing' }
        'DESKLESSPACK' { 'Office365F1' }
        'SPE_E3_USGOV_DOD' { 'Microsoft365E3USGOVDOD' }
        'SPE_E3_USGOV_GCCHIGH' { 'Microsoft365E3USGOVGCCHIGH' }

        # Standalone Licenses
        'MCOCAP' { 'CommonAreaPhone' }
        'PHONESYSTEM_VIRTUALUSER' { 'PhoneSystemVirtualUser' }
        'MCOSTANDARD' { 'SkypeOnlinePlan2' }

        # Add-on Licenses
        'MCOEV' { 'PhoneSystem' }
        'MCOMEETADV' { 'AudioConferencing' }

        # Microsoft Calling Plans
        'MCOPSTN2' { 'InternationalCallingPlan' }
        'MCOPSTN1' { 'DomesticCallingPlan' }
        'MCOPSTN5' { 'DomesticCallingPlan120' }
        'MCOPSTN_5' { 'DomesticCallingPlan120b' }
        'MCOPSTNC' { 'CommunicationCredits' }

        default { '' }

      # determining LicenseType
      if ( $srcProductPlans.Count -gt 1 ) {
        $LicenseType = 'Package'
        $IncludesTeams = ($srcProductPlans.ServicePlanName -like 'Teams*')
        $IncludesPhoneSystem = ( $srcProductPlans.ServicePlanName -like 'MCOEV*')
      else {
        $LicenseType = switch -Regex ( $srcProductPlans.ServicePlanName ) {
          'MCOEV_VIRTUALUSER' { 'Standalone'; break }
          'MCOPSTN' { 'CallingPlan'; break }
          'MCOEV' { 'Add-On'; break }
          'MCOMEETADV' { 'Add-On'; break }
          default { 'Standalone' }
        $IncludesTeams = ($srcProductPlans.ServicePlanName -like 'Teams*')
        $IncludesPhoneSystem = ( $srcProductPlans.ServicePlanName -like 'MCOEV*')

      # reworking ProductName into TitleCase
      $TextInfo = (Get-Culture).TextInfo
      $ProductName = $TextInfo.ToTitleCase($srcProductName.ToLower())

      #Normalising "SKYPE FOR BUSINESS PSTN" from ProductName for Calling Plans
      $StringToCut = 'Skype For Business Pstn '
      if ( $ProductName -match "$StringToCut" ) {
        $ProductName = $ProductName.Substring($StringToCut.Length, $ProductName.Length - $StringToCut.Length)
      $VerbosePreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
      $ProductName = Format-StringRemoveSpecialCharacter -String "$ProductName" -SpecialCharacterToKeep '()+ -'
      # Building Object
      try {
        [void]$Products.Add([TFTeamsLicense]::new( "$ProductName", "$srcSkuPartNumber", "$LicenseType", "$ParameterName", $IncludesTeams, $IncludesPhoneSystem, "$srcSkuId", $srcProductPlans))
      catch {
        Write-Verbose "[TFTeamsLicense] Couldn't add entry for '$ProductName'" -Verbose
        $ProductsNotAdded += $ProductName

    # Output
    if ( $ProductsNotAdded.Count -gt 0 ) {
      Write-Warning -Message "The following Products could not be added: $ProductsNotAdded"

    $ProductsSorted = $Products | Sort-Object ProductName | Sort-Object LicenseType -Desc
    if ($FilterRelevantForTeams) {
      $ProductsSorted = $ProductsSorted | Where-Object { $_.ParameterName -NE '' -or $_.IncludesTeams -or $_.IncludesPhoneSystem }

    return $ProductsSorted

  } #process

  end {
    Write-Verbose -Message "[END ] $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"

  } #end
} #Get-AzureAdLicense