
    Managing AzureAdUsers, Groups, ResourceAccounts for use in CQs and AAs.
    User Management CmdLets are covering a range of topics, from Analog Devices,
    Common Area Phones, Resource Accounts to Users and Groups. This page focuses
    on uncategorised CmdLets that supplement the User Management aspect. Where
    appropriate, individual about-pages have been created for them. Please see
    section 'See Also' for links to related topics.
    Finding Users, Groups or other objects is sometimes too complex for my
    taste. Using `Get-AzureAdUser -Searchstring "$UPN"` is fine, but sometimes I
    just want to bash in the UserPrincipalName or Group Name and get a result.
    Some helper functions that simplify input a bit and expand on the
    functionality of Callable Entity:
    | Function | Description
                                                | |
    ---------------------------------------------------------: |
    | |
    | Helper Function to find AzureAd Groups. Returns Objects if found.
    Simplifies Lookup and Search of Objects | |
    | Helper Function to find AzureAd Users. Returns Objects if found.
    Simplifies Lookup and Search of Objects |
    > [!Note] On first run, Find-AzureAdGroup (and other CmdLets that are
    working with AzureAd Groups) will load all Groups available in the Tenant
    into a Global variable. This is done as searches against AzureAd Groups are
    somewhat clunky and overall performance is improved when validating and
    looking up information. > <br />All global variables will be removed when
    closing the PowerShell window or disconnecting from the Tenant with
Support CmdLet
    | Function | Description
      | | -----------------------------------------------------------: |
    | |
    | Testing whether the Group exists in AzureAd
                     | |
    | |
    | Testing whether a Resource Account exists in AzureAd
                     | |
    | Testing whether the User exists in SkypeOnline/Teams
    These CmdLets do not require explicit use cases reflected here. Please see
    the Examples for the individual CmdLets in their respective help files
    This page only lists the CmdLets that are not categorised further. See below
    for Callable Entities, Common Area Phones and Analog Devices, etc.
    Thoroughly tested, but Unit-tests for these CmdLets are not yet available.
    There might be a few cases where the Output displays too much or too little.
    The Find-CmdLets took a while to properly be fine tuned. If you do not find
    something that you know is there, please let me know
    - User, AzureAdUser, CsOnlineUser
    - Group, AzureAdGroup
    - Resource, Resource Account, CsOnlineApplicationInstance
    - Common Area Phone
    - Analog Device
    - IP Phone