
# Module: TeamsFunctions
# Function: Session
# Author: David Eberhardt
# Updated: 01-OCT-2020
# Status: Live

function Assert-MicrosoftTeamsConnection {
        Asserts an established Connection to MicrosoftTeams
        Tests a connection to MicrosoftTeams is established.
    Will run Test-MicrosoftTeamsConnection and, if successful, stops.
    If unsuccessful, displays request to create a new session and stops.
        System.Void - If called directly; On-Screen output only
    Boolean - If called by other CmdLets, On-Screen output for the first call only
    Verifies a Connection to AzureAd is established

  param() #param

  begin {
    #Write-Verbose -Message "[BEGIN ] $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
    Show-FunctionStatus -Level Live
    $Stack = Get-PSCallStack
    $Called = ($stack.length -ge 3)

    $TeamsModuleVersionMajor = (Get-Module MicrosoftTeams).Version.Major
  } #begin

  process {
    #Write-Verbose -Message "[PROCESS] $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"

    if ($TeamsModuleVersionMajor -lt 2) {
    else {
      if (Test-MicrosoftTeamsConnection) {
        if ($stack.length -lt 3) {
          Write-Verbose -Message '[ASSERT] MicrosoftTeams Session - Connected!'
        return $(if ($Called) { $true })
      elseif (Use-MicrosoftTeamsConnection) {
        if ($stack.length -lt 3) {
          Write-Verbose -Message '[ASSERT] MicrosoftTeams Session - Reconnected!' -Verbose
        return $(if ($Called) { $true })
      else {
        Write-Host '[ASSERT] ERROR: MicrosoftTeams Session - No connection established or reconnect unsuccessful' -ForegroundColor Red
        return $(if ($Called) { $false })
  } #process

  end {
    #Write-Verbose -Message "[END ] $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
    if (-not $Called) {
  } #end
} #Assert-MicrosoftTeamsConnection