
# Module: TeamsFunctions
# Function: Test
# Author: David Eberhardt
# Updated: 24-JUL-2022

InModuleScope TeamsFunctions {
  BeforeAll {

  Describe -Tags ('Unit', 'Acceptance') "Function 'Get-ParentDirectoryPath'" {
    It 'should return the correct Parent Directory Path given a DirectoryName' {
      $DirectoryName = 'C:\Temp\Test\Subfolder\Level2\Test'
      $TargetParentDirectory = 'Test'
      Get-ParentDirectoryPath -DirectoryName $DirectoryName -TargetParentDirectory $TargetParentDirectory | Should -Be 'C:\Temp\Test'

    It 'should return the correct Parent Directory Path' {
      # If DirectoryName is not provided,Get-ParentDirectoryPath will use Get-Location to determine the current directory
      # This requires manual digging from the current directory path (which may be unknown)
      $DirectoryName = Get-Location
      $Parent = Split-Path $DirectoryName -Parent
      $TargetParentDirectory = Split-Path $Parent -Leaf
      Get-ParentDirectoryPath -DirectoryName $DirectoryName -TargetParentDirectory $TargetParentDirectory | Should -Be $Parent
      Get-ParentDirectoryPath -TargetParentDirectory $TargetParentDirectory | Should -Be $Parent

    It 'should throw an Error if not found' {
      # triggering: No directory found in the Folder Path with the Name
      $DirectoryName = 'C:\'
      $TargetParentDirectory = 'Test'
      { Get-ParentDirectoryPath -DirectoryName $DirectoryName -TargetParentDirectory $TargetParentDirectory } | Should -Throw

    It 'should throw an Error if not found' {
      # triggering: Error encountered when splitting paths
      $DirectoryName = 'C:\Temp\Testing\Subfolder\Level2\Test'
      $TargetParentDirectory = 'Test'
      { Get-ParentDirectoryPath -DirectoryName $DirectoryName -TargetParentDirectory $TargetParentDirectory } | Should -Throw

    It 'should throw an Error if it cannot split the path' {
      # triggering: Error encountered when splitting paths
      $DirectoryName = 'C:\Test'
      $TargetParentDirectory = 'Test'
      { Get-ParentDirectoryPath -DirectoryName $DirectoryName -TargetParentDirectory $TargetParentDirectory } | Should -Throw