
# Module: TeamsFunctions
# Function: AzureAd Licensing
# Author: Unknown
# Updated: 03-MAY-2020
# Status: Live

function Format-StringForUse {
    Formats a string by removing special characters usually not allowed.
    Special Characters in strings usually lead to terminating errors.
    This function gets around that by formating the string properly.
    Use is limited, but can be used for UPNs and Display Names
    Adheres to Microsoft recommendation of special Characters
  .PARAMETER InputString
    Mandatory. The string to be reformatted
    Optional String. DisplayName or UserPrincipalName. Uses predefined special characters to remove
    Cannot be used together with -SpecialChars
  .PARAMETER SpecialChars
    Default, Optional String. Manually define which special characters to remove.
    If not specified, only the following characters are removed: ?()[]{}
    Cannot be used together with -As
  .PARAMETER Replacement
    Optional String. Manually replaces removed characters with this string.
    Format-StringForUse -InputString "<my>\Test(String)"
    Returns "<my>\TestString". All SpecialChars defined will be removed.
    Format-StringForUse -InputString "<my>\Test(String)" -SpecialChars "\"
    Returns "myTest(String)". All SpecialChars defined will be removed.
    Format-StringForUse -InputString "<my>\Test(String)" -As UserPrincipalName
    Returns "myTestString" for UserPrincipalName does not support any of the special characters
    Format-StringForUse -InputString "<my>\Test(String)" -As DisplayName
    Returns "myTest(String)" for DisplayName does not support some special characters
    Format-StringForUse -InputString "1 (555) 1234-567" -As E164
    Returns "+15551234567" for LineURI does not support spaces, dashes, parenthesis characters and must start with "+"
    Format-StringForUse -InputString "1 (555) 1234-567" -As LineURI
    Returns "tel:+15551234567" for LineURI does not support spaces, dashes, parenthesis characters and must start with "tel:+"
    Reformats a string to be used as an E.164 Number, LineUri/TelUri, DisplayName or UserPrincipalName; Removes special Characters in the process

  [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Manual')]
    [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline, HelpMessage = 'String to reformat')]

    [Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Replacement character or string for each removed character')]
    [string]$Replacement = '',

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Specific')]
    [ValidateSet('UserPrincipalName', 'DisplayName', 'E164', 'LineURI')]

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Manual')]
    [string]$SpecialChars = '?()[]{}'
  ) #param

  begin {
    Show-FunctionStatus -Level Live
    Write-Verbose -Message "[BEGIN ] $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"

  } #begin

  process {
    Write-Verbose -Message "[PROCESS] $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
    switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
      'Specific' {
        switch ($As) {
          'UserPrincipalName' {
            $CharactersToRemove = '\%&*+/=?{}|<>();:,[]"'
            $CharactersToRemove += "'´"
          'DisplayName' {
            #$CharactersToRemove = '\%*+/=?{}|<>[]"'
            $CharactersToRemove = '\%*+=?{}|<>[]"'
          'E164' {
            $CharactersToRemove = '\%*/@:=-()?{}|<>[]" abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz;'

            if ( $Replacement -ne '') {
              Write-Warning -Message "Replacement is not allowed for '$As'. Ignoring input"
              $Replacement = '' # Replacement is not allowed
          'LineURI' {
            $CharactersToRemove = '\%*/-()?{}|<>[]" abcdfghijkmnopqrsuvwyz'

            if ( $Replacement -ne '') {
              Write-Warning -Message "Replacement is not allowed for '$As'. Ignoring input"
              $Replacement = '' # Replacement is not allowed
      'Manual' { $CharactersToRemove = $SpecialChars }
      Default { }

    $rePattern = ($CharactersToRemove.ToCharArray() | ForEach-Object { [regex]::Escape($_) }) -join '|'

    if ($As -eq 'E164') {
      # Truncating Extension if specified ";ext=" if specified
      $InputString = $InputString.split(';')[0]

    [String]$String = $InputString -replace $rePattern, $Replacement

    if ($As -eq 'UserPrincipalName') {
      # Validate User Side of a UPN does not end in a '.'
      [String]$OutputString = $String.replace('.@', '@');
      if ( $($String.split('@')[0]).length -gt 64 ) {
        Write-Error -Message 'UserPrincipalName - Prefix (User) must not exceed 64 characters' -Category LimitsExceeded -ErrorAction Stop
      if ( $($String.split('@')[1]).length -gt 48 ) {
        Write-Error -Message 'UserPrincipalName - Suffix (Domain) must not exceed 48 characters' -Category LimitsExceeded -ErrorAction Stop
    elseif ($As -eq 'E164') {
      switch -regex ($String) {
        '^\d' { [String]$OutputString = '+' + $String; Break }
        '^\+\d' { [String]$OutputString = $String; Break }
        default {
          if ($String -match '\+') {
            [String]$OutputString = '+' + $String.replace('+', '');
      if ( -not $OutputString ) {
        [String]$OutputString = ''
    elseif ($As -eq 'LineURI') {
      switch -regex ($String) {
        '^\d' { [String]$OutputString = 'tel:+' + $String; Break }
        '^\+\d' { [String]$OutputString = 'tel:' + $String; Break }
        '^tel:\+\d' { [String]$OutputString = $String; Break }
        '^tel:\d' { [String]$OutputString = $String -replace 'tel:', 'tel:+'; Break }
      if ( -not $OutputString ) {
        [String]$OutputString = ''
    else {
      [String]$OutputString = $String

    return $OutputString
  } #process

  end {
    Write-Verbose -Message "[END ] $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
  } #end
} #Format-StringForUse