
# Module: TeamsFunctions
# Function: Test
# Author: David Eberhardt
# Updated: 23-JUL-2022

InModuleScope TeamsFunctions {
  BeforeAll {

  Describe -Tags ('Unit', 'Acceptance') "Function 'Get-ISO3166Country'" {
    Context 'Execution without Arguments' {
      BeforeEach {
        $Countries = Get-ISO3166Country

      It 'Should return an array if called without parameters' {
        #$Countries | Should -BeOfType Get-ISO3166Country.TFCountry
        $Countries.Count | Should -BeGreaterThan 240

      It 'Should return objects of the Type TFCountry' {
        # Type definition does not work
        # ArgumentException: Could not find type []. Make sure that the assembly that contains that type is loaded
        #$Countries[0] | Should -BeOfType [TFCountry]

    Context 'Execution with Parameters' {
      It 'Should return one object when searched with -TwoLetterCode' {
        $QueryTwoLetterCode = Get-ISO3166Country -TwoLetterCode DK

        $QueryTwoLetterCode.Name | Should -Be 'Denmark'
        $QueryTwoLetterCode.ThreeLetterCode | Should -Be 'DNK'
        $QueryTwoLetterCode.NumericCode | Should -Be '208'
        $QueryTwoLetterCode.DialCode | Should -Be '45'
        $QueryTwoLetterCode.Region | Should -Be 'EMEA'
        $QueryTwoLetterCode.TimeZone | Should -Be 'UTC+01:00'

      It 'Should return one object when searched with ThreeLetterCode' {
        $QueryThreeLetterCode = Get-ISO3166Country -ThreeLetterCode NOR

        $QueryThreeLetterCode.Name | Should -Be 'Norway'
        $QueryThreeLetterCode.TwoLetterCode | Should -Be 'NO'
        $QueryThreeLetterCode.NumericCode | Should -Be '578'
        $QueryThreeLetterCode.DialCode | Should -Be '47'
        $QueryThreeLetterCode.Region | Should -Be 'EMEA'
        $QueryThreeLetterCode.TimeZone | Should -Be 'UTC+01:00'

      It 'Should return one object when searched with NumericCode' {
        $QueryNumericCode = Get-ISO3166Country -NumericCode 800

        $QueryNumericCode.Name | Should -Be 'Uganda'
        $QueryNumericCode.TwoLetterCode | Should -Be 'UG'
        $QueryNumericCode.ThreeLetterCode | Should -Be 'UGA'
        $QueryNumericCode.DialCode | Should -Be '256'
        $QueryNumericCode.Region | Should -Be 'EMEA'
        $QueryNumericCode.TimeZone | Should -Be 'UTC+03:00'

      It 'Should return an array when searched with Region' {
        $QueryRegion = Get-ISO3166Country -Region APAC

        $QueryRegion.Count | Should -BeGreaterThan 5

      It 'Should return an array when searched with TimeZone' {
        $QueryTimeZone = Get-ISO3166Country -TimeZone UTC-11:00

        $QueryTimeZone.Count | Should -Be 3