
Describe "Test-TablePermissionsExist" {
    function Create-SampleALProject {
        param (
            # path to create sample project in
            # Determine whether to create a permissions file or not
            # whether to include a sample table in the project
        if ($CreateTable.IsPresent) {
            Set-Content -Value 'table 50000 "Permissions Test"
 -Path (Join-Path $Path 'Tab50000.PermissionsTest.al')
        switch ($PermissionsFile) {
            'None' {<#do nothing#>}
            'Incomplete' {Set-Content -Value '<PermissionSets><PermissionSet RoleID="TEST" RoleName="Test"></PermissionSet></PermissionSets>' -Path (Join-Path $Path 'extensionPermissionSet.xml')}
            'Complete' {Set-Content -Value '<PermissionSets><PermissionSet RoleID="TEST" RoleName="Test"><Permission><ObjectType>0</ObjectType><ObjectID>50000</ObjectID></Permission></PermissionSet></PermissionSets>' -Path (Join-Path $Path 'extensionPermissionSet.xml')}

    Context 'Complete permissions file' {
        Create-SampleALProject -Path $TestDrive -PermissionsFile Complete -CreateTable
        It "should return true" {
            Test-TablePermissionsExist -SourcePath $TestDrive | should be $true

    Context 'No permissions file' {
        Create-SampleALProject -Path $TestDrive -PermissionsFile None -CreateTable
        It "Should return false" {
            {Test-TablePermissionsExist -SourcePath $TestDrive -SuppressError} | Should throw 'Permissions file not found'

    Context 'Incomplete permissions file without surpressing the error' {
        Create-SampleALProject -Path $TestDrive -PermissionsFile Incomplete -CreateTable
        It "Should return false" {
            {Test-TablePermissionsExist -SourcePath $TestDrive} | should throw "Permission for table 50000 could not be found in permission file"

    Context 'Incomplete permissions file and surpress the error' {
        Create-SampleALProject -Path $TestDrive -PermissionsFile Incomplete -CreateTable
        It "Should return false" {
            Test-TablePermissionsExist -SourcePath $TestDrive -SuppressError | should be $false

    Context 'No tables added by project' {
        Create-SampleALProject -Path $TestDrive -PermissionsFile None
        It "Should return true" {
            Test-TablePermissionsExist -SourcePath $TestDrive | should be $true