
Set-StrictMode -Version 2

function New-TelligentWebsite {
        Creates a new Telligent Community website
        Creates a new Telligent Community Website, including extracting the installation package, creating the IIS website and setting up filestorage.
    .PARAMETER name
        The name of the site to be created in IIS.
        The physical location of the website files
    .PARAMETER Package
        The installation package to extract the website files from.
    .PARAMETER HostName
        The HostName to use in the IIS site binding.
        The port to use in the IIS site binding.
    .PARAMETER ApplicationPool
        The name of the application pool to create the website with. If the specified application pool doesn't exist, it is created. If not specified, IIS configuration will determine the application pool to use.
    .PARAMETER ClrVersion
        The version of .net to configure the application pool for. If not specified, defaults to 4.0
    .PARAMETER FilestoragePath
        The location the filestorage should be stored at. If not specified, uses teh default

        [ValidatePattern('^[a-z0-9\-\._ ]+$')]
        [ValidateScript({ Test-TelligentPath $_ -IsValid})]
        [ValidateScript({Test-Zip $_ })]
        [int]$Port = 80,
        [ValidatePattern('^[a-z0-9\-\._ ]+$')]
        [string]$ApplicationPool = $name,
        [ValidateScript({Test-Path $_ -PathType Container -IsValid})]
    Write-Progress "Website: $Name" "Extracting Web Files: $Path"
    Expand-Zip $Package $Path -ZipDirectory Web

    $info = Get-TelligentCommunity $Path

    [double]$clrVersion = if($info.PlatformVersion.Major -le 5) { 2.0 } else { 4.0 }

    New-IISWebsite -Name $Name -Path $Path -HostName $HostName -Port $Port -ApplicationPool $ApplicationPool -ClrVersion $clrVersion

    $initialFilestoragePath = Join-Path $Path filestorage
    #TODO: Abstract Move-Filestorage into seperate function
    if($FilestoragePath) {
        if($FilestoragePath -ne $initialFilestoragePath) {
            Write-Progress "Website: $Name" "Moving Filestorage to $FilestoragePath"
            if(!(Test-Path $FilestoragePath)) {
                New-Item $FilestoragePath -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
            Move-Item (Join-Path $initialFilestoragePath *) $FilestoragePath -Force
            Remove-Item $initialFilestoragePath

        Set-TelligentFilestorage $Path $FilestoragePath
    else {
        $FilestoragePath = $initialFilestoragePath       

    Grant-TelligentNtfsPermission $Path $FilestoragePath

function Grant-TelligentNtfsPermission {
      Grants the required NTFS permissions for a Telligent Community.
    .PARAMETER WebsitePath
        The path to the Telligent Community Website. This location has read permissions granted to the Application Pool Identity
    .PARAMETER FilestoragePath
        The path to the Telligent Community Filestorage. This location has Modify permissions granted to the Application Pool Identity

        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)]
        [ValidateScript({ Test-TelligentPath $_ })]
        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)]
        [ValidateScript({Test-Path $_ -PathType Container })]
    Get-IISWebsite $WebsitePath |% {
        $name = $_.name
        $appPoolIdentity = Get-IISAppPoolIdentity $_.applicationPool
        Write-Progress "Website: $name" "Granting read access to '$appPoolIdentity' on '$WebsitePath'"

        #TODO: outputs a status message. switch to Set-Acl instead
        &icacls "$WebsitePath" /grant "${appPoolIdentity}:(OI)(CI)RX" /Q | out-null

        Write-Progress "Website: $name" "Granting modify access to $appPoolIdentity on $FilestoragePath"
        &icacls "$FilestoragePath" /grant "${appPoolIdentity}:(OI)(CI)M" /Q | out-null

function New-IISWebsite {
        Creates a new IIS website
        The name of the site to be created in IIS.
        The physical location of the website files
    .PARAMETER HostName
        The HostName to use in the IIS site binding.
        The port to use in the IIS site binding.
    .PARAMETER ApplicationPool
        The name of the application pool to create the website with. If the specified application pool doesn't exist, it is created. If not specified, IIS configuration will determine the application pool to use.
    .PARAMETER ClrVersion
        The version of .net to configure the application pool for. If not specified, defaults to 4.0

        [ValidatePattern('^[a-z0-9\-\._ ]+$')]
        [ValidateScript({ Test-TelligentPath $_ -IsValid })]
        [uint16]$Port = 80,
        [ValidatePattern('^[a-z0-9\-\._ ]+$')]
        [string]$ApplicationPool = $Name,
        [double]$ClrVersion = 4.0
    if (!(Test-Path $path)) {
        New-Item $Path -Type Directory | Out-Null
    if (!(Test-Path IIS:\AppPools\$ApplicationPool)) {
        Write-Progress "Website: $Name" "Creating IIS Application Pool"
        New-IISAppPool $Name -ClrVersion $ClrVersion
    Write-Progress "Website: $Name" "Creating IIS Website"
    New-Item IIS:\Sites\$Name -Bindings @{protocol="http";bindingInformation=":${Port}:${HostName}"} -PhysicalPath $Path -Force |
        Set-ItemProperty -Name applicationPool -Value $ApplicationPool

function New-IISAppPool{
        Creates a new Application Pool
        Creates a new IIS Application Pool using the specified .net version. If credentials are specified, uses these as the Application Pool Identity, otherwise uses ApplicationPoolIdentity.
        The name of the Application Pool to create.
    .PARAMETER ClrVersion
        The version of .Net CLR the Application Pool should run under.
    .PARAMETER Credential
        The credentials the Application Pool should run under. If not specified, then the ApplicationPoolIdentity is used.

        [ValidatePattern('^[a-z0-9\-\._ ]+$')]
        [double]$ClrVersion = 4.0,
    $versionString = 'v{0:N1}' -f $ClrVersion
    Push-Location IIS:\AppPools
    try {
        New-Item $Name -Force | Out-Null
        if ($Credential){
            Set-ItemProperty $Name -Name processmodel -Value @{
                identityType = 'SpecificUser'
                username = $Credential.UserName
                password = $Credential.Password
        else {
            Set-ItemProperty $Name -Name processmodel -Value @{identityType = 'ApplicationPoolIdentity'} 
        Set-ItemProperty $Name -Name managedRuntimeVersion -Value $versionString
    finally {

function Get-IISAppPoolIdentity {
        Gets the identity used by the specified IIS Application Pool
        The name of the IIS Application Pool to get information for

        [ValidatePattern('^[a-z0-9\-\._ ]+$')]
    switch (Get-ItemProperty IIS:\AppPools\$Name -Name processmodel.identityType)
        'ApplicationPoolIdentity' { return "IIS AppPool\${Name}"}
        'NetworkService' { return 'NETWORK SERVICE'}
        'LocalService' { return 'LOCAL SERVICE'}
        'LocalSystem' { return 'SYSTEM'}
        'SpecificUser' { return (Get-ItemProperty IIS:\AppPools\$Name -Name processmodel.userName.value)}
    throw "Unable to determine app pool identity: $Name"

function Get-IISWebsite {
        Gets the IIS Websites rooted at the provided location
        The path used as the physicalPath for an IIS Websites. If not specified, uses the current location.

        [string]$Path = (Get-Location).Path
    return Get-ChildItem iis:\sites |? {$_.PhysicalPath.TrimEnd('\') -eq $Path.TrimEnd('\') }