
Set-StrictMode -Version 2

function Get-Configuration {
    $base = $env:TelligentInstanceManager
    if (!$base) {
        Write-Error 'TelligentInstanceManager environmental variable not defined'

    $data = @{
        #SQL Server to use.
        SqlServer = if($env:TelligentDatabaseServerInstance) { $env:TelligentDatabaseServerInstance } else { '(local)' }

        #Default password to use for new communities
        AdminPassword = 'password'

        # The directory where licenses can be found.
        # Licenses in this directory should be named in the format "Community{MajorVersion}.xml"
        # i.e. Community7.xml for a Community 7.x license
        LicensesPath = Join-Path $base Licenses | Resolve-Path

        # The directory where web folders are created for each website
        InstanceBase = Join-Path $base Communities


function Get-TelligentInstance {
            Gets TelligentInstance instances
        .PARAMETER Name
            The name of the instance to remove
        .PARAMETER Force
            Forces removal of the named instance, even if the named instance cannot be found.
            Gets all TelligentInstance instances
            Get-TelligentInstance test123
            Gets the TelligentInstance instance named 'test123'
            Get-TelligentInstance ps*
            Gets all TelligentInstance instances whose names match the pattern 'ps*'

        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]

    $data = Get-Configuration
    $results = Get-ChildItem (Join-Path $data.InstanceBase "*/Web") |
            select -ExpandProperty FullName |
            Get-TelligentCommunity -EA SilentlyContinue

    if ($Name) {
        $results = $results |? Name -like $Name

    if ($Version) {
        $versionPattern = "$($Version.TrimEnd('*'))*"
        $results = $results |
            ? {$_.PlatformVersion.ToString() -like $versionPattern } |

function Install-TelligentInstance {
        Sets up a new Telligent Community for development purposes.
        The Install-TelligentInstance cmdlet automates the process of creating a new Telligent Community instance.
        It takes the installation package, and from it deploys the website to IIS and a creates a new database using
        the scripts from the package. It also sets permissions automatically.
        This scripts install the new community as follows (where NAME is the value of the name paramater).
    .Parameter Name
        The name of the community to create. This is used when creating the locations used by the community.
            * Web Files - %TelligentInstanceManager%\Web\NAME\
            * Database Server - (local)
            * Database name NAME
            * Solr Url - http://localhost:8080/3-6/NAME/ (or 1-4 for versions using solr 1.4)
            * Solr Core - %TelligentInstanceManager%\Solr\3-6\NAME\ (or 1-4 for versions using solr 1.4)
            * Url - http://NAME.local/ (entry automatically added to hosts file)
            * Jobs run in web process
            * Custom Errors disabled
    .Parameter Version
        The community version being installed.
    .Parameter BasePackage
        The path to the zip package containing the Telligent Community installation files, provided by Telligent Support.
    .Parameter HotfixPackage
        If specified applys the hotfix from the referenced zip file to the community.
    .Parameter WindowsAuth
        Specify this switch to use Windows Authentication for the community.
    .Parameter DatabaseServerInstance
        Specify the SQL DB Instance name to install the site.
    .Parameter DatabaseName
        The name of the database to be created or used. If the database doesn't exist, it will be created.
    .Parameter ApiKey
        If specified, a REST Api Key is created for the admin user with the given value. This is useful for automation scenarios where you want to go and automate creation of content after installation.
        Get-TelligentVersion 7.6 | Install-TelligentInstance TestSite
        Output can be piped from Get-TelligentVersion to automatically fill in the version, basePackage and hotfixPackage paramaters

        [ValidateScript({if(Get-TelligentInstance $_){ throw "Telligent Instance '$_' already exists" } else { $true }})]
        [string] $Name,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
        [version] $Version,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
        [ValidateScript({Test-Zip $_ })]
        [string] $BasePackage,
        [ValidateScript({!$_ -or (Test-Zip $_) })]
        [string] $HotfixPackage,
        [switch] $WindowsAuth,
        [string] $DatabaseServerInstance,
        [string] $DatabaseName = $Name,
        [ValidatePattern('^[a-z0-9\-\._ ]+$')]
        [string] $ApiKey,
        [switch] $EnableDeveloperMode,
        [switch] $InstallInternalJobs = $true

    $data = Get-Configuration
    $name = $name.ToLower()

    $solrVersion = Get-CommunitySolrVersion $Version
    $solrUrl = Get-CommunitySolrUrl $Version
    $solrDir = Get-CommunitySolrFolder $Version
    $instanceDir = Join-Path $data.InstanceBase $Name
    $webDir = Join-Path $instanceDir Web
    $jsDir = Join-Path $instanceDir JobServer
    $filestorageDir = Join-Path $instanceDir Filestorage
    $domain = if($Name.Contains('.')) { $Name } else { "$Name.local"}
    $DatabaseServerInstance = if($DatabaseServerInstance) { $DatabaseServerInstance } else { $data.SqlServer }
    $licensePath = join-path $data.LicensesPath "Community$($Version.Major).xml"
    if(!(Test-Path $licensePath)) { $licensePath = $null }

    if(!(Test-Path $webDir)) {
        New-Item $webDir -ItemType Directory | out-null

    # To avoid ambiguity between the enviornment specificl Install-TelligentCommunity and
    # the generic base, the base function is private, so have to pull it out via a bit
    # of module hackery
    $module = Get-Module TelligentInstall
    $installCommunityFunc = $module.Invoke({Get-Command Install-TelligentCommunity})
    $info = & $installCommunityFunc `
        -Name $Name `
        -Package $BasePackage `
        -Hotfix $HotfixPackage `
        -WebsitePath $webDir `
        -JobSchedulerPath $jsDir `
        -FilestoragePath $filestorageDir `
        -WebDomain $domain `
        -License $licensePath `
        -SolrCore `
        -SolrBaseUrl $solrUrl `
        -SolrCoreDir $solrDir `
        -AdminPassword $data.AdminPassword `
        -DatabaseServer $DatabaseServerInstance `
        -DatabaseName $DatabaseName `
        -ApiKey $ApiKey

    if ($info) {
        Disable-CustomErrors $webDir

        $dbUsername = Get-IISAppPoolIdentity $Name
        Invoke-TelligentSqlCmd -WebsitePath $webDir -Query "EXEC sp_addrolemember N'db_owner', N'$dbUsername'"

        if ($WindowsAuth) {
            Enable-TelligentWindowsAuth $webDir -EmailDomain '' -ProfileRefreshInterval 0
        if($info.PlatformVersion.Major -ge 9 -and $EnableDeveloperMode) {
            Enable-DeveloperMode $webDir

        Write-Host "Installing local jobs?" $InstallInternalJobs
        if($info.PlatformVersion.Major -ge 9 -and $InstallInternalJobs) {
            Enable-InternalJobs $webDir

        #Add site to hosts files
        Add-Content -value "`r`n127.0.0.1 $domain" -Path (join-path $env:SystemRoot system32\drivers\etc\hosts)

        $info | Add-Member Url "http://$domain/" -PassThru

        if([Environment]::UserInteractive) {
            Start-Process $info.Url

function Get-CommunitySolrVersion {
            Gets the Solr version for a given community version number
        .PARAMETER Version
            The community version
            Get-CommunitySolrVersion 9.0

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
    if($Version.Major -ge 10) {
    elseif($Version.Major -ge 9) {
    elseif($Version.Major -ge 8) {
    else {

function Get-CommunitySolrUrl {
            Gets the Solr instance URL for a given community version number
        .PARAMETER Version
            The community version
            Get-CommunitySolrVersion 9.0

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
    $solrVersion = Get-CommunitySolrVersion $Version

    if($Version.Major -ge 10) {
    else {

function Get-CommunitySolrFolder {
            Gets the Solr version for a given community version number
        .PARAMETER Version
            The community version
            Get-CommunitySolrVersion 9.0

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
    $solrVersion = Get-CommunitySolrVersion $Version

    Join-Path $env:TelligentInstanceManager "Solr\$solrVersion"

function Remove-TelligentInstance {
            Removes a TelligentInstance Instance
        .PARAMETER Name
            The name of the instance to remove
        .PARAMETER KeepData
            The Database and Filestorage will not be deleted.
        .PARAMETER Force
            Forces removal of the named instance, even if the named instance cannot be found.
            Remove-TelligentInstance test1, test2
            Removes the 'test1' and 'test2' TelligentInstance Instances
            Get-TelligentInstance | Remove-TelligentInstance
            Removes all TelligentInstance instances
            Remove-TelligentInstance FailedInstall -Force
            Removes the 'FailedInstall' TelligentInstance instance if it's corrupted to the point it's not dete

    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true, ConfirmImpact='High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
    process {

        $data = Get-Configuration
        $instanceDir = Join-Path $data.InstanceBase $Name
        $webDir = Join-Path $instanceDir Web
        $jsDir = Join-Path $instanceDir JobServer
        $filestorageDir = Join-Path $instanceDir Filestorage
        $info = Get-TelligentCommunity $webDir -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        if(!($info -or $Force)) {

        if($Force -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Name)) {
            $domain = if($Name.Contains('.')) { $Name } else { "$Name.local"}

            #Delete the site in IIS
            Write-Progress 'Uninstalling Telligent Community' $Name -CurrentOperation 'Removing Website from IIS'
            if(Get-Website -Name $Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
                Remove-Website -Name $Name
            if((Join-Path IIS:\AppPools\ $Name| Test-Path)){
                Remove-WebAppPool -Name $Name

            #Delete the DB
            if(!$KeepData) {
                Write-Progress 'Uninstalling Telligent Community' $Name -CurrentOperation 'Removing Database'
                Remove-Database -Database $info.DatabaseName -Server $info.DatabaseServer

            if(!$KeepData) {
                # Remove everything
                Remove-Item $instanceDir -Recurse -Force
            } else {
                #Delete the website files
                Write-Progress 'Uninstalling Telligent Community' $Name -CurrentOperation 'Removing Website Files'
                if(Test-Path $webDir) {
                    Remove-Item -Path $webDir -Recurse -Force
                #Delete the website files
                Write-Progress 'Uninstalling Telligent Community' $Name -CurrentOperation 'Removing Job Server Files'
                if(Test-Path $jsDir) {
                    Remove-Item -Path $jsDir -Recurse -Force
            #Remove site from hosts files
            Write-Progress 'Uninstalling Telligent Community' $Name -CurrentOperation 'Removing Hosts entry'
            $hostsPath = join-path $env:SystemRoot system32\drivers\etc\hosts
            (Get-Content $hostsPath) | Where-Object {$_ -ne " $domain"} | Out-File $hostsPath
            #Remove the solr core
            Write-Progress 'Uninstalling Telligent Community' $Name -CurrentOperation 'Removing Solr Core'
            if($info) {
                if($info.PlatformVersion.Major -ge 10) {
                    $SolrUrl = (Get-CommunitySolrUrl $info.PlatformVersion) + '/admin/cores'
                    Remove-SolrCore -Name $Name -CoreAdmin $SolrUrl -EA SilentlyContinue
                else {
                    $solrVersion = Get-CommunitySolrVersion $info.PlatformVersion
                    $SolrUrl = (Get-CommunitySolrUrl $info.PlatformVersion) + '/admin/cores'
                    $SolrDir = Get-CommunitySolrFolder $info.PlatformVersion
                    Remove-LegacySolrCore -Name $Name -CoreBaseDir $SolrDir -CoreAdmin $SolrUrl -EA SilentlyContinue
            else {
                Write-Warning "Unable to determine Solr version"

            Write-Host "Deleted website at http://$domain/"

function Test-Zip {
        Tests whether a file exists and is a valid zip file.
    .Parameter Path
        The path to the file to test
        Test-Zip c:\
        This command checks if the file c:\ exists

        [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]

    Test-Path $Path -PathType Leaf
    if((Get-Item $Path).Extension -ne '.zip') {
        throw "$Path is not a zip file"