
Search Modules
    GET <base_url>/search
Latest Version for a Specific Module Provider
    GET <base_url>/:namespace/:name/:provider
Download Source Code for a Specific Module Version
    GET <base_url>/:namespace/:name/:provider/:version/download
Download the Latest Version of a Module
    GET <base_url>/:namespace/:name/:provider/download
Create a Module
    POST /organizations/:organization_name/registry-modules
Create a Module Version
    POST /registry-modules/:organization_name/:name/:provider/versions
Upload a Module Version

function Get-TFModule {
    Get modules in terraform enterprise registry.
    Run cmdlet to list all modules. Use the NAME parameter to list all available versions.
    Specify the NAME with the specific VERSION or LATEST switch to get module properties.
    Specify the SERVER, APITOKEN and ORG within the cmdlet or use Set-Terraform to store them globally.
    APIToken can be generated at https://<TFE>/app/settings/tokens
    List Modules
        GET <base_url>/:namespace
    List Available Versions for a Specific Module
        GET <base_url>/:namespace/:name/:provider/versions
    List Latest Version of Module for All Providers
        GET <base_url>/:namespace/:name
    Get a Specific Module
        GET <base_url>/:namespace/:name/:provider/:version
    Get-TFModule | ogv
    List Modules and pipe objects to Out-GridView
    Get-TFModule -Name instance
    List all versions of a specific Module
    Get-TFModule -Name instance -Latest
    List the latest version of a specific Module
    Get-TFModule -Name instance -Version 0.0.1
    List all properties of a specific Module version




        [string]$Provider = 'azurerm',

        [string]$Server = $Terraform.Server,

        [string]$APIToken = $Terraform.Token,

        [string]$Org = $Terraform.Org,

        [int]$ResultPageSize = 20

    if (!$Server -or !$APIToken) {Write-Warning "Missing Server and APIToken, use Connect-Terraform"; Continue}
    $Uri = "https://$Server/api/registry/v1/modules"
    $Headers = @{
        Authorization = "Bearer $APIToken"
        'Content-Type' = 'application/vnd.api+json'

    if ($Name) {

        try {

            if ($Version) {
                #Get a Specific Module
                $Results = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($Uri)/$Org/$Name/$Provider/$Version" -Headers $Headers -Method Get)
            } else {
                if ($Latest) {
                    #List Latest Version of Module for All Providers
                    $Results = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($Uri)/$Org/$Name" -Headers $Headers -Method Get).Modules
                } else {
                    #List Available Versions for a Specific Module
                    $Results = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($Uri)/$Org/$Name/$Provider/versions" -Headers $Headers -Method Get).Modules
                    foreach ($Version in ($Results | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Versions).version) {
                            Name = $name
                            Version = $version
                            Provider = $provider
        } catch {
            Write-Warning "Unable to get modules for $Name : $($_.Exception.Message) : Line $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber)"

    } else {

        try {

            $i = 0

            do {
                #List Modules (sort is done per page and not for the entire results)
                $Results = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($Uri)?namespace=$Org&limit=$ResultPageSize&offset=$i" -Headers $Headers -Method Get).Modules | Sort-Object Provider,Name
                Write-Verbose "Page $i; Results Count $($Results.count)"
                $i += $ResultPageSize
            } while ($Results.count -eq $ResultPageSize)

        } catch {
            Write-Warning "Unable to get modules : $($_.Exception.Message) : Line $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber)"

function Publish-TFModule {
    Publishes a new registry module from a VCS repository, with module versions managed automatically by the repository's tags.
    Name: TFE/terraform-<PROVIDER>-<NAME>
    Specify the SERVER, APITOKEN and ORG within the cmdlet or use Set-Terraform to store them globally.
    APIToken can be generated at https://<TFE>/app/settings/tokens
    Publish a Module from a VCS
        POST /registry-modules
    Publish-TFModule -Name terraform-azurerm-notification-hub -VCS TFE
    Publish the module notification-hub using <VCS>/terraform-<PROVIDER>-<NAME>

    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='High')]


        [string]$Server = $Terraform.Server,

        [string]$APIToken = $Terraform.Token,

        [string]$Org = $Terraform.Org

        if (!$Server -or !$APIToken) {Write-Warning "Missing Server and APIToken, use Connect-Terraform"; Continue}

        $Uri = "https://$Server/api/v2/registry-modules"
        $Headers = @{
            Authorization = "Bearer $APIToken"
            'Content-Type' = 'application/vnd.api+json'

        $OAuthToken = Get-TFOAuthToken -VCS $VCS -Server $Server -APIToken $APIToken -Org $Org

        try {

            $Data = @{
                attributes = @{
                    'vcs-repo' = @{
                        identifier = $Name
                        'oauth-token-id' = $OAuthToken
                        display_identifier = $Name
                type = 'registry-modules'

            $Body = @{data=$Data} | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 3
            Write-Verbose "$Body"

            if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Name)) {
                Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Uri -Headers $Headers -Body $Body -Method Post | Out-Null

        } catch {
            Write-Warning "Unable to publish $Name : $($_.Exception.Message) : Line $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber)"

function Remove-TFModule {
    Delete modules in terraform enterprise registry.
    Delete a specific VERSION or use the ALL switch to remove the entire module.
    Specify the SERVER, APITOKEN and ORG within the cmdlet or use Set-Terraform to store them globally.
    APIToken can be generated at https://<TFE>/app/settings/tokens
    Delete a Module - specific version
        POST /registry-modules/actions/delete/:organization_name/:name/:provider/:version
    Delete a Module - entire module
        POST /registry-modules/actions/delete/:organization_name/:name
    Get-TFModule notification-hub -Latest | Remove-TFModule
    Get latest module and delete it.
    Remove-TFModule notification-hub -All
    Delete all versions of the module

    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='High')]


        [string]$Provider = 'azurerm',


        [string]$Server = $Terraform.Server,

        [string]$APIToken = $Terraform.Token,

        [string]$Org = $Terraform.Org

        if (!$Server -or !$APIToken) {Write-Warning "Missing Server and APIToken, use Connect-Terraform"; Continue}

        $Headers = @{
            Authorization = "Bearer $APIToken"
            'Content-Type' = 'application/vnd.api+json'

        try {

            if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Ver') {
                $Uri = "https://$Server/api/v2/registry-modules/actions/delete/$Org/$Name/$Provider/$Version"
                $Confirm = "$Name $Version"
            } elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'All') {
                $Uri = "https://$Server/api/v2/registry-modules/actions/delete/$Org/$Name"
                $Confirm = "$Name All"

            if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Confirm)) {
                Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Uri -Headers $Headers -Method Post | Out-Null

        } catch {
            Write-Warning "Unable to remove $Name : $($_.Exception.Message) : Line $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber)"

Set-Alias gtfmo Get-TFModule
Set-Alias pbtfmo Publish-TFModule
Set-Alias rtfmo Remove-TFModule