
#Add paging
Apply a Run
    POST /runs/:run_id/actions/apply

function Get-TFRun {
    Get workspace runs.
    Run cmdlet to list all runs for a given workspace. Use the CURRENT switch for the current run.
    Get properties of a specify a Run ID.
    Specify the SERVER, APITOKEN and ORG within the cmdlet or use Set-Terraform to store them globally.
    APIToken can be generated at https://<TFE>/app/settings/tokens
    List Runs in a Workspace
        GET /workspaces/:workspace_id/runs
    Get run details
        GET /runs/:run_id




        [string]$Server = $Terraform.Server,

        [string]$APIToken = $Terraform.Token,

        [string]$Org = $Terraform.Org

        if (!$Server -or !$APIToken) {Write-Warning "Missing Server and APIToken, use Connect-Terraform"; Continue}

        $Headers = @{
            Authorization = "Bearer $APIToken"
            'Content-Type' = 'application/vnd.api+json'

        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Wks') {

            $WorkspaceId = (Get-TFWorkspace -Server $Server -APIToken $APIToken -Name $Name).id
            Write-Verbose "Workspace $Name; WorkspaceId $WorkspaceId"
            if (!$WorkspaceId) {Continue}

            $Uri = "https://$Server/api/v2/workspaces/$WorkspaceId/runs"
        } elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Run') {

            $Uri = "https://$Server/api/v2/runs/$RunId"

        try {

            $Results = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Uri -Headers $Headers -Method Get).data

            foreach ($Result in $Results) {
                $Run = ($Result).Attributes
                $Run | Add-Member -NotePropertyName id -NotePropertyValue $
                if ($Name) {
                    $Run | Add-Member -NotePropertyName name -NotePropertyValue $Name


                if ($Current) {break} #exit loop after first output

        } catch {
            Write-Warning "Unable to get run : $($_.Exception.Message) : Line $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber)"

function Set-TFRun {
    Set an ACTION for a specific Run.
    Specify any of the following Actions: APPLY, DISCARD, CANCEL, FORCE-CANCEL, FORCE-EXECUTE
    Specify the SERVER, APITOKEN and ORG within the cmdlet or use Set-Terraform to store them globally.
    APIToken can be generated at https://<TFE>/app/settings/tokens
    Apply a Run
        POST /runs/:run_id/actions/apply
    Discard a Run
        POST /runs/:run_id/actions/discard
    Cancel a Run
        POST /runs/:run_id/actions/cancel
    Forcefully cancel a run
        POST /runs/:run_id/actions/force-cancel
    Forcefully execute a run
        POST /runs/:run_id/actions/force-execute

    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='High')]


        [string]$Server = $Terraform.Server,

        [string]$APIToken = $Terraform.Token,

        [string]$Org = $Terraform.Org

        if (!$Server -or !$APIToken) {Write-Warning "Missing Server and APIToken, use Connect-Terraform"; Continue}

        $Uri = "https://$Server/api/v2/runs/$RunId/actions/$Action"
        $Headers = @{
            Authorization = "Bearer $APIToken"
            'Content-Type' = 'application/vnd.api+json'

        try {

            if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$RunId : $Action")) {
                Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Uri -Headers $Headers -Method Post | Out-Null

        } catch {
            Write-Warning "Unable to $Action on $RunId : $($_.Exception.Message) : Line $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber)"

function Start-TFRun {
    Create a run for a workspace.
    Specify the SERVER, APITOKEN and ORG within the cmdlet or use Set-Terraform to store them globally.
    APIToken can be generated at https://<TFE>/app/settings/tokens
    Create a Run
        POST /runs


        [string]$Message = 'Queued from PowerShell',

        [string]$Server = $Terraform.Server,

        [string]$APIToken = $Terraform.Token,

        [string]$Org = $Terraform.Org

        if (!$Server -or !$APIToken) {Write-Warning "Missing Server and APIToken, use Connect-Terraform"; Continue}

        $Uri = "https://$Server/api/v2/runs"
        $Headers = @{
            Authorization = "Bearer $APIToken"
            'Content-Type' = 'application/vnd.api+json'

        try {

            $WorkspaceId = (Get-TFWorkspace -Server $Server -APIToken $APIToken -Name $Name).id
            Write-Verbose "Workspace $Name; WorkspaceId $WorkspaceId"
            if (!$WorkspaceId) {Continue}

            $Data = [PSCustomObject]@{
                attributes = [PSCustomObject]@{
                    message = $Message
                relationships = @{workspace=@{data=@{id=$WorkspaceId}}}

            $Body = @{data=$Data} | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5
            Write-Verbose "$Body"

            Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Uri -Headers $Headers -Body $Body -Method Post | Out-Null

        } catch {
            Write-Warning "Unable to get run : $($_.Exception.Message) : Line $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber)"

Set-Alias gtfr Get-TFRun
Set-Alias stfr Set-TFRun
Set-Alias satfr Start-TFRun