
function Test-DNSRecord {

        A simple wrapper for the function Resolve-DNSName to perform DNS queries against specific DNS Servers. The parameters enable you to select from a list of Pubic DNS servers to test DNS resolution for a domain. The DNSProvider switch parameter can also be used to select your internal DNS servers and to test against the domains own Name Servers.
        A simple wrapper for the function Resolve-DNSName to perform DNS queries against specific DNS Servers and a dynamic list of internal DNS Servers. This in no way replaces Resolve-DNSName but provides some simple enhanced queries that do not require you to remember the names or IP Addresses of the Name Servers that you wish to query. This tool does not include all of the functionality of Resolve-DNSName but will speed up everyday DNS queries and diagnostics.
        The parameters enable you to select from a list of Pubic DNS servers to test DNS resolution for a domain. The DNSProvider switch parameter can also be used to select you internal DNS servers and to test against the domains own Name Servers.
        The DNSProvider Switch utilises external servers and queries to populate the switch with the relevant internal/external/zone servers to perform the query. Further information can be found in the parameter section.
        The internalDNSservers option for the DNSProviders switch performs an AD query to determine the hostname of the Domain Controllers, performs a DNS query against each Domain Controller and displays the results.
        The list of popular Public DNS Servers was taken from the article - https://www.lifewire.com/free-and-public-dns-servers-2626062 which also provides some useful information regarding DNS and why you might select different public dns servers for your name resolution.
    .PARAMETER recordName
        This is a string and which should container either a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or an IP address (IPv4 or IPv6)
        e.g. example.com or
        You can specify any record type using tab complete. If this parameter is not defined, it defaults to performing an A record DNS query.
        The following are contained in a ValidateSet so you can cycle through the record types or manually enter the record type you require.
        You can tab complete through a complete list of dns record types or you can enter the record type manually.
        Commonly used record types Less commonly used record types:
        A (Host address) AFSDB (AFS Data Base location)
        AAAA (IPv6 host address) ATMA (Asynchronous Transfer Mode address)
        ALIAS (Auto resolved alias) CAA (Certification Authority Authorization)
        CNAME (Canonical name for an alias) CERT (Certificate / CRL)
        MX (Mail eXchange) DHCID (DHCP Information)
        NS (Name Server) DNAME (Non-Terminal DNS Name Redirection)
        PTR (Pointer) HINFO (Host information)
        SOA (Start Of Authority) ISDN (ISDN address)
        SRV (location of service) LOC (Location information)
        TXT (Descriptive text) MB, MG, MINFO, MR (mailbox records)
                                                    NAPTR (Naming Authority Pointer)
        Records types used for DNSSEC NSAP (NSAP address)
        DNSKEY (DNSSEC public key) RP (Responsible person)
        DS (Delegation Signer) RT (Route through)
        NSEC (Next Secure) TLSA (Transport Layer Security Authentication)
        NSEC3 (Next Secure v. 3) X25 (X.25 PSDN address)
        NSEC3PARAM (NSEC3 Parameters)
        RRSIG (RRset Signature)
    .PARAMETER DNSProvider
        The DNSProvider Switch utilises the external servers and settings detailed below.
        The parameter is not mandatory and if not selected will default to using Google's Primary and Secondary public DNS servers.
        The switch options are defined as follows:-
        GooglePrimary = ""
        GoogleSecondary = ""
        Quad9Primary = ""
        Quad9Secondary = ""
        OpenDNSHomePrimary = ""
        OpenDNSHomeSecondary = ""
        CloudflarePrimary = ""
        CloudflareSecondary = ""
        CleanBrowsingPrimary = ""
        CleanBrowsingSecondary = ""
        AlternateDNSPrimary = ""
        AlternateDNSSecondary = ""
        AdGuardDNSPrimary = ""
        AdGuardDNSSecondary = ""
        DNSWATCHPrimary = ""
        DNSWATCHSecondary = ""
        ComodoSecureDNSPrimary = ""
        ComodoSecureDNSSecondary = ""
        CenturyLinkLevel3Primary = ""
        CenturyLinkLevel3Secondary = ""
        SafeDNSPrimary = ""
        SafeDNSSecondary = ""
        OpenNICPrimary = ""
        OpenNICSecondary = ""
        DynPrimary = ""
        DynSecondary = ""
        FreeDNSPrimary = ""
        FreeDNSSecondary = ""
        YandexDNSPrimary = ""
        YandexDNSSecondary = ""
        UncensoredDNSPrimary = ""
        UncensoredDNSSecondary = ""
        HurricaneElectric = ""
        puntCAT = ""
        NeustarPrimary = ""
        NeustarSecondary = ""
        FourthEstatePrimary = ""
        FourthEstateSecondary = ""
        InternalDNSserver = Performs an AD query to determine the hostname of the Domain Controllers
        DNSZoneNameServers = Performs a query against the recordname to determine the NameServers for the zone
        cmdlet Test-DNSRecord at command pipeline position 1
        Supply values for the following parameters:
        (Type !? for Help.)
        recordName[0]: !?
        Please enter DNS record name to be tested. Expectd format is either a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or an IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) e.g. example.com or
        recordName[0]: example.com
        Name Type TTL Section IPAddress
        ---- ---- --- ------- ---------
        example.com A 19451 Answer
        example.com A 19954 Answer
        This example shows Test-DNSRecord without any options. As recordname is a mandatory field, you are prompted to enter a FQDN or an IP.
        Test-DNSRecord -recordName example.com -Type A -DNSProvider GooglePrimary
        Name Type TTL Section IPAddress
        ---- ---- --- ------- ---------
        example.com A 20182 Answer
        This example shows an 'A' record query against Google's Primary Public DNS server.
        Test-DNSRecord -recordName bbc.co.uk -Type CNAME -DNSProvider GooglePrimary -Verbose
        VERBOSE: bbc.co.uk
        VERBOSE: Checking Google Primary...
        Name Type TTL Section PrimaryServer NameAdministrator SerialNumber
        ---- ---- --- ------- ------------- ----------------- ------------
        bbc.co.uk SOA 899 Authority ns.bbc.co.uk hostmaster.bbc.co.uk 2021011800
        This example displays the output with the verbose option enabled. The function performs the search and details which DNS Provider is being queried.
        Test-DNSRecord -recordName bbc.co.uk -Type CNAME -DNSProvider InternalDNSserver -Verbose
        VERBOSE: bbc.co.uk
        VERBOSE: Checking DANTOOINE.domain.leigh-services.com...
        Name Type TTL Section PrimaryServer NameAdministrator SerialNumber
        ---- ---- --- ------- ------------- ----------------- ------------
        bbc.co.uk SOA 899 Authority ns.bbc.co.uk hostmaster.bbc.co.uk 2021011800
        This example displays the output with the verbose option enabled. The function performs the search and details which DNS Provider is being queried. The InternalDNSserver DNS Provider, performs an AD query and uses the internal AD Servers for DNS resolution.
        You can pipe objects to these perameters.
        - recordName [string - The expected format is a fully qualified domain name or an IP address]
        - Type ['A', 'AAAA', 'ALIAS', 'CNAME', 'MX', 'NS', 'PTR', 'SOA', 'SRV', 'TXT', 'DNSKEY', 'DS', 'NSEC', 'NSEC3', 'NSEC3PARAM', 'RRSIG', 'AFSDB', 'ATMA', 'CAA', 'CERT', 'DHCID', 'DNAME', 'HINFO', 'ISDN', 'LOC', 'MB', 'MG', 'MINFO', 'MR', 'NAPTR', 'NSAP', 'RP', 'RT', 'TLSA', 'X25']
        - DNSProvider ['GooglePrimary', 'GoogleSecondary', 'Quad9Primary', 'Quad9Secondary', 'OpenDNSHomePrimary', 'OpenDNSHomeSecondary', 'CloudflarePrimary', 'CloudflareSecondary', 'CleanBrowsingPrimary', 'CleanBrowsingSecondary', 'AlternateDNSPrimary', 'AlternateDNSSecondary', 'AdGuardDNSPrimary', 'AdGuardDNSSecondary', 'InternalDNSserver', 'DNSZoneNameServers', 'AllPublic']
        System.String. The output returned from Test-DNSRecord is a string
        Author: Luke Leigh
        Website: https://scripts.lukeleigh.com/
        LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lukeleigh/
        GitHub: https://github.com/BanterBoy/
        GitHubGist: https://gist.github.com/BanterBoy
        LifeWire: https://www.lifewire.com/free-and-public-dns-servers-2626062
        Resolve-DNSName - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/dnsclient/resolve-dnsname
        Where-Object - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/where-object

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True,
            HelpMessage = "Please enter DNS record name to be tested. Expected format is either a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or an IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) e.g. example.com or",
            ValueFromPipeline = $false,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = "Please select DNS record type. Undefined, this parameter defaults to 'A' record lookups. You can tab complete through the list. A complete list of DNS Record Types is available.)",
            ValueFromPipeline = $false,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]
        [ValidateSet('A', 'AAAA', 'ALIAS', 'CNAME', 'MX', 'NS', 'PTR', 'SOA', 'SRV', 'TXT', 'DNSKEY', 'DS', 'NSEC', 'NSEC3', 'NSEC3PARAM', 'RRSIG', 'AFSDB', 'ATMA', 'CAA', 'CERT', 'DHCID', 'DNAME', 'HINFO', 'ISDN', 'LOC', 'MB', 'MG', 'MINFO', 'MR', 'NAPTR', 'NSAP', 'RP', 'RT', 'TLSA', 'X25')]
        $Type = 'A',
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = "Please select the DNS server to perform the DNS query against. This is a tab complete list. Please check the help for more details. Get-Help Test-DNSRecord -Parameter DNSProvider)",
            ValueFromPipeline = $false,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]
        [ValidateSet ('GooglePrimary', 'GoogleSecondary', 'Quad9Primary', 'Quad9Secondary', 'OpenDNSHomePrimary', 'OpenDNSHomeSecondary', 'CloudflarePrimary', 'CloudflareSecondary', 'CleanBrowsingPrimary', 'CleanBrowsingSecondary', 'AlternateDNSPrimary', 'AlternateDNSSecondary', 'AdGuardDNSPrimary', 'AdGuardDNSSecondary', 'DNSWATCHPrimary', 'DNSWATCHSecondary', 'ComodoSecureDNSPrimary', 'ComodoSecureDNSSecondary', 'CenturyLinkLevel3Primary', 'CenturyLinkLevel3Secondary', 'SafeDNSPrimary', 'SafeDNSSecondary', 'OpenNICPrimary', 'OpenNICSecondary', 'DynPrimary', 'DynSecondary', 'FreeDNSPrimary', 'FreeDNSSecondary', 'YandexDNSPrimary', 'YandexDNSSecondary', 'UncensoredDNSPrimary', 'UncensoredDNSSecondary', 'HurricaneElectric', 'puntCAT', 'NeustarPrimary', 'NeustarSecondary', 'FourthEstatePrimary', 'FourthEstateSecondary', 'InternalDNSserver', 'DNSZoneNameServers' )]

    foreach ($record in $recordName) {
        try {
            $server = [DnsServer]::new($DNSProvider, $record, $Type)
            Write-Output $server.Resolve()
        catch {
            Write-Error "An error occurred:"
            Write-Error $_

    Class DnsServer {

        $DNSservers = [ordered]@{
            GooglePrimary              = ""
            GoogleSecondary            = ""
            Quad9Primary               = ""
            Quad9Secondary             = ""
            OpenDNSHomePrimary         = ""
            OpenDNSHomeSecondary       = ""
            CloudflarePrimary          = ""
            CloudflareSecondary        = ""
            CleanBrowsingPrimary       = ""
            CleanBrowsingSecondary     = ""
            AlternateDNSPrimary        = ""
            AlternateDNSSecondary      = ""
            AdGuardDNSPrimary          = ""
            AdGuardDNSSecondary        = ""
            DNSWATCHPrimary            = ""
            DNSWATCHSecondary          = ""
            ComodoSecureDNSPrimary     = ""
            ComodoSecureDNSSecondary   = ""
            CenturyLinkLevel3Primary   = ""
            CenturyLinkLevel3Secondary = ""
            SafeDNSPrimary             = ""
            SafeDNSSecondary           = ""
            OpenNICPrimary             = ""
            OpenNICSecondary           = ""
            DynPrimary                 = ""
            DynSecondary               = ""
            FreeDNSPrimary             = ""
            FreeDNSSecondary           = ""
            YandexDNSPrimary           = ""
            YandexDNSSecondary         = ""
            UncensoredDNSPrimary       = ""
            UncensoredDNSSecondary     = ""
            HurricaneElectric          = ""
            puntCAT                    = ""
            NeustarPrimary             = ""
            NeustarSecondary           = ""
            FourthEstatePrimary        = ""
            FourthEstateSecondary      = ""

        hidden [String]$Ip 

        DnsServer([String]$Id, [String]$Record, [String]$Type) {
            $this.Id = $Id
            $this.Record = $Record
            $this.Type = $Type

            $this.Ip = $this.DNSservers[$Id]

        [Object[]] Resolve() {
            [Object[]]$result = @()

            if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($this.Id)) {
                Write-Verbose -Message "Checking Google Primary..."
                $result += Resolve-DnsName -Name $this.Record -Type $this.Type -Server $this.DNSservers.GooglePrimary -ErrorAction Stop

                Write-Verbose -Message "Checking Google Secondary..."
                $result += Resolve-DnsName -Name $this.Record -Type $this.Type -Server $this.DNSservers.GoogleSecondary -ErrorAction Stop

                return $result

            switch ($this.Id) {
                InternalDNSserver {
                    $internalDNS = (Get-ADDomainController -Filter { Name -like "*" }).HostName

                    foreach ($PSItem in $internalDNS) {
                        $result += Resolve-DnsName -Name $this.Record -Type $this.Type -Server $PSItem -ErrorAction Stop
                        Write-Verbose -Message "Checking $PSItem..."
                    return $result
                DNSZoneNameServers {
                    $query = Resolve-DnsName -Name $this.Record -Type NS | Where-Object NameHost
                    $GlueServers = $query.NameHost

                    foreach ($PSItem in $GlueServers) {
                        $result += Resolve-DnsName -Name $this.Record -Type $this.Type -Server $PSItem -ErrorAction Stop
                        Write-Verbose -Message "Checking $PSItem..."
                    return $result

            $result = Resolve-DnsName -Name $this.Record -Type $this.Type -Server $this.Ip -ErrorAction Stop
            Write-Verbose -Message "Checking $($this.Id)..."

            return $result