
.GUID e900b08e-5e27-47ab-b407-462b409696ae
.AUTHOR Rob Sewell
.DESCRIPTION This script will check the status of the SQL Servers OLA set up including all agent jobs, folders and existence of backup files
.TAGS SQL, Ola Hallengren, Backup, Pester, Test, OVF

## This script will check the status of the SQL Servers OLA set up including all agent jobs, folders and existence of backup files
## Whilst you can call this script directly using Invoke-Pester and a script block as shown below it should be called with
## function Test-OLAInstance
## To find out more Get-Help Test-OLAInstance
##$Script = @{
##Path = $Path;
##Parameters = @{ Instance = Instance;
##CheckForBackups = $true;
##CheckForDBFolders = $true;
##JobSuffix = 'BackupShare1';
##Share = '\\Server1\BackupShare1'
##NoDatabaseRestoreCheck= $true;
##DontCheckJobOutcome = $true}}
##Invoke-Pester -Script $Script
## Author - Rob Sewell https://sqldbawithabeard.com @SQLDBAWithBeard
## Date - 06/09/2016
#Requires –Version 4
#Requires -Modules Pester
#Requires -Modules sqlserver

## Pester Test to check OLA
$JobSuffix ,
$Share ,

foreach($server in $Instance)

$ServerName = $Server.Split('\')[0]
$InstanceName = $Server.Split('\')[1]
$ServerName = $ServerName.ToUpper()
Describe "Testing $Server Backup solution" {
    BeforeAll {
    $Jobs = Get-SqlAgentJob -ServerInstance $Server
    $srv = New-Object Microsoft.SQLServer.Management.SMO.Server $Server 
    $dbs = $Srv.Databases.Where{$_.status -eq 'Normal'}.name
    $LSJobs = $srv.jobserver.jobs.where{$_.name -like 'LSBackup*'}.Name
    $LSDatabases = @()
    foreach ($Job in $LSJobs)
        $LSDatabases += $Job.Split('_')[1]

        $DisplayName =  "SQL Server Agent ($InstanceName)"
        $Folder = $ServerName + '$' + $InstanceName
        $DisplayName =  "SQL Server Agent (MSSQLSERVER)"
        $Folder = $ServerName
        if($CheckForBackups -eq $true)
      $CheckForDBFolders -eq $true
        if($Share.StartsWith('\\') -eq $False)
      $UNC = $Share.Replace(':','$')
      $Root = '\\' + $ServerName + '\' + $UNC + '\' + $Folder
      $Root = $Share + '\' + $Folder

    Context "New Backup Jobs on $server" {
        It "Agent should be running" {
        (Get-service -ComputerName $ServerName -DisplayName $DisplayName).Status | Should Be 'Running'
        $Jobs = $Jobs.Where{($_.Name -like 'DatabaseBackup - SYSTEM_DATABASES - FULL*' + $JobSuffix + '*') -or ($_.Name -like 'DatabaseBackup - USER_DATABASES - FULL*' + $JobSuffix + '*') -or ($_.Name -like 'DatabaseBackup - USER_DATABASES - DIFF*' + $JobSuffix + '*') -or ($_.Name -like 'DatabaseBackup - USER_DATABASES - LOG*' + $JobSuffix + '*')}
        foreach($job in $Jobs)
          $JobName = $Job.Name
          It "$JobName Job Exists" {
          $Job | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
          It "$JobName Job is enabled" {
          $job.IsEnabled | Should Be 'True'
          It "$JobName Job has schedule" {
          $Job.HasSchedule | Should Be 'True'
          if($DontCheckJobOutcome -eq $false)
            It "$JobName Job succeeded" {
            $Job.LastRunOutCome | Should Be 'Succeeded'
          if($NoDatabaseRestoreCheck -eq $false)
            It "$JobName Job has 2 JobSteps" {
            $Job.Jobsteps.Count | Should Be 2
            It "$JobName Job has Generate Restore Script Job Step" {
            $Job.JobSteps[1].Name | Should  Be 'Generate Restore Script'
        }# foreach jobs
        } # end context new backup jobs
    Context "Other Maintenance Jobs on $Server" {
        $Jobs = $Jobs.Where{($_.Name -eq 'DatabaseIntegrityCheck - SYSTEM_DATABASES') -or ($_.Name -eq 'DatabaseIntegrityCheck - USER_DATABASES') -or ($_.Name -eq 'IndexOptimize - USER_DATABASES')}
          foreach($job in $Jobs)
            $JobName = $Job.Name
            It "$JobName Job Exists" {
            $Job | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
            It "$JobName Job is enabled" {
            $job.IsEnabled | Should Be 'True'
            It "$JobName Job has schedule" {
            $Job.HasSchedule | Should Be 'True'
            if($DontCheckJobOutcome -eq $false)
              It "$JobName Job succeeded" {
              $Job.LastRunOutCome | Should Be 'Succeeded'
          }# foreach jobs
    } # end context other maintenanace jobs
    Context "OLA cleanup jobs on $Server" {
        $Jobs = $Jobs.Where{($_.Name -eq 'Output File Cleanup') -or ($_.Name -eq 'CommandLog Cleanup') -or ($_.Name -eq 'sp_delete_backuphistory') -or ($_.Name -eq 'sp_purge_jobhistory')}
         foreach($job in $Jobs)
            $JobName = $Job.Name
            It "$JobName Job Exists" {
            $Job | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
            It "$JobName Job is enabled" {
            $job.IsEnabled | Should Be 'True'
            It "$JobName Job has schedule" {
            $Job.HasSchedule | Should Be 'True'
            if($DontCheckJobOutcome -eq $false)
              It "$JobName Job succeeded" {
              $Job.LastRunOutCome | Should Be 'Succeeded'
          }# foreach jobs
        } # end ola clean up jobs
    Context "$Share Share For $Server" {
        It "Should have the root folder $Root" {
        Test-Path $Root | Should Be $true
        if($NoDatabaseRestoreCheck -eq $false)
        It "Database Restore Text file exists" {
        $RestoreTXT = $Root + '\DatabaseRestore.txt'
        $Check = Test-Path $RestoreTXT 
        $Check| Should Be $true
        if ($Check-eq $true)
        It "Database Restore Text is less than 30 minutes old" {
        ((Get-ChildItem $RestoreTXT).LastWriteTime -lt (Get-Date).AddMinutes(-30)) | Should Be $true
        foreach($db in $dbs.Where{$_ -ne 'tempdb'})
          if($Srv.VersionMajor -ge 11)
                     $AG = $srv.Databases[$db].AvailabilityGroupName
                     $Cluster = $srv.ClusterName
                     $OLAAg = $Cluster + '$' + $AG
                    if($Share.StartsWith('\\') -eq $False)
                      $UNC = $Share.Replace(':','$')
                      $Root = '\\' + $ServerName + '\' + $UNC + '\' + $OlaAG 
                      $Root = '\\' + $ServerName + '\' + $UNC + '\' + $Folder
                  if($Share.StartsWith('\\') -eq $False)
                      $UNC = $Share.Replace(':','$')
                      $Root = '\\' + $ServerName + '\' + $UNC + '\' + $Folder
                      $Root = $Share + '\' + $Folder
            $dbfoldername = $db.Replace(' ','')
            $Dbfolder = $Root + "\$dbfoldername"
            $Full = $Dbfolder + '\FULL'
            $Diff = $Dbfolder + '\DIFF'
            $Log  = $Dbfolder + '\LOG'
            If($CheckForDBFolders -eq $True)
            Context "Folder Check for $db on $Server on $Share" {
            It "Should have a folder for $db database" {
            Test-Path $Dbfolder |Should Be $true
            if($Db -notin ('master','msdb','model') -and ($Srv.Databases[$db].RecoveryModel -ne 'Simple') -and ( $LSDatabases -notcontains $db))
            It "Has a Full Folder" {
                [System.IO.Directory]::Exists($Full) | Should Be $True
            It "Has a Diff Folder" {
                [System.IO.Directory]::Exists($Diff) | Should Be $True
            It "Has a Log Folder" {
                [System.IO.Directory]::Exists($Log) | Should Be $True
            } #
            elseif(($Srv.Databases[$db].RecoveryModel -eq 'Simple') -and $Db -notin ('master','msdb','model') -or ( $LSDatabases -contains $db) )
            It "Has a Full Folder" {
            [System.IO.Directory]::Exists($Full) | Should Be $True
            It "Has a Diff Folder" {
                [System.IO.Directory]::Exists($Diff) | Should Be $True
            } #
            It "Has a Full Folder" {
                [System.IO.Directory]::Exists($Full) | Should Be $True
            } # End Check for db folders
            If($CheckForBackups -eq $true)
            Context " File Check For $db on $Server on $Share" {  
                    $Fullcreate = [System.IO.Directory]::GetCreationTime($Full)
                    $FullWrite = [System.IO.Directory]::GetLastWriteTime($Full) 
                if($Fullcreate -eq $FullWrite)
                        It "Has Files in the FULL folder for $db" {
                        Get-ChildItem $Full\*.bak | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
                It "Has Files in the FULL folder for $db" {
                    $FullCreate | Should BeLessThan $FullWrite
                It "Full File Folder was written to within the last 7 days" {
                $Fullwrite |Should BeGreaterThan (Get-Date).AddDays(-7)
                if($Db -notin ('master','msdb','model'))
                    $Diffcreate = [System.IO.Directory]::GetCreationTime($Diff)
                    $DiffWrite = [System.IO.Directory]::GetLastWriteTime($Diff)
                    if($Diffcreate -eq $DiffWrite)
                        It "Has Files in the DIFF folder for $db" {
                        Get-ChildItem $Diff\*.bak | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
                    It "Has Files in the DIFF folder for $db" {
                    $DiffCreate | Should BeLessThan $DiffWrite
                It "Diff File Folder was written to within the last 24 Hours" {
                $Diffwrite |Should BeGreaterThan (Get-Date).AddHours(-24)
                if($Db -notin ('master','msdb','model') -and ($Srv.Databases[$db].RecoveryModel -ne 'Simple') -and ( $LSDatabases -notcontains $db))
                    $Logcreate = [System.IO.Directory]::GetCreationTime($Log)
                    $LogWrite = [System.IO.Directory]::GetLastWriteTime($Log)
                    if($Logcreate -eq $LogWrite)
                        It "Has Files in the LOG folder for $db" { 
                        Get-ChildItem $Log\*.trn | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
                        It "Has Files in the LOG folder for $db" { 
                        $LogCreate | Should BeLessThan $LogWrite
                    It "Log File Folder was written to within the last 30 minutes" {
                    $Logwrite |Should BeGreaterThan (Get-Date).AddMinutes(-30) 
                }# Simple Recovery
            }# Check for backups

    } # End share context
}#end describe