[CmdLetBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateScript({ test-path $_ })][string]$JsonPath, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateScript({ test-path $_ -PathType Leaf -Filter *.json })][string]$SchemaPath ) Write-Verbose "Json Path: '$JsonPath'" Write-Verbose "Schema Path: '$SchemaPath'" if ((Get-Item $JsonPath).PSIsContainer) { Write-Verbose "Specified path '$JsonPath' is a directory" $global:files = Get-ChildItem $JsonPath -Include *.json -Recurse } else { Write-Verbose "Specified path '$JsonPath' is a file" $global:files = Get-Item $JsonPath -Include *.json Write-Verbose "Found $($global:files.Count) files" } #Get Schema $global:Schema = Get-Content -Path $SchemaPath -Raw Describe "File Existence Test" { Context "JSON files Should Exist" { It 'File count should be greater than 0' { $global:files.count | Should -BeGreaterThan 0 } } } Foreach ($file in $global:files) { Write-Verbose "Test '$file'" $global:filePath = $file.FullName Describe "'$($file.name)' JSON File Syntax Test" { Context "JSON Syntax Test" { It 'Should be a valid JSON file' { $fileContent = Get-Content -Path $global:filePath -Raw ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $fileContent -ErrorVariable parseError $parseError | Should -Be $Null } } Context "JSON Schema Test" { It 'Should be a valid JSON file against Schema' { $fileContent = Get-Content -Path $global:filePath -Raw Test-Json -Json $fileContent -schema $global:Schema | Should -Be $true } } } } |