
# New Module with V2 structure. Generic files and public/private folders.
# /ModuleName/
# Manifest - DemoPsModule.psd1
# Module - public
# - publicFunctions.ps1
# - private
# - privateFunctions.ps1
# - privateFunctions2.ps1
# - DemoPsModule.psm1
# Testing - DemoPsModuleTest
# - private
# - DemoPsModuleTest.psd1
# - DemoPsModuleTest.psm1
# - test.ps1
# - .vscode
# - launch.json
# Deploy - deploy.ps1
# About - en-US
# -
# License - LICENSE
# ReadMe -

function New-ModuleV2 {
       Created a Powershell module with V2 format.

        [System.ObsoleteAttribute("Use New-ModuleV3 instead", $true)]
            # Param1 help description
        $ModuleName = $Name
        # set value if $path is null or empty
        $Path = [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Path) ? '.' : $Path
        $modulePath = Join-Path -Path $Path -ChildPath $Name
            throw "Folder already exists"
        } else {
           $null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Name $modulePath
        # PSD1
        $params = @{
            Path = ($modulePath | Join-Path -ChildPath "$ModuleName.psd1") 
            RootModule = "$moduleName.psm1" 

            Description = [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Description) ? "Description of $ModuleName" : $Description

            ModuleVersion = [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Version) ? '0.1' : $Version
            Author = [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Author) ? "Anonymous" : $Author
            CompanyName = [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($CompanyName) ? "CompanyName" : $CompanyName
            Copyright = [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($CompanyName) ? "(c) $((Get-Date).Year) $CompanyName. All rights reserved." :$Copyright 
        New-ModuleManifest @params

        # PSM1
        Import-Template -Path $modulePath -File $params.RootModule -Template "template.module.psm1"

        # Sample code
        if (!$AvoidSampleCode) {
            Import-Template -Path ($modulePath | Join-Path -ChildPath "public") -File "sammplePublicFunction.ps1" -Template "template.module.functions.public.ps1"
            Import-Template -Path ($modulePath | Join-Path -ChildPath "private") -File "sammplePrivateFunction.ps1" -Template "template.module.functions.private.ps1"

        # Testing module
        if (-Not $AvoidTestingModule)
            $testingModuleName = $ModuleName + "Test"

            $testingparams = @{
                Path= $modulePath
                Name= $testingModuleName
                Description= "Testing Module for $ModuleName"
                Author= $Author
                CompanyName= $CompanyName
                Copyright= $Copyright
                Version= $Version
                AvoidTestingModule= $true
                AvoidSampleCode= $true
            # New-TestingModuleV2 @testingparams
            New-ModuleV2 @testingparams

            # test.ps1
            Import-Template -Path $modulePath -File "test.ps1" -Template "template.test.ps1"
            # launch.json
            Import-Template -Path ($modulePath | Join-Path -ChildPath '.vscode') -File 'launch.json' -Template "template.launch.json"

            # Sample test
            $testingModulePublicPath = $modulePath | Join-Path -ChildPath $testingModuleName -AdditionalChildPath "public"

            Import-Template -Template "template.testmodule.functions.public.ps1" -File "SampleFunctionTests.ps1" -Path $testingModulePublicPath -Replaces @{
                '_MODULE_TESTING_' = $testingModuleName
                '_MODULE_TESTED_' = $ModuleName
} Export-ModuleMember -Function New-ModuleV2