
Describe 'Basic Pester Tests' {
    BeforeAll {
        $VarA = "Test"
        $VerB = "Test"

    It 'A test that should be true' {
        $True | Should -Be $True
    It 'A test that should fail' {
        $Fail | Should -Be $null
    It 'A test that should be true' {
        $VarA | Should -match $VarB
    It 'A test that should Pass' {
        $VarA | Should -Be "Test"
    It "true is never false" {
        $true | Should -not -Be $false

Describe 'Grouping using Context' {
    BeforeAll {
        $TestValue = 'ArcaneCode'
        $MyArray = 'ArcaneCode', 'http://arcanecode.red', 'http://arcanecode.me'
    Context 'Test Group 1 Boolean Tests' {    
        It 'Should be true' { $True | Should -Be $True }
        It 'Should be true' { $True | Should -BeTrue }
        It 'Should be false' { $False | Should -Be $False }        
        It 'Should be false' { $False | Should -BeFalse }        
    Context 'Test Group 2 - Negative Assertions' {    
        It 'Should not be true' { $False | Should -Not -BeTrue }
        It 'Should be false' { $True | Should -Not -Be $False }
    Context 'Test Group 3 - Calculations' {    
        It '$X Should be 42' {
        $X = 42 * 1 
        $X | Should -Be 42
        It 'Should be greater than or equal to 33' {
        $Y = 3 * 11
        $Y | Should -BeGreaterOrEqual 33
        It 'Should with a calculated value' {
        $Y = 3
        ($Y * 11) | Should -BeGreaterThan 30
    Context 'Test Group 4 - String tests' {
        It "Testing to see if <TestValue> matches arcane" {
            $TestValue | Should -match "arcane"
        It "Testing to see if <TestValue> is case sensitive like Arcane*" {
            $TestValue | Should -BeLikeExactly "Arcane*"
        It "Testing to see if <TestValue> is case sensitive not like Arcane*" {
            $TestValue | Should -not -BeLikeExactly "arcane"
        It "Testing to see if <TestValue> is like Arcane*" {
            $TestValue | Should -BeLike "Arcane*"
    Context 'Test Group 5 - Array Tests' {
        It "MyArray Should contain ArcaneCode" {
            $MyArray | Should -Contain 'ArcaneCode'
        It "<MyArray> Should contain ArcaneCode" {
            $MyArray | Should -Contain 'ArcaneCode'
        It "MyArray Should have 3 items" {
            $MyArray | Should -HaveCount 3