
[string]$TruncationCharSequence1 = [char]0x393 # Gamma
[string]$TruncationCharSequence2 = [char]0xC7  # C-Cedilla
[string]$TruncationCharSequence3 = [char]0xAA  # Feminine ordinal indicator
[string]$TruncationCharSequence = "$TruncationCharSequence1$TruncationCharSequence2$TruncationCharSequence3"
[string]$TruncationChar = [char]0x2026 # Represents the ellipsis character
[string]$TruncationRegex = "($TruncationChar|$TruncationCharSequence)"

    Parse a text-based table for attributes that characterize it.
    [PSCustomObject] Metadata for the table.

function Get-TextTableInfo
    param (
        # The text-based table to extract information about.

        # A regular expression to determine where the column header ends and
        # table data begins. If null, empty, or whitespace, the first line will
        # be treated as the header row, and subsequent lines will be the table
        # data. The default regex requires at least two dashes for the row
        # separator. This is to accomodate tools that cycle through '-', '\',
        # '|', and '/' as a busy sequence.
        [string]$HeaderRowSeparatorRegEx = '^\s*\-\s*\-+[\s\-]*$',

        # May be optionally set to indicate that no header separator exists.
        # This is automatically set if $HeaderRowSeparatorRegEx is null, empty,
        # or whitespace.

        # A regular expression to determine the last line of the table.
        # By default, this is the first empty line in the output.
        [string]$LastLineRegEx = '^\s*$'

    if ($NoHeaderSeparator -or [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($HeaderRowSeparatorRegEx)) {
        $NoHeaderSeparator = $true
        $separatorMatch = $Text | Select-String -Pattern $Text[0]
    } else {
        $separatorMatch = @($Text | Select-String -Pattern $HeaderRowSeparatorRegEx)

        if ($separatorMatch.Count -eq 0)
            return $null

    # Only use first match
    $separatorMatch = $separatorMatch[0]

    $terminatorMatch = @($Text[$separatorMatch.LineNumber..($Text.Count-1)] | Select-String -Pattern $LastLineRegEx)

    if ($terminatorMatch.Count -eq 0) {
        $rowCount = $Text.Count - $separatorMatch.LineNumber
    } else {
        $rowCount = $terminatorMatch[0].LineNumber - 2

    # Compute the column width by determining the offset between the first character of adjecent header names.
    if ($NoHeaderSeparator) {
        $headerRow = $separatorMatch.LineNumber - 1
    } else {
        $headerRow = $separatorMatch.LineNumber - 2
    $headerNames = $Text[$headerRow] | Select-String '[a-zA-Z]+' -AllMatches

    $tableInfo = [PSCustomObject]@{
        FirstRow = $separatorMatch.LineNumber
        LastRow = $separatorMatch.LineNumber + $rowCount
        RowCount = $rowCount
        ColumnInfo = $null

    $columnMetadata = @()

    for ($columnIndexNumber = 0; $columnIndexNumber -lt $headerNames.Matches.Count; $columnIndexNumber++)
        if ($columnIndexNumber -eq ($headerNames.Matches.Count - 1)) {
            if ($NoHeaderSeparator) {
                # In this case, the column's width should be based on the max line length of all the rows
                $maxLength = 0; @($Text[$separatorMatch.LineNumber..($separatorMatch.LineNumber + $rowCount - 1)]) | ForEach-Object {
                    $maxLength = [Math]::Max($maxLength, $_.Length)
                $columnWidth = $maxLength - $headerNames.Matches[$columnIndexNumber].Index
            } else {
                # NOTE: This may need similar logic used in $NoHeaderSeparator above. This would mainly be
                # for tables where the separator row does not span the whole line and instead only underlines
                # the column header name. This is the case for powershell-like tables (via Format-Table).
                $columnWidth = $Text[$headerRow].Length - $headerNames.Matches[$columnIndexNumber].Index
        } else {
            $columnWidth = $headerNames.Matches[$columnIndexNumber + 1].Index - $headerNames.Matches[$columnIndexNumber].Index

        $columnItem = [PSCustomObject]@{
            Name = $headerNames.Matches[$columnIndexNumber].Value
            StartIndex = $headerNames.Matches[$columnIndexNumber].Index
            EndIndex = ($headerNames.Matches[$columnIndexNumber].Index + $columnWidth - 1)
            Width = $columnWidth

        $columnMetadata += $columnItem

    $tableInfo.ColumnInfo = $columnMetadata
    return $tableInfo

    Returns a PSCustomObject table entry based on table metadata.

function ConvertFrom-TextTableItem
    param (
        # The table metadata.

        # The entry to convert.

        # When set, additional properties will be created to indicate whether
        # a value contains a trialing ellipsis, indicating the value is
        # truncated.

    $Entry = $ItemText.Replace($TruncationCharSequence, $TruncationChar)
    $item = New-Object PSObject

    $columnCount = 0
    foreach ($columnInfo in $TableInfo.ColumnInfo)
        try {
            if ($columnInfo.StartIndex + $columnInfo.Width -gt $Entry.Length) {
                $entryField = $Entry.Substring($columnInfo.StartIndex).Trim()
            } elseif ($columnCount -ge $TableInfo.ColumnInfo.Count) {
                $entryField = $Entry.Substring($columnInfo.StartIndex).Trim()
            } else {
                $entryField = $Entry.Substring($columnInfo.StartIndex, $columnInfo.Width).Trim()
        } catch {
            $entryField = ""

        if ($ReportTrucated) {
            $item | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name "$($columnInfo.Name)Truncated" -Value ($entryField -match $TruncationRegex)

        $item | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name $columnInfo.Name -Value $entryField

    return $item

    Converts a text-based table into a PSCustomObject[] based on the detected
    (column) metadata from the table. NOTE: In the case where multiple tables
    in the output exists, only the first table will be processed.

function ConvertFrom-TextTable
    param (
        # The text-based table to convert to a PSCustomObject.

        # May be optionally set to indicate that no header separator exists.
        # This is automatically set if $HeaderRowSeparatorRegEx is null, empty,
        # or whitespace.

        # Contains metadata describing the structure of the table.
        # Use Get-TextTableInfo for PSCustomObject.

        # A regular expression to determine the last line of the table.
        # By default, this is the first empty line in the output.
        [string]$LastLineRegEx = '^\s*$'

        if ($null -eq $TableInfo) {
            $textRows = @()
        } else {
            $rowIndex = 0;
        if ($null -eq $TableInfo) {
            $textRows += $Text
        } else {
            if ($rowIndex -ge $TextInfo.FirstRow -and $rowIndex -ge $TextInfo.LastRow) {
                ConvertFrom-TextTableItem -TableInfo $TextInfo -ItemText $Text
        if ($null -eq $TableInfo) {
            $TextInfo = Get-TextTableInfo -Text $textRows -LastLineRegEx $LastLineRegEx -NoHeaderSeparator:$NoHeaderSeparator
            $textRows[$TextInfo.FirstRow..$TextInfo.LastRow] | ForEach-Object { ConvertFrom-TextTableItem -TableInfo $TextInfo -ItemText $_ }