
Function Export-TfsGlobalList
        $Name = "*",

        $tpc = Get-TfsTeamProjectCollection $Collection
        $store = $tpc.GetService([type]'Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.WorkItemStore')

        $xml = [xml] $store.ExportGlobalLists()

        $procInstr = $xml.CreateProcessingInstruction("xml", 'version="1.0"')

        [void] $xml.InsertBefore($procInstr, $xml.DocumentElement)

        $nodesToRemove = $xml.SelectNodes("//GLOBALLIST") #| ? ([System.Xml.XmlElement]$_).GetAttribute("name") -NotLike $Name

        foreach($node in $nodesToRemove)
            if (([System.Xml.XmlElement]$node).GetAttribute("name") -notlike $Name)

        return $xml
Function Get-TfsGlobalList
        $Name = "*",

        $xml = Export-TfsGlobalList @PSBoundParameters

        foreach($listNode in $xml.SelectNodes("//GLOBALLIST"))
            $list = [PSCustomObject] [ordered] @{
                Name = $listNode.GetAttribute("name")
                Items = @()

            foreach($itemNode in $listNode.SelectNodes("LISTITEM"))
                $list.Items += $itemNode.GetAttribute("value")

Function Import-TfsGlobalList

        $tpc = Get-TfsTeamProjectCollection $Collection
        $store = $tpc.GetService([type]'Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.WorkItemStore')

        [void] $store.ImportGlobalLists($Xml.OuterXml)
Function New-TfsGlobalList



        [xml] $xml = Export-TfsGlobalList -Collection $Collection

        # Checks whether the global list already exists
        $list = $xml.SelectSingleNode("//GLOBALLIST[@name='$Name']")

        if ($list -ne $null)
            if ($Force.IsPresent)
                [void] $list.ParentNode.RemoveChild($list)
                $overwritten = $true
                Throw "Global List $Name already exists. To overwrite an existing list, use the -Force switch."

        # Creates the new list XML element
        $list = $xml.CreateElement("GLOBALLIST")
        $list.SetAttribute("name", $Name)

        # Adds the item elements to the list
        foreach($item in $Items)
            $itemElement = $xml.CreateElement("LISTITEM")
            [void] $itemElement.SetAttribute("value", $item)

        # Appends the new list to the XML obj
        [void] $xml.DocumentElement.AppendChild($list)

        # Saves the list back to TFS
        Import-TfsGlobalList -Xml $xml -Collection $Collection

        return Get-TfsGlobalList -Name $Name -Collection $Collection
Function Remove-TfsGlobalList
    [CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact="High", SupportsShouldProcess=$true)]
        $Name = "*",

        $tpc = Get-TfsTeamProjectCollection $Collection
        $store = $tpc.GetService([type]'Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.WorkItemStore')

        $lists = Get-TfsGlobalList -Name $Name -Collection $Collection
        $listsToRemove = @()

        foreach($list in $lists)
            if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($list.Name, "Remove global list"))
                $listsToRemove += $list

        if ($listsToRemove.Length -eq 0)

        $xml = [xml] "<Package />"

        foreach($list in $listsToRemove)
            $elem = $xml.CreateElement("DestroyGlobalList");
            $elem.SetAttribute("ListName", "*" + $list.Name);
            $elem.SetAttribute("ForceDelete", "true");

        $returnElem = $null

        $store.SendUpdatePackage($xml.DocumentElement, [ref] $returnElem, $false)
Function Set-TfsGlobalList
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Edit list items")]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Edit list items")]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Rename list", Mandatory=$true)]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Edit list items")]


        [xml] $xml = Export-TfsGlobalList -Name $Name -Collection $Collection

        # Retrieves the list
        $list = $xml.SelectSingleNode("//GLOBALLIST")
        $newList = $false

        if ($list -eq $null)
            if (-not $Force.IsPresent)
                throw "Global list name $Name is invalid or non-existent. Either check the name or use -Force to create a new list."
            # Creates the new list XML element
            $list = $xml.CreateElement("GLOBALLIST")
            [void] $list.SetAttribute("name", $Name)
            [void] $xml.DocumentElement.AppendChild($list)
            $newList = $true

        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Rename list")
            $list.SetAttribute("name", $NewName)
            Import-TfsGlobalList -Xml $xml -Collection $Collection

            Remove-TfsGlobalList -Name $Name -Collection $Collection -Confirm:$false

            return Get-TfsGlobalList -Name $NewName -Collection $Collection

        foreach($item in $Add)
            if (-not $newList)
                # Checks if the element exists (prevents duplicates)
                $existingItem = $list.SelectSingleNode("LISTITEM[@value='$item']")
                if ($existingItem -ne $null) { continue }

            $itemElement = $xml.CreateElement("LISTITEM")
            [void] $itemElement.SetAttribute("value", $item)
        if (-not $newList)
            foreach($item in $Remove)
                $existingItem = $list.SelectSingleNode("LISTITEM[@value='$item']")
                if ($existingItem)
        # Saves the list back to TFS
        Import-TfsGlobalList -Xml $xml -Collection $Collection

        return Get-TfsGlobalList -Name $Name -Collection $Collection