
Creates a copy of a work item, optionally changing its type
Use this cmdlet to create a copy of a work item (using its latest saved state/revision data) that is of the specified work item type. By default, the copy retains the same type of the original work item, unless the Type argument is specified
Specifies the work item to be copied. Can be either a work item ID or an instance of Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.WorkItem
Specifies the new type for the copy of the original work item. It can be provided as either a string representing the work item type name (e.g. "Bug" or "Task") or an instance of Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.WorkItemType. When an instance of WorkItemType is provided, the team project from where that WorkItemType object was retrieved will be used to define where to copy the work item into, unless the Project argument is specified
.PARAMETER IncludeAttachments
Includes attachments as part of the copy process. By default, only field values are copied
.PARAMETER IncludeLinks
Includes work item links as part of the copy process. By default, only field values are copied
Specified the team project where the work item will be copied into. If omitted, the copy will be created in the same team project of the source work item. The value provided to this argument takes precedence over both the source team project and the team project of an instance of WorkItemType provided to the Type argument
.PARAMETER Collection
Specifies either a URL/name of the Team Project Collection to connect to, or a previously initialized TfsTeamProjectCollection object.
When using a URL, it must be fully qualified. The format of this string is as follows:
Valid values for the Transport segment of the URI are HTTP and HTTPS. If you specify a connection URI with a Transport segment, but do not specify a port, the session is created with standards ports: 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS.
To connect to a Team Project Collection by using its name, a TfsConfigurationServer object must be supplied either via -Server argument or via a previous call to the Connect-TfsConfigurationServer cmdlet.
For more details, see the Get-TfsTeamProjectCollection cmdlet.
Leaves the new work item in a "dirty" (unsaved) state, by not calling its Save() method. It is useful for when subsequents changes need to be made to the work item object before saving it. In that case, it is up to the user to later invoke the Save() method on the new work item object to persist the copy.
Returns the results of the command. It takes one of the following values: Original (returns the original work item), Copy (returns the newly created work item copy) or None.
Copy-TfsWorkItem -WorkItem 123
Creates (and returns) a copy of a work item with ID #123
Get-TfsWorkItem -Filter '[System.WorkItemType] = "Bug"' | Copy-TfsWorkItem -Type Task
Retrieves all work item of Bug type and copy them as Tasks

Function Copy-TfsWorkItem






        [ValidateSet('Original', 'Copy', 'None')]
        $Passthru = 'Copy',


        $wi = Get-TfsWorkItem -WorkItem $WorkItem -Collection $Collection
        #$store = $wi.Store

            if ($Project)
                $tp = $Project
                $tp = $wi.Project
            $witd = Get-TfsWorkItemType -Type $Type -Project $tp -Collection $wi.Store.TeamProjectCollection
            $witd = $wi.Type

        $flags = [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.WorkItemCopyFlags]::None

        if ($IncludeAttachments)
            $flags = $flags -bor [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.WorkItemCopyFlags]::CopyFiles

        if ($IncludeLinks)
            $flags = $flags -bor [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.WorkItemCopyFlags]::CopyLinks

        $copy = $wi.Copy($witd, $flags)

        if(-not $SkipSave)

        if ($Passthru -eq 'Original')
            return $wi
        if($Passthru -eq 'Copy')
            return $copy
    Gets the contents of one or more work items.
    Specifies either the name of the Team Project or a previously initialized Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.Project object to connect to. If omitted, it defaults to the connection opened by Connect-TfsTeamProject (if any).
For more details, see the Get-TfsTeamProject cmdlet.
.PARAMETER Collection
    Specifies either a URL/name of the Team Project Collection to connect to, or a previously initialized TfsTeamProjectCollection object.
When using a URL, it must be fully qualified. The format of this string is as follows:
Valid values for the Transport segment of the URI are HTTP and HTTPS. If you specify a connection URI with a Transport segment, but do not specify a port, the session is created with standards ports: 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS.
To connect to a Team Project Collection by using its name, a TfsConfigurationServer object must be supplied either via -Server argument or via a previous call to the Connect-TfsConfigurationServer cmdlet.
For more details, see the Get-TfsTeamProjectCollection cmdlet.

Function Get-TfsWorkItem
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="Query by text")]
        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="Query by revision")]
        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="Query by date")]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Query by revision")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="Query by date")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="Query by WIQL")]

        # [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="Query by filter")]
        # [string[]]
        # $Fields,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="Query by filter")]

        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="Query by text")]




        #_ImportRequiredAssembly -AssemblyName 'Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client'

        if ($Project)
            $tp = Get-TfsTeamProject -Project $Project -Collection $Collection
            $tpc = $tp.Store.TeamProjectCollection
            $store = $tp.Store
            $tpc = Get-TfsTeamProjectCollection -Collection $Collection
            $store = $tpc.GetService([type]'Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.WorkItemStore')

        if ($WorkItem -is [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.WorkItem])
            if ((-Not $Revision) -and (-Not $AsOf))
                return $WorkItem

            "Query by revision" {
                return _GetWorkItemByRevision $WorkItem $Revision $store

            "Query by date" {
                return _GetWorkItemByDate $WorkItem $AsOf $store

            "Query by text" {
                $localMacros = @{TfsQueryText=$Text}
                $Wiql = "SELECT * FROM WorkItems WHERE [System.Title] CONTAINS @TfsQueryText OR [System.Description] CONTAINS @TfsQueryText"
                return _GetWorkItemByWiql $Wiql $localMacros $tp $store 

            "Query by filter" {
                $Wiql = "SELECT * FROM WorkItems WHERE $Filter"
                return _GetWorkItemByWiql $Wiql $Macros $tp $store 

            "Query by WIQL" {
                _Log "Get-TfsWorkItem: Running query by WIQL. Query: $Query"
                return _GetWorkItemByWiql $Query $Macros $tp $store 

            "Query by saved query" {
                return _GetWorkItemBySavedQuery $StoredQueryPath $Macros $tp $store 

Function _GetWorkItemByRevision($WorkItem, $Revision, $store)
    if ($WorkItem -is [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.WorkItem])
        $ids = @($WorkItem.Id)
    elseif ($WorkItem -is [int])
        $ids = @($WorkItem)
    elseif ($WorkItem -is [int[]])
        $ids = $WorkItem
        throw "Invalid work item ""$WorkItem"". Supply either a WorkItem object or one or more integer ID numbers"

    if ($Revision -is [int] -and $Revision -gt 0)
        foreach($id in $ids)
            $store.GetWorkItem($id, $Revision)
    elseif ($Revision -is [int[]])
        if ($ids.Count -ne $Revision.Count)
            throw "When supplying a list of IDs and Revisions, both must have the same number of elements"
        for($i = 0; $i -le $ids.Count-1; $i++)
            $store.GetWorkItem($ids[$i], $Revision[$i])
        foreach($id in $ids)

Function _GetWorkItemByDate($WorkItem, $AsOf, $store)
    if ($WorkItem -is [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.WorkItem])
        $ids = @($WorkItem.Id)
    elseif ($WorkItem -is [int])
        $ids = @($WorkItem)
    elseif ($WorkItem -is [int[]])
        $ids = $WorkItem
        throw "Invalid work item ""$WorkItem"". Supply either a WorkItem object or one or more integer ID numbers"

    if ($AsOf -is [datetime[]])
        if ($ids.Count -ne $AsOf.Count)
            throw "When supplying a list of IDs and Changed Dates (AsOf), both must have the same number of elements"
        for($i = 0; $i -le $ids.Count-1; $i++)
            $store.GetWorkItem($ids[$i], $AsOf[$i])
        foreach($id in $ids)
            $store.GetWorkItem($id, $AsOf)

Function _GetWorkItemByWiql($QueryText, $Macros, $Project, $store)
    if ($QueryText -notlike 'select*')
        $q = Get-TfsWorkItemQuery -Query $QueryText -Project $Project

        if (-not $q)
            throw "Work item query '$QueryText' is invalid or non-existent."

        if ($q.Count -gt 1)
            throw "Ambiguous query name '$QueryText'. $($q.Count) queries were found matching the specified name/pattern:`n`n - " + ($q -join "`n - ")

        $QueryText = $q.QueryText

    if (-not $Macros -and (($QueryText -match "@project") -or ($QueryText -match "@me")))
        $Macros = @{}

    if ($QueryText -match "@project")
        if (-not $Project)
            $Project = Get-TfsTeamProject -Current

        if (-not $Macros.ContainsKey("Project"))
            $Macros["Project"] = $Project.Name

    if ($QueryText -match "@me")
        $user = $null
        $store.TeamProjectCollection.GetAuthenticatedIdentity([ref] $user)
        $Macros["Me"] = $user.DisplayName

    _Log "Get-TfsWorkItem: Running query $QueryText"

    $wis = $store.Query($QueryText, $Macros)

    # foreach($wi in $wis)
    # {
    # if($Fields)
    # {
    # foreach($f in $Fields)
    # {
    # $wi | Add-Member -Name (_GetEncodedFieldName $f.ReferenceName) -MemberType ScriptProperty -Value `
    # {$f.Value}.GetNewClosure() `
    # {param($Value) $f.Value = $Value}.GetNewClosure()
    # }
    # }
    # }

    return $wis
Function Move-TfsWorkItem
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true, ConfirmImpact='High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)]






        #_ImportRequiredAssembly -AssemblyName 'Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client'
        #_ImportRequiredAssembly -AssemblyName 'Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.WebApi'

        $wi = Get-TfsWorkItem -WorkItem $WorkItem -Collection $Collection

        $targetTp = Get-TfsTeamProject -Project $Destination -Collection $Collection
        $tpc = $targetTp.Store.TeamProjectCollection
        if ($Area)
            $targetArea = Get-TfsArea $Area -Project $targetTp

            if (-not $targetArea)
                if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Team Project '$($targetTp.Name)'", "Create area path '$Area'"))
                    $targetArea = New-TfsArea $Area -Project $targetTp -Passthru

            _Log "Moving to area $($targetTp.Name)$($targetArea.RelativePath)"
            _Log 'Area not informed. Moving to root iteration.'
            $targetArea = Get-TfsArea '' -Project $targetTp

        if ($Iteration)
            $targetIteration = Get-TfsIteration $Iteration -Project $targetTp

            if (-not $targetIteration)
                if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Team Project '$($targetTp.Name)'", "Create iteration path '$Iteration'"))
                    $targetIteration = New-TfsIteration $Iteration -Project $targetTp -Passthru

            _Log "Moving to iteration $($targetTp.Name)$($targetIteration.RelativePath)"
            _Log 'Iteration not informed. Moving to root iteration.'
            $targetIteration = Get-TfsIteration '' -Project $targetTp

        $targetArea = "$($targetTp.Name)$($targetArea.RelativePath)"
        $targetIteration = "$($targetTp.Name)$($targetIteration.RelativePath)"

        $patch = _GetJsonPatchDocument @(
                Operation = 'Add';
                Path = '/fields/System.TeamProject';
                Value = $targetTp.Name
                Operation = 'Add';
                Path = "/fields/System.AreaPath";
                Value = $targetArea
                Operation = 'Add';
                Path = "/fields/System.IterationPath";
                Value = $targetIteration

        if ($State)
            $patch.Add( @{
                Operation = 'Add';
                Path = '/fields/System.State';
                Value = $State

        if ($History)
            $patch.Add( @{
                Operation = 'Add';
                Path = '/fields/System.History';
                Value = $History

        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($wi.WorkItemType) $($wi.Id) ('$($wi.Title)')", 
            "Move work item to team project '$($targetTp.Name)' under area path " +
            "'$($targetArea)' and iteration path '$($targetIteration)'"))
            $client = _GetRestClient 'Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.WebApi.WorkItemTrackingHttpClient' -Collection $tpc
            $task = $client.UpdateWorkItemAsync($patch, $wi.Id)

            $result = $task.Result; if($task.IsFaulted) { throw 'Error moving work item' + ": $($task.Exception.InnerExceptions | ForEach-Object {$_.ToString()})" }

            return Get-TfsWorkItem $result.Id -Collection $tpc
    Creates a new work item in a team project.
    Represents the name of the work item type to create.
    Specifies a Title field of new work item type that will be created.
    Specifies the fields that are changed and the new values to give to them.
    FieldN The name of a field to update.
    ValueN The value to set on the fieldN.
    Specifies either the name of the Team Project or a previously initialized Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.Project object to connect to. If omitted, it defaults to the connection opened by Connect-TfsTeamProject (if any).
For more details, see the Get-TfsTeamProject cmdlet.
.PARAMETER Collection
    Specifies either a URL/name of the Team Project Collection to connect to, or a previously initialized TfsTeamProjectCollection object.
When using a URL, it must be fully qualified. The format of this string is as follows:
Valid values for the Transport segment of the URI are HTTP and HTTPS. If you specify a connection URI with a Transport segment, but do not specify a port, the session is created with standards ports: 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS.
To connect to a Team Project Collection by using its name, a TfsConfigurationServer object must be supplied either via -Server argument or via a previous call to the Connect-TfsConfigurationServer cmdlet.
For more details, see the Get-TfsTeamProjectCollection cmdlet.
    New-TfsWorkItem -Type Task -Title "Task 1" -Project "MyTeamProject"
    This example creates a new Work Item on Team Project "MyTeamProject".

Function New-TfsWorkItem
    [CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact='Medium', SupportsShouldProcess=$true)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true, Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]







        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Type, 'Create work item of specified type'))
            $wit = Get-TfsWorkItemType -Type $Type -Project $Project -Collection $Collection

            $wi = $wit.NewWorkItem()

            if ($Title)
                $wi.Title = $Title

            foreach($field in $Fields)
                $wi.Fields[$field.Key] = $field.Value

            if (-not $SkipSave.IsPresent)

            if ($Passthru)
                return $wi
    Deletes a work item from a team project collection.
.PARAMETER Collection
    Specifies either a URL/name of the Team Project Collection to connect to, or a previously initialized TfsTeamProjectCollection object.
When using a URL, it must be fully qualified. The format of this string is as follows:
Valid values for the Transport segment of the URI are HTTP and HTTPS. If you specify a connection URI with a Transport segment, but do not specify a port, the session is created with standards ports: 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS.
To connect to a Team Project Collection by using its name, a TfsConfigurationServer object must be supplied either via -Server argument or via a previous call to the Connect-TfsConfigurationServer cmdlet.
For more details, see the Get-TfsTeamProjectCollection cmdlet.

Function Remove-TfsWorkItem
    [CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact="High", SupportsShouldProcess=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]


        $ids = @()

        foreach($wi in $WorkItem)
            if ($WorkItem -is [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.WorkItem])
                $id = $WorkItem.Id
            elseif ($WorkItem -is [int])
                $id = $WorkItem
                throw "Invalid work item ""$WorkItem"". Supply either a WorkItem object or one or more integer ID numbers"

            if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($wi.WorkItemType) $id ('$($wi.Title)')", "Remove work item"))
                $ids += $id

        if ($ids.Count -gt 0)
            $tpc = Get-TfsTeamProjectCollection $Collection
            $store = $tpc.GetService([type] "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.WorkItemStore")

            $errors = $store.DestroyWorkItems([int[]] $ids)
            if ($errors -and ($errors.Count -gt 0))
                $errors | Write-Error "Error $($_.Id): $($_.Exception.Message)"

                throw "Error destroying one or more work items"
Sets the contents of one or more work items.
Leaves the work item in a "dirty" (unsaved) state, by not calling its Save() method. It is useful for when subsequents changes need to be made to the work item object before saving it. In that case, it is up to the user to later invoke the Save() method on the work item object to persist the changes.
Specifies either the name of the Team Project or a previously initialized Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.Project object to connect to. If omitted, it defaults to the connection opened by Connect-TfsTeamProject (if any).
For more details, see the Get-TfsTeamProject cmdlet.
.PARAMETER Collection
Specifies either a URL/name of the Team Project Collection to connect to, or a previously initialized TfsTeamProjectCollection object.
When using a URL, it must be fully qualified. The format of this string is as follows:
Valid values for the Transport segment of the URI are HTTP and HTTPS. If you specify a connection URI with a Transport segment, but do not specify a port, the session is created with standards ports: 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS.
To connect to a Team Project Collection by using its name, a TfsConfigurationServer object must be supplied either via -Server argument or via a previous call to the Connect-TfsConfigurationServer cmdlet.
For more details, see the Get-TfsTeamProjectCollection cmdlet.

Function Set-TfsWorkItem
    [CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact='Medium', SupportsShouldProcess=$true)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true, Position=0)]





        if ($WorkItem -is [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.WorkItem])
            $tpc = $WorkItem.Store.TeamProjectCollection
            $id = $WorkItem.Id
            $tpc = Get-TfsTeamProjectCollection -Collection $Collection
            $id = (Get-TfsWorkItem -WorkItem $WorkItem -Collection $Collection).Id

        if ($BypassRules)
            $store = New-Object 'Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.WorkItemStore' -ArgumentList $tpc, [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.WorkItemStoreFlags]::BypassRules
            $store = $tpc.GetService([type]'Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.WorkItemStore')

        $wi = $store.GetWorkItem($id)

        $Fields = _FixAreaIterationValues -Fields $Fields -ProjectName $wi.Project.Name

        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Set work item fields $($Fields.Keys -join ', ') to $($Fields.Values -join ', '), respectively"))
            foreach($fldName in $Fields.Keys)
                $wi.Fields[$fldName].Value = $Fields[$fldName]

            if(-not $SkipSave)
        return $wi
Function _FixAreaIterationValues([hashtable] $Fields, $ProjectName)
    if ($Fields.ContainsKey('System.AreaPath') -and ($Fields['System.AreaPath'] -notmatch "'\\?$ProjectName\\.+'"))
        $Fields['System.AreaPath'] = ("$ProjectName\$($Fields['System.AreaPath'])" -replace '\\', '\')

    if ($Fields.ContainsKey('System.IterationPath') -and ($Fields['System.IterationPath'] -notmatch "'\\?$ProjectName\\.+'"))
        $Fields['System.IterationPath'] = ("$ProjectName\$($Fields['System.IterationPath'])" -replace '\\', '\')
    return $Fields

Function _GetEscapedFieldName([string] $fieldName)
    $fieldName = $fieldName.Trim()

    if(-not $fieldName.StartsWith('['))
        $fieldName = '[' + $fieldName

    if(-not $fieldName.EndsWith(']'))
        $fieldName += ']'

    return $fieldName

Function _GetEncodedFieldName([string] $fieldName)
    return $fieldName.Trim(' ', '[', ']') -replace '[/W]', '_'