
Function Add-TfsTeamAdmin
        # Specifies the board name(s). Wildcards accepted




        $t = Get-TfsTeam -Team $Team -Project $Project -Collection $Collection; if ($t.Count -ne 1) {throw "Invalid or non-existent team '$Team'."}; if($t.ProjectName) {$Project = $t.ProjectName}; $tp = Get-TfsTeamProject -Project $Project -Collection $Collection; if (-not $tp -or ($tp.Count -ne 1)) {throw "Invalid or non-existent team project $Project."}; $tpc = $tp.Store.TeamProjectCollection

        $id = Get-TfsIdentity -Identity $Identity -Collection $tpc

        $client = _GetRestClient 'TfsCmdlets.TeamAdminHttpClient' -Collection $tpc

        _Log "Adding $($id.IdentityType) '$($id.DisplayName) ($($id.Properties['Account']))' to team '$($t.Name)'"

        if(-not $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($t.Name, "Add administrator '$($id.DisplayName) ($($id.Properties['Account']))'"))

        return $client.AddTeamAdmin($tp.Name, $t.Id, $id.Id)
Function Get-TfsTeamAdmin
        # Specifies the board name(s). Wildcards accepted
        $Identity = '*',




        if($Team -is [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Core.WebApi.WebApiTeam])
            $Project = $Team.ProjectId

        $t = Get-TfsTeam -Team $Team -Project $Project -Collection $Collection -IncludeMembers

        $tpc = Get-TfsTeamProjectCollection -Collection $Collection; if (-not $tpc -or ($tpc.Count -ne 1)) {throw "Invalid or non-existent team project collection $Collection."}

        _Log "Returning team admins from team '$($t.Name)'"

        foreach($member in $t.Members)
            if(-not $member.IsTeamAdmin)

            $i = Get-TfsIdentity -Identity $member.Identity.Id -Collection $Collection

            if (($i.DisplayName -like $Identity) -or ($i.Properties['Account'] -like $Identity))
                Write-Output $i | `
                    Add-Member -Name TeamId -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $t.Id -PassThru | `
                    Add-Member -Name ProjectId -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $t.ProjectId -PassThru
Function Remove-TfsTeamAdmin
        # Specifies the board name(s). Wildcards accepted




        if($Identity.TeamId -and $Identity.ProjectId)
            $Project = $Identity.ProjectId 
            $t = Get-TfsTeam -Team $Identity.TeamId -Project $Project -Collection $Collection
            $tp = Get-TfsTeamProject -Project $Project -Collection $Collection; if (-not $tp -or ($tp.Count -ne 1)) {throw "Invalid or non-existent team project $Project."}; $tpc = $tp.Store.TeamProjectCollection
            $t = Get-TfsTeam -Team $Team -Project $Project -Collection $Collection; if ($t.Count -ne 1) {throw "Invalid or non-existent team '$Team'."}; if($t.ProjectName) {$Project = $t.ProjectName}; $tp = Get-TfsTeamProject -Project $Project -Collection $Collection; if (-not $tp -or ($tp.Count -ne 1)) {throw "Invalid or non-existent team project $Project."}; $tpc = $tp.Store.TeamProjectCollection

        $id = Get-TfsIdentity -Identity $Identity -Collection $tpc

        $client = _GetRestClient 'TfsCmdlets.TeamAdminHttpClient' -Collection $tpc

        _Log "Removing $($id.IdentityType) '$($id.DisplayName) ($($id.Properties['Account']))' from team '$($t.Name)'"

        if(-not $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($t.Name, "Remove administrator '$($id.DisplayName) ($($id.Properties['Account']))'"))

        if(-not ([bool] $client.RemoveTeamAdmin($tp.Name, $t.Id, $id.Id).success))
            throw 'Error removing team administrator'