
function Get-TssFolderState {
    Get details on a Folder
    Get details on allowed actions (create subfolders, edit folder, add secret, etc.) and templates of a Folder
    $session = New-TssSession -SecretServer https://alpha -Credential $ssCred
    Get-TssFolderState -TssSession $session -Id 482
    Returns details on Folder ID 482, if no access to folder will throw API exception
    $session = New-TssSession -SecretServer https://alpha -Credential $ssCred
    Get-TssFolderState -TssSession $session -Id 482 -NoException
    Returns details on Folder ID 482, if no access to folder will return no results
    Requires TssSession object returned by New-TssSession

    param (
        # TssSession object created by New-TssSession for authentication
        [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipeline,Position = 0)]

        # Folder ID
        [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,Position = 1)]

        # Return empty result instead of access denied exception
    begin {
        $tssParams = $PSBoundParameters
        $invokeParams = . $GetInvokeApiParams $TssSession
    process {
        Write-Verbose "Provided command parameters: $(. $GetInvocation $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation)"
        if ($tssParams.ContainsKey('TssSession') -and $TssSession.IsValidSession()) {
            . $CheckVersion $TssSession '10.9.000000' $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation
            foreach ($folder in $Id) {
                $restResponse = $null
                $uri = $TssSession.ApiUrl, 'folder-details', $folder -join '/'

                if ($tssParams.ContainsKey('NoException')) {
                    $uri = $uri, "returnEmptyInsteadOfNoAccessException=$([boolean]$NoException)" -join '?'
                $invokeParams.Uri = $uri
                $invokeParams.Method = 'GET'

                Write-Verbose "Performing the operation $($invokeParams.Method) $uri"
                try {
                    $apiResponse = Invoke-TssApi @invokeParams
                    $restResponse = . $ProcessResponse $apiResponse
                } catch {
                    Write-Warning "Issue getting folder details on folder [$folder]"
                    $err = $_
                    . $ErrorHandling $err

                if ($restResponse) {
        } else {
            Write-Warning "No valid session found"