
function Test-TssSession {
    Test TssSession object

    Test TssSession object

    $session = New-TssSession -SecretServer https://alpha -Credential $ssCred
    Test-TssSession -TssSession $session -Session

    Test that the session is Valid

    $session = New-TssSession -SecretServer https://alpha -Credential $ssCred
    Test-TssSession -TssSession $session -Ttl 5

    Test if TimeOfDeath for the session is less than or equal 5 minutes, returns false if it is, otherwise true

    $session = New-TssSession -SecretServer https://alpha -Credential $ssCred
    Test-TssSession -TssSession $session -Token

    Verifies the token is valid



    Requires TssSession object returned by New-TssSession

    param (
        # TssSession object created by New-TssSession for authentication
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, Position = 0)]

        # Test for a valid Session object, verifies following:
        # AccessToken has a value
        # StartTime property is set on the object
        # If TokenType is SdkClient or WindowsAuth will always return true

        # Test for a valid token, verifies following:
        # AccessToken has a value
        # TimeOfDeath is greater than current time
        # If TokenType is SdkClient, Windows Auth, or ExternalToken will always return true

        # Check token TTL (time-to-live), provide value in minutes
        # Returns true if TotalMinutes <= (Get-Date).AddMinutes(<Ttl value>), else false.
    begin {
        $tssParams = $PSBoundParameters
    process {
        if ($tssParams.ContainsKey('Session')) {
        if ($tssParams.ContainsKey('Token')) {
        if ($tssParams.ContainsKey('Ttl')) {