
$tokenUri = "https://api.timecockpit.com/token";
$baseUrl = "https://api.timecockpit.com/odata";

Connects to TimeCockpit.
Name of User to connect to Timecockpit to
Password of user to connect to Timecockpit to

function Connect-TC
    ) #end param
    $webclient = new-object System.Net.WebClient
    $webclient.Credentials = new-object System.Net.NetworkCredential($Username, $Password)
    $script:token = $webclient.DownloadString($tokenUri)

Adds a country to Timecockpit.
2 Digits ISO Code of the country
.PARAMETER CountryName
Name of the country

function Add-TCCountry
    ) #end param

    if(!$script:token) { throw "Authenticate using Connect-TC"; }
    $bodyAsJson = ConvertTo-JSON( @{ APP_CountryName=${CountryName}; APP_IsoCode=${IsoCode}; });

    return $(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "${baseUrl}/APP_Country" -Method Post -Body $bodyAsJson -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" -Headers @{Authorization=("Bearer {0}" -f $script:token)});

Returns customers from Timecockpit.
All parameters are optional filters. Executing with no parameter returns all customers.
Code of Timecockpit-Customer to filter for
Uuid of Timecockpit-Customer to filter for

function Get-TCCustomer
    ) #end param

    if(!$script:token) { throw "Authenticate using Connect-TC"; }
    $uri = "${baseUrl}/APP_Customer()";
    $filterParams = @{};
    if($code) { $filterParams.Add("APP_Code", $Code); }
    if($uuid) { $filterParams.Add("APP_CustomerUuid", $Uuid); }

    if($filterParams.Count -gt 0) { $uri = "${uri}?`$filter=$(CreateFilter($filterParams))"; }
    return $(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Get -Headers @{Authorization=("Bearer {0}" -f $script:token)}).value;

Returns projects from Timecockpit.
All parameters are optional filters. Executing with no parameter returns all projects.
.PARAMETER CustomerCode
Code of Timecockpit-Customer to filter projects for
.PARAMETER CustomerUuid
Uuid of Timecockpit-Customer to filter projects for
Code of Timecockpit-Project to filter projects for
Uuid of Timecockpit-Customer to filter projects for
By default only open projects are returned. (Closed=False) Set to null to return closed and open projects.

function Get-TCProject
    ) #end param

    if(!$script:token) { throw "Authenticate using Connect-TC"; }
    $uri = "${baseUrl}/APP_Project()";
    $filterParams = @{};
    if($CustomerCode) { $filterParams.Add("APP_Customer/APP_Code", $CustomerCode); }
    if($CustomerUuid) { $filterParams.Add("APP_Customer/APP_CustomerUuid", $CustomerUuid); }
    if($Code) { $filterParams.Add("APP_Code", $Code); }
    if($Uuid) { $filterParams.Add("APP_ProjectUuid", $Uuid); }
    if($Closed -ne $Null) { $filterParams.Add("APP_Closed", $Closed); }

    if($filterParams.Count -gt 0) { $uri = "${uri}?`$filter=$(CreateFilter($filterParams))"; }
    return $(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Get -Headers @{Authorization=("Bearer {0}" -f $script:token)}).value;

Adds a Task to a project.
Use Get-TCProject for receiving the Uuid of a project.
.PARAMETER ProjectUuid
Uuid of the project
The code of the task to add
.PARAMETER Description
The Description to set in the task

function Add-TCTask
       [string]$Description = ""
    ) #end param

    if(!$script:token) { throw "Authenticate using Connect-TC"; }
    $bodyAsJson = ConvertTo-JSON( @{ APP_ProjectUuid=${ProjectUuid}; APP_Code=${Code}; APP_Description=${Description} });

    return $(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "${baseUrl}/APP_Task" -Method Post -Body $bodyAsJson -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" -Headers @{Authorization=("Bearer {0}" -f $script:token)});

Returns tasks from a project.
All parameters are optional filters. Executing with no parameter returns all tasks.
Use Get-TCProject for receiving the Uuid of a project.
.PARAMETER ProjectUuid
Uuid of project to get tasks from
Code of the task
Uuid of the task

function Get-TCTask
   ) #end param

    if(!$script:token) { throw "Authenticate using Connect-TC"; }
    $uri = "${baseUrl}/APP_Task()";
    $filterParams = @{};
    if($ProjectUuid) { $filterParams.Add("APP_Project/APP_ProjectUuid", $ProjectUuid); }
    if($Code) { $filterParams.Add("APP_Code", $Code); }
    if($Uuid) { $filterParams.Add("APP_TaskUuid", $Uuid); }

    if($filterParams.Count -gt 0) { $uri = "${uri}?`$filter=$(CreateFilter($filterParams))"; }
    return $(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Get -Headers @{Authorization=("Bearer {0}" -f $script:token)}).value;

Modifies a Task
Uuid of the task to modify
Code to set in the task
.PARAMETER Description
Description to set in the task

function Edit-TCTask
    ) #end param

    if(!$script:token) { throw "Authenticate using Connect-TC"; }
    $body = @{};
    if($Code) { $body.Add("APP_Code", $Code); }
    if($Description) { $body.Add("APP_Description", $Description); }
    if($Closed -ne $Null) { $body.Add("APP_Closed", $Closed); }
    $bodyAsJson = ConvertTo-Json($body);
    Write-Host $bodyAsJson;
    return $(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "${baseUrl}/APP_Task(guid'${Uuid}')" -Method Patch -Body $bodyAsJson -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" -Headers @{Authorization=("Bearer {0}" -f $script:token)});

Closes a Task
If the task is already closed, no error is created, its just kept open.
Uuid of the task to close

function Close-TCTask
    ) #end param

    if(!$script:token) { throw "Authenticate using Connect-TC"; }
    $body = "{ 'APP_Closed' : 1 }";

    return $(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "${baseUrl}/APP_Task(guid'${Uuid}')" -Method Patch -Body $body -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" -Headers @{Authorization=("Bearer {0}" -f $script:token)});

Opens a Task
If the task is already open, no error is created, its just kept open.
Uuid of the task to open

function Open-TCTask
    ) #end param

    if(!$script:token) { throw "Authenticate using Connect-TC"; }
    $body = "{ 'APP_Closed' : 0 }";

    return $(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "${baseUrl}/APP_Task(guid'${Uuid}')" -Method Patch -Body $body -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" -Headers @{Authorization=("Bearer {0}" -f $script:token)});

#Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Connect-TC';
#Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Get-TCCustomer';
#Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Get-TCProject';
#Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-TCCountry';
#Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-TCTask';
#Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Get-TCTask';
#Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Edit-TCTask';
#Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Close-TCTask';

function CreateFilter($parameters)
    $first = $True;
    foreach($parameter in $parameters.Keys)
        $value = $parameters[$parameter];
        if(!$First) { $filter = "${filter} and "; } 
        if($value.GetType() -eq [string]) { $filter = "${filter}${parameter} eq '${value}'"; }
        elseif($value.GetType() -eq [Guid]) { $filter = "${filter}${parameter} eq guid'${value}'"; }
        elseif($value.GetType() -eq [Boolean]) { $filter = "${filter}${parameter} eq $(([string]$value).ToLower())"; }
        else { $filter = "${filter}${parameter} eq ${value}"; }

        $First = $False;
    return $filter;