
        Created with: SAPIEN Technologies, Inc., PowerShell Studio 2016 v5.2.119
        Created on: 4/12/2016 1:11 PM
        Created by: June Blender
        Organization: SAPIEN Technologies, Inc
        Filename: *.Help.Tests.ps1
    To test help for the commands in a module, place this file in the module folder.
    To test any module from any path, use https://github.com/juneb/PesterTDD/Module.Help.Tests.ps1

#Requires -Module Pester

$ModuleBase = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path

# Handles modules in version directories
$leaf = Split-Path $ModuleBase -Leaf
$parent = Split-Path $ModuleBase -Parent
$parsedVersion = $null
if ([System.Version]::TryParse($leaf, [ref]$parsedVersion))
    $ModuleName = Split-Path $parent -Leaf
    $ModuleName = $leaf

# Removes all versions of the module from the session before importing
Get-Module $ModuleName | Remove-Module

# Because ModuleBase includes version number, this imports the required version
# of the module
$Module = Import-Module $ModuleBase\$ModuleName.psm1 -PassThru -ErrorAction Stop
$commands = Get-Command -Module $module

## When testing help, remember that help is cached at the beginning of each session.
## To test, restart session.

foreach ($command in $commands)
    $commandName = $command.Name
    Describe "Test help for $commandName" {
        # If help is not found, synopsis in auto-generated help is the syntax diagram
        It "should not be auto-generated" {
            (Get-Help $command -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Synopsis | Should Not BeLike '*`[`<CommonParameters`>`]*'
        # Should be a description for every function
        It "gets description for $commandName" {
            (Get-Help $command -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Description | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
        # Should be at least one example
        It "gets example code from $commandName" {
            ((Get-Help $command -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Examples.Example | Select-Object -First 1).Code | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
        # Should be at least one example description
        It "gets example help from $commandName" {
            ((Get-Help $command -Full -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Examples.Example.Remarks | Select-Object -First 1).Text | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
        Context "Test parameter help for $commandName" {
            $Common = 'Debug', 'ErrorAction', 'ErrorVariable', 'InformationAction', 'InformationVariable', 'OutBuffer', 'OutVariable',
            'PipelineVariable', 'Verbose', 'WarningAction', 'WarningVariable'
            $parameterNames = (Get-Command $command).ParameterSets.Parameters.Name | Sort-Object -Unique | Where-Object { $_ -notin $common }
            foreach ($parameterName in $parameterNames)
                # Should be a description for every parameter
                It "gets help for parameter: $parameterName" {
                    (Get-Help $command -Parameter $parameterName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Description.Text | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty