
function Get-BackendHelp {
        Get help for a specific backend
        Get help for a specific backend
        What to look for:
        * The backend description, and individual parameter notes should
          indicate which parameters are used in the BackendConfig
        * Backend specific notes on parameters and their default values
        Backend help is only intended to give you an idea of how Get, Set,
        New, and Remove-Note will behave. Do not use the Backend script
        outside of these abstractions
        Backend name. e.g. File
    .PARAMETER Action
        Get help for this action for the specified backend name - Get, Set, New, or Remove

        [validateset('Get', 'Set', 'New', 'Remove', '*')]$Action = '*',
    if(-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Name')){
        Write-Warning "No name specified. Valid names:`n$()$($Script:BackendHash.Keys | Out-String)"
    $Backend = $Script:BackendHash.$Name
    foreach($Verb in 'Get', 'Set', 'New', 'Remove'){
        if($Verb -like  $Action){
            Write-Verbose "Getting help for [$Verb] [$Name] with path [$($Backend.$Verb)]"
            Get-Help $Backend.$Verb -Detailed