
        Create notes from the File backend
        Create notes from the File backend
        BackEndConfig Parameters:
            RootPath. Path to notes. All notes get a filename pstf-$id
        New: ID for a new note. Defaults to randomly generated GUID
        The data for the note. We serialize with Export-Clixml, so objects are supported
        Tags are a way to tag or classify a note for searching or organizational purposes
    .PARAMETER UpdatedBy
        UpdatedBy for a new note. Defaults to $ENV:USERNAME
    .PARAMETER RelatedIDs
        These are a set of IDs a note is related to. We do no validation, so you could repurpose this
    .PARAMETER Force
        If a note with the same ID exists, overwrite it
    .PARAMETER Source
        Where did this note come from? Defaults to full path to note
    .PARAMETER RootPath
        BackEndConfig parameter specifiying a path to notes
        All notes get a filename pstf-$id
    .PARAMETER Passthru
        Return the new note

if(-not $RootPath){
    throw "RootPath required for now"
if(-not (Test-Path $RootPath)){
    throw "RootPath [$RootPath] does not exist. Create it first"
if(-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('UpdatedBy')){
    $UpdatedBy = $env:USERNAME

$FileName = '{0}-{1}' -f 'pstf', ($ID -replace "^pstf-")
$NotePath = Join-Path $RootPath $FileName
if(-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Source')){
    $Source = $NotePath
if(Test-Path -Path $NotePath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue){
        Write-Verbose "Overwriting [$NotePath]"
    else {
        Write-Warning "Skipping [$ID]. [$NotePath] exists. Specify -Force to overwrite"
else {
    Write-Verbose "Creating [$NotePath]"
$Note = [pscustomobject]@{
    ID = $ID
    Data = $Data
    Tags = $Tags | Select-Object -Unique
    RelatedIDs = $RelatedIDs | Select-Object -Unique
    UpdatedBy = $UpdatedBy
    UpdateDate = Get-Date
    Source = $Source
$Note | Export-Clixml -Path $NotePath -Force