
Function Set-Note {
        Update a note

        Update a note

        Set-Note -TargetID 1 -Data 'new data'
        Change data on note with ID 1

        Get-Note -Tags tag2 | Set-Note -RemoveTag tag2 -AddTag tagtwo
        Replace all existing tag2 tags with tagtwo tags

        ID of the note to change

        Change the target note's ID to this

        Change the target note's Data to this

        Change the target note's tags to this

        Removes all existing tags. Use RemoveTag or AddTag for iterative changes

    .PARAMETER UpdatedBy
        Change the target note's UpdatedBy to this. Defaults to $ENV:USERNAME

        Add this to existing tags of the target note

    .PARAMETER RemoveTag
        Remove this to existing tags of the target note

    .PARAMETER RelatedIDs
        Change the target note's tags to this. Removes all existing RelatedIDs. Use RemoveRelatedID or AddRelatedID for iterative changes

    .PARAMETER AddRelatedID
        Add this to existing RelatedIDs of the target note

    .PARAMETER RemoveRelatedID
        Remove this from existing RelatedIDs of the target note

    .PARAMETER Source
        Change the target note's Source to this

    .PARAMETER Passthru
        Return newly created note
    .PARAMETER Backend
        Backend to use. Defaults to value from Set-TireFireConfig
    .PARAMETER BackendConfig
        Configurations specific to the selected backend. Defaults to value from Set-TireFireConfig

        See Get-BackendHelp for valid BackendConfig parameters

    [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'Medium')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
                   ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [string]$Backend = $Script:TireFireConfig.Backend,
        [hashtable]$BackendConfig = $Script:TireFireConfig.BackendConfig
    process {
        $Params = @{}
        Write-Output TargetID, NewID, Tags, AddTag, RemoveTag, Data, Source, UpdatedBy, RelatedIDs, AddRelatedID, RemoveRelatedID, Passthru | ForEach-Object {
            $Key = $_
                $Value = $PSBoundParameters[$Key]
                $Params.add($Key, $Value)
        foreach($Param in $BackendConfig.Keys){
            $Params.Add($Param, $BackendConfig[$Param])
        if(-not $Script:BackendHash.ContainsKey($Backend)){
            Throw "$Backend is not a valid backend. Valid backends:`n$($Script:BackendHash.keys | Out-String)"
        else {
            $BackendScript = $Script:BackendHash[$Backend].set
        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($TargetID, "Change Note with ID [$TargetID] on backend [$Backend]")) {
            . $BackendScript @Params