
Set-Variable -Name "DefaultCharSet" `
    -Value "abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ23465789#%&'()*+,-./[\]^_{}~" `
    -Option ReadOnly `
    -Visibility Private 
Function Convert-SecretToPassword() {
    Given a Secret object, return just the secret's value.


    Write-Debug "Attempting to convert secret's value to a password"
    If ($Secret) {
        If ($Key) {
            $SecureSecret = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $Secret.SecretValueText -SecureKey $Key
        } else {
            $SecureSecret = $Secret.SecretValue
        If ($AsPlainText) {
            return ([System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto(
        } else {
            return $SecureSecret

Function Get-TooManyPassword() {
Get a password out of an Azure Key Vault
Given the name of a secret, look for the first Secret & version in the Key Vault, and return its Value
Name of the secret value in tye key vault
Key used to encrypt password stored in the vault if stored cryptically
If flagged, will return the clear text value of the Secret instead of the SecureString version
PS> Get-TooManyPassword -Name "MyPWD"
Returns the value of the Secret MyPWD in the current Key Vault as a SecureString
    DynamicParam {
        $RuntimeParamDic  = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
        $StandardProps = @('Mandatory','ValueFromPipeline','ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName','ParameterSetName','Position')
        $Attrib = [ordered]@{
            'Name' = @{
                'AttribType' = [string]
                'Mandatory' = $true
                'ValueFromPipeline' = $true
                'ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName' = $true
                'ParameterSetName' = '__AllParameterSets'
                'Position' = 1
                'ValidSet' = (Get-TooManySecretList -UseVault)
        ForEach ($AttribName in $Attrib.Keys) {
            #[string]$AttribName = $Key.ToString()
            $ThisAttrib = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
            ForEach ($Prop in $StandardProps) {
                If ($null -ne $Attrib.$AttribName.$Prop) {
                    $ThisAttrib.$Prop = $Attrib.$AttribName.$Prop
            $ThisCollection = New-Object  System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]

            If ($Attrib.$AttribName.ValidSet) {
                $ThisValidation = New-Object  System.Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute($Attrib.$AttribName.ValidSet)

            $ThisRuntimeParam  = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter($AttribName,  $Attrib.$AttribName.AttribType, $ThisCollection)
            $RuntimeParamDic.Add($AttribName,  $ThisRuntimeParam)

        return  $RuntimeParamDic

Process {
    $Name = $PSBoundParameters.Name
    $Secret = Get-TooManySecret -Name $Name -ExcludeMetadata | Select-Object -First 1
    $Secret | Convert-SecretToPassword -AsPlainText:$AsPlainText -Key $Key 


Function Set-TooManyPassword() {
Set the password to a new value
Using either a SecureString or plain text, add a new version to a Secret in an Azure Key Vault. If a secret does
not exist with this name, a new one is created. A SecureString or clear String value will be returned. The
type returned is determined by the AsPlainText switch; if selected, a clear String is returned; otherwise, a
SecureString object is returned
TODO: More about parameter needed
TODO: More about parameter needed
.PARAMETER SecureValue
TODO: More about parameter needed
TODO: More about parameter needed
A 128-bit, 192-bit, or 256-bit key used to encrypted the value within the key vault. Must be in SecureString format.
If flagged, will return the clear text value of the Secret instead of the SecureString version
.PARAMETER DisablePrevious
TODO: More about parameter needed
PS> Set-TooManyPassword -Name "MyPWD" -Value "MyNewPWD"
Adds a new version to the MyPWD secret as MyNewPWD and returns that MyNewPWD in a SecureString object
        [Microsoft.Azure.Commands.KeyVault.Models.PSKeyVaultIdentityItem]$KeyVault = (Get-TooManyKeyVault),
    If ($DisablePrevious) {
        $OldSecret = Get-TooManySecret -Name $Name -ExcludeMetadata
        if ($OldSecret) {
            $OldSecret | Update-AzKeyVaultSecret -Enable:$false

    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
        "PlainText" { 
            $Secure = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $Value -AsPlainText -Force
            Set-TooManyPassword -Name $Name -SecureValue $Secure -AsPlainText:$AsPlainText -DisablePrevious:$DisablePrevious -KeyVault $KeyVault -Key $Key
        Default {
            If ($Key) {
                #If a seed key for value is supplied, convert the secure string to an encrypted value using the string
                $Encrypted = ConvertFrom-SecureString -SecureString $SecureValue -SecureKey $key
                #Then convert that encrypted value back to a SecureString for storage in the vault
                $SecureEncrypted = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $Encrypted -AsPlainText -Force
                $SecureValue = $SecureEncrypted
            $Secret = Set-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $KeyVault.VaultName -SecretValue  $SecureValue -Name $Name -NotBefore (Get-Date)
            If ($script:TMSSecretList.Names -notcontains $Name) {
                $script:TMSSecretList.Names += $Name
            $Secret | Convert-SecretToPassword -AsPlainText:$AsPlainText

Function New-TooManyPassword() {

    Set-TooManyPassword -Name $Name -SecureValue (Get-RandomPassword) -DisablePrevious:$DisablePrevious -AsPlainText:$ReturnPlainText


Function Get-TooManySecret() {
          [Microsoft.Azure.Commands.KeyVault.Models.PSKeyVaultIdentityItem]$KeyVault = (Get-TooManyKeyVault), 
        [parameter(ParameterSetName="Filtered")][switch]$Like=(-not $RegEx),
    DynamicParam {
        $RuntimeParamDic  = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
        $StandardProps = @('Mandatory','ValueFromPipeline','ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName','ParameterSetName','Position')
        $Attrib = [ordered]@{
            'Name' = @{
                'AttribType' = [string]
                'Mandatory' = $true
                'ValueFromPipeline' = $true
                'ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName' = $true
                'ParameterSetName' = 'Named'
                'Position' = 1
                'ValidSet' = (Get-TooManySecretList -UseVault)
        ForEach ($AttribName in $Attrib.Keys) {
            #[string]$AttribName = $Key.ToString()
            $ThisAttrib = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
            ForEach ($Prop in $StandardProps) {
                If ($null -ne $Attrib.$AttribName.$Prop) {
                    $ThisAttrib.$Prop = $Attrib.$AttribName.$Prop
            $ThisCollection = New-Object  System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]

            If ($Attrib.$AttribName.ValidSet) {
                $ThisValidation = New-Object  System.Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute($Attrib.$AttribName.ValidSet)

            $ThisRuntimeParam  = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter($AttribName,  $Attrib.$AttribName.AttribType, $ThisCollection)
            $RuntimeParamDic.Add($AttribName,  $ThisRuntimeParam)

        return  $RuntimeParamDic
Begin {

    If ($RegEx -or $Like) {
        $Secrets = $KeyVault | Get-AzKeyVaultSecret

Process {
    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {

        'Filtered' {
            If ($RegEx) {
                $FilteredSecrets = $Secrets | Where-Object { $_.Name -match $Filter }
            } else {
                $FilteredSecrets = $Secrets | Where-Object { $_.Name -like $Filter }
            ForEach ($Secret in $FilteredSecrets) {
                $DetailedSecret = $KeyVault | Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -Name $Secret.Name -IncludeVersions:$IncludeVersions
                If ($ExcludeMetadata) {
                } elseif ($IncludeVersions) {
                    $DetailedSecret | Add-TooManyMeta -Force
                } else  {
                    #Add-TooManyMeta -Secret $DetailedSecret -Force
                    $DetailedSecret | Add-TooManyMeta -Force
        Default {
            $Name = $PSBoundParameters.Name

            If ($Version -eq "") {
                $Secret = $KeyVault | Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -Name $Name -IncludeVersions:$IncludeVersions
            } else {
                $Secret = $KeyVault | Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -Name $Name -Version $Version

            If ($ExcludeMetadata) {
            } elseif ($Secret) {
                if ($IncludeVersions) {
                    $Secret | Add-TooManyMeta -Force 
                } else {
                    $Secret | Add-TooManyMeta -Force
End {


Function Test-TooManySecret {

    ((Get-TooManySecretList) -contains $name)

Function Set-TooManySecret() {
Process {
    $SetProperties = @{}
    ForEach ($Prop in $Property.Keys) { $SetProperties.$Prop = $Property.$Prop}

    ForEach ($ParamName in $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters.Keys) {
        $SetProperties.$ParamName = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters.$ParamName

    If ($Secret) {
        $Name = $Secret.Name
        $SetProperties.SecretID = $Secret.Id
        $MetaResult = Set-TooManyMeta -InputObject $Secret -Property $SetProperties -ImportTags:$ImportTags
    } else {
        If (Test-TooManySecret -Name $name) {
            $Secret = Get-TooManySecret -Name $Name
        } elseif ($Force) {
            $Secret = New-TooManySecret -Name $name -SecureValue $SecureValue -PassThru

        If ($Secret) {
            $SetProperties.SecretID = $Secret.Id
            $MetaResult = Set-TooManyMeta -Name $Name -Property $SetProperties

    If ($Secret) {
        If ($SecureValue) {
            Set-TooManyPassword -SecureValue $SecureValue -Name $Name -DisablePrevious:$DisablePrevious | Out-Null

        $SecretUpdate = $Secret | Update-TooManySecret

        If ($PassThru) {
            Get-TooManySecret -Name $Name


Function Update-TooManySecret() {

Process {
    $Secret | Update-AzKeyVaultSecret


Function Update-TooManySecretList {
        [Microsoft.Azure.Commands.KeyVault.Models.PSKeyVaultIdentityItem]$KeyVault = (Get-TooManyKeyVault),
Process {
    If (-not $script:TMSSecretList) {
        $script:TMSSecretList = [PSCustomObject]@{
            Names = @()
            Meta = @()
            LastUpdateTime = (Get-Date)
        $script:TMSSecretList | Add-Member ScriptProperty Age { ((Get-Date) - $this.LastUpdateTime).TotalSeconds }
    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
        'ViaKeyVault' {
            If ($UseVault) {
                $script:TMSSecretList.Names = $KeyVault | Get-AzKeyVaultSecret | ForEach-Object { $_.Name }
                $script:TMSSecretList.Meta = @()
                $script:TMSSecretList.LastUpdateTime = (Get-Date)
        Default {
            $script:TMSSecretList.Meta = Get-TooManyMetaList -IncludeMetadata:$IncludeMetadata
            $script:TMSSecretList.Names = $script:TMSSecretList.Meta | ForEach-Object { $_.Name }
            $script:TMSSecretList.LastUpdateTime = (Get-Date)
Function Get-TooManySecretList() {
        [Microsoft.Azure.Commands.KeyVault.Models.PSKeyVaultIdentityItem]$KeyVault = (Get-TooManyKeyVault),
        [int]$MaxAge = 3600

Process {
    If (-not $Script:TMSSecretList -or ($Script:TMSSecretList.Age -ge $MaxAge)) {
        switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
            'ViaKeyVault' { Update-TooManySecretList -KeyVault $KeyVault -UseVault:$UseVault }
            Default { Update-TooManySecretList -KeyVault $KeyVault -IncludeMetadata:$IncludeMetadata }
    If ($IncludeMetadata) {
    } else {


Function New-TooManySecret() {
Process {
    try {
        $ExistingSecret = Get-TooManySecret -Name $Name 
    } catch {

    If ($ExistingSecret) {
        Write-Warning "Secret named [$Name] already exists."
    } else {
        If ($SecureValue) {
            Set-TooManyPassword -Name $Name -SecureValue $SecureValue -Key $Key | Out-Null
        } else {
            New-TooManyPassword -Name $Name | Out-Null
        If ($PassThru) { Get-TooManySecret -Name $Name }

Function Get-TooManySecretProperty() {


Function Set-TooManySecretyProperty() {


Function Get-RandomPassword() {

    Write-Debug "Charset: $charset"
    If ($AllANSI) {
        $CharSet += 33..126 | ForEach-Object{ [char]$_ }
        $CharSet = $CharSet | Select-Object -Unique

    If ($AsPlainText) {
        $Length = Get-Random -Minimum $MinLength -Maximum $MaxLength+1
        $LastChar = ""
        ( 1..$Length | ForEach-Object {
            do { 
                $ThisChar = Get-Random -InputObject $charSet -Count 1
            } until ((-not $NoConsecutive) -or ($thisChar -cne $lastChar))
            If ($NoConsecutive) { $lastChar = $thisChar }
        } ) -join ""
        #(Get-Random -InputObject $charSet -Count (Get-Random -Minimum $MinLength -Maximum $MaxLength)) -join ""
    } else {
        ConvertTo-SecureString -String ((Get-Random -InputObject $charSet -Count (Get-Random -Minimum $MinLength -Maximum $MaxLength)) -join "") -AsPlainText -Force


Function Convert-TooManyKey() {
Convert a key to a secure string for encrypting values.
Changes a 128-bit, 192-bit, or 256-bit key into a secure string to be used for encrypting secret values in
the key vault. By default, all Secrets are stored securely with limited access in Azure. However, for those
people that require an added level to not be easily viewed in Azure, the secret can be stored with an Encrpted
value within the Secret in Azure
An string of either 16, 24, or 32 ASCII characters long
An array of bytes either 16, 24, or 32 in length
An array of ASCII characters either 16, 24, or 32 in length
A SecureString holding a string of 16, 24, or 32 ASCII characters long
PS> Convert-TooManyKey -StringKey "h|nD#iCDp8\}(Jqw"
Converts the given string to a secure string to be used for a key
PS> Convert-TooManyKey -ByteKey @(104, 124, 110, 68, 35, 105, 67, 68, 112, 56, 92, 125, 40, 74, 113, 119)
Converts the given byte array to a secure string to be used for a key
    $ValidKeyLengths = @(16,24,32)

    Switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
        "ByBytes" {
            Convert-TooManyKey -StringKey ([char[]]$ByteKey -join "")
        "ByString" {
            If ($ValidKeyLengths -contains $StringKey.Length) {
                $SecureKey = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $StringKey -AsPlainText -Force
            } else {
                Write-Error ("Key length invalid. Must be in one of these lengths: {0}-bits" -f (($ValidKeyLengths | ForEach-Object{ $_ * 8 }) -join "-bits, "))
        "ByChars" {
            Convert-TooManyKey -StringKey ($CharKey -join "")
        Default {}
    Return $SecureKey